How does The Devil's Playhouse PS3 Preorder work?

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
Hi guys! I have a question. I'm a few hours away from going to the store and buy myself 2 PSN Cards, but I was thinking... Once you download the Pre order (which is 100kb based on what I read in another website) what happens? Do you get a file in your games folder, or is the 100kb file some sort of code sent to Sony headquarters for access to the episodes for free once the get released or do you get the games in your downloads list? I'm asking this because is it not the first time in PSN that you can pre order a game right? So just to know how it works and once the episodes get released what do you do to download them? So answers from people who preordered the game on PSN will be highly appreciated. Thanks :o


  • edited March 2010
    Yup, it's definitely the first time PSN's doing pre-orders. As for how to download the episodes as they come out, here's what The Devil's Playhouse page on PSN says (underneath the game description):
    NOTE: You will download new episodes each month as they release beginning in April, locating them through "View All by Title" and selecting "Sam & Max" The Devil's Playhouse.

    My guess with the 100kb file is that it tells the Playstation Store "Hey! This user can download Episode 1/2/3/4/5!" every time you attempt to download a new episode. But that's about as far as I can tell from just looking at the PSN page without buying (I already have the PC/Mac pre-order, though the double-dipping fool in me wants to pick this up too :o).
  • edited March 2010
    Yup, it's definitely the first time PSN's doing pre-orders. As for how to download the episodes as they come out, here's what The Devil's Playhouse page on PSN says (underneath the game description):

    My guess with the 100kb file is that it tells the Playstation Store "Hey! This user can download Episode 1/2/3/4/5!" every time you attempt to download a new episode. But that's about as far as I can tell from just looking at the PSN page without buying (I already have the PC/Mac pre-order, though the double-dipping fool in me wants to pick this up too :o).

    I guess that makes sense, I already preordered it and im currently waiting for april 15th to pick up episode 301 :D
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