Sam & Max Season DVDs for Mac

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
Will Mac editions of the Season Sets for Sam & Max Seasons One & Two DVDs be available after those Seasons are available for download for the Mac platform?


  • edited March 2010
    Whoah, slow down! We haven't even got the downloads yet! :P

    Seriously though, I doubt it. Considering how many people have the internet, it wouldn't be practical to make a DVD set for a four-year-old game.
  • edited March 2010
    mjallemand wrote: »
    Will Mac editions of the Season Sets for Sam & Max Seasons One & Two DVDs be available after those Seasons are available for download for the Mac platform?

    No plans to do it, unfortunately:
    I don't think there will be updated DVD's of older games. Somewhere (I can't find where), Will said they were interested, but that the cost was probably going to be too great.
    Will wrote: »
    What HumpsMcLovin said. We'd love to, but it's just not feasible.
  • edited March 2010
    Well snap crackle pop.
  • edited March 2010
    Don't that just put the "down" in "downloadable entertainment for Apple Macintoshes for low prices and gaming quality that can't be beat". I try to be succinct.
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