sam and max to the moon

edited January 2007 in Sam & Max
it would be nice in one of the future episodes, sam and max took a trip to the moon or somewhere around the space? I think it would be so nice..... what do you think guys?


  • edited December 2006
    Sam & Max plunge through Space
    It was revealed that Justin Chin's company, Infinite Machine, was developing a console-exclusive action/adventure title starring Sam and Max during the middle months of 2001. In September the company confirmed it on their site and tossed up some tasty concept art by Steve Purcell, showing the dynamic duo exploring the far reaches of space. However, that was the last update made on Infinite Machine's official site. The following year we learned that the company had gone bankrupt following poor sales of its first release, New Legends...

    In a November 2005 interview with Steve Purcell that was held not long after Telltale Games acquired the Sam & Max rights, Purcell revealed a bit more about this title: It was actually based on a story I had written years before called Sam & Max Plunge Through Space. Sam & Max have to recover the stolen Statue of Liberty which they find parked in another galaxy and being used as a casino called Green Mama's. Then they are pulled into interplanetary intrigue with an evil despot and a mysterious hidden world where everyone resembles Max. We were breaking it down into an action/exploration/adventure game and I was pleased with where it was going.

    Purcell has said that he hopes to one day make the unused story into a comic.
  • MelMel
    edited December 2006
    They'd have to put the top up on the DeSoto. :D

    Smart aleck remark aside, that sounds like an awesome story! I really need to get to the used comic shop in town to see if they have any Sam&Max comics sometime...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2006
    Good luck, Mel, they're nearly impossible to find! Always worth trying though!

    Also, for those interested, there's some never before seen concept art from the Sam & Max in space story in the Sketchbook, including a giant flying Max head spaceship (or maybe asteroid, I can't tell?), and Sam in some sort of Mad Max (the movie, not the lagomorph) -inspired gigantic thumb-wrestling battle-mech.
  • edited December 2006
    You know, I really don't think this "smnmx" thing is going to catch on. It sounds like someone blowing snot.
  • edited December 2006
    i heard about that game, and the idea of Sam and max not being an adventure game just seemed... wrong... to me.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2006
    Sam & Max could work outside the adventure genre. When I first played GTA3 the first thing that came to mind was that that gameplay style would work really well, possibly better, as a Sam & Max game instead of as a semi-serious mafia simulator.

    But yeah, they do also obviously fit really well within the confines of a graphic adventure game.
  • edited December 2006
    I never thought I'd see Sam n' Max compared to GTA hahahaha.... But that would be a great idea, wish I knew how to make GTA mods :P
  • edited December 2006
    To the moon Alice! Bang, Zoom!!
  • edited December 2006
    any excuse to bust out the paper bag space helmets!
  • edited December 2006
    one can only hope the series goes on long enough to allow for such an episode.
  • edited December 2006
    So, let's see if I have this right...

    Sam and Max were supposed to go into space in Plunge Through Space. Then they were supposed to visit a space station in Freelance Police.

    I guess they must be destined to get into space in a game someday. Live up to your duty, Telltale! Send them to the MOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! :D

    (Though, on the other hand, a space level may be a Mark From The Gods (TM) that indicates upcoming cancellation of a Sam and Max game. Or something. ;) )
  • edited December 2006
    I think between the TV show and the comics, they've been to space enough times. Telltale making an episode where they go to the moon would be like if they made an episode involving Bigfoots.
    Besides, how could they travel through space now? The Desoto doesn't have a roof :p
  • aslasl
    edited December 2006
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    I think between the TV show and the comics, they've been to space enough times. Telltale making an episode where they go to the moon would be like if they made an episode involving Bigfoots.
    Besides, how could they travel through space now? The Desoto doesn't have a roof :p

    it is an adventure game after all ;-)
  • edited January 2007
    While each installment features a self-contained story, the episodes also reveal clues about an insidious foe that will challenge the crimefighting duo as never before in a truly out-of-this world season finale. The title of the season's epic concluding episode will be revealed in the coming months.

  • edited January 2007
    Isn't Sam and Max standing on the moon in one of the pictures in the office?
    I don't remember exactly but I think they did.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited January 2007
    That's a reference to the Sam & Max comic "Bad Day on the Moon."
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