Still Haven't Received Confirmation E-Mail To Allow Me Into S&M Forum.

edited March 2010 in Site Support
...and I have tried e-mailing you about the problem but haven't had any sort of reply apart from the automated response. I've heard the activation code comes in the "You've Bought Some Stuff!" E-mail, but, as I've said, I haven't received it yet. So, if there's any way you could please send me the E-mail within the next couple of days, then please do so. Oh, and by the way, I'm case 'issue-28572'.


  • edited March 2010
    check your email. I think the confirmation email was eaten by a spam or junk folder?
  • edited March 2010
    Cool, thanks loads! But, I'm afraid the e-mail you sent didn't actually include the confirmation code for the private forum. It reads "1.) You get access to a private forum where you can chat with the team that makes Sam & Max games possible. Join the discussion by clicking here.", but then it just goes straight onto "2.)" without any link provided. I really hate to bug you guys further, but is there any chance that I could somehow receive that code. Or is it impossible to send after my original e-mail was 'eaten'?
  • edited March 2010
    "Join the discussion by clicking here" *is* the link. Have you tried clicking it?
  • edited March 2010
    "Join the discussion by clicking here" *is* the link. Have you tried clicking it?

    No, because the e-mail sent to me was just a cut and paste of the contents of my actual e-mail, so there was no link. This is what the part of the e-mail looks like:

  • edited March 2010
    check your email again. I sent you the actual link.
  • edited March 2010
    Awesome, thank you so much for all of the help!
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