Max & Crossbones T-Shirt

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey guys (and gals) I was thinking about throwing a 'Max & Crossbones T-Shirt' in XL into my cart with my Monkey Island DVD and Sam&Max Season 3 pre-order but I was wondering just how big they are and if they are pre-shrunk. I'm 6'5/220lb's so I'm a fairly big/tall guy. You think it will fit me?


  • nikasaurnikasaur Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2010
    They were pretty large last I saw, I think it would fit'cha.
  • edited March 2010
    My Large-sized M&Xbones is 52cm-ish across the chest, if that helps.
  • edited March 2010
    Awesome! Thanks for the info guys. I think I'll get one! :D
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