Sam & Max vs South Park

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max
South Park Episode 68 - Super Best Friends (July 4, 2001)
Sam & Max Season 1 (October 17, 2006 – April 26, 2007)

Magician/Cult Leader with evil plans vs

The aforementioned Magician/Cult Leader's book about happiness vs

The brain-washed short people vs

The action goes to the white house... vs

The Incompetent Mr. President vs

The normal Giant Abe Lincoln vs

The Rampaging Giant Abe Licoln vs

I have way too much time on my hand. :)


  • edited March 2010
    South Park: SUCK

    Sam and Max: EPIC WIN!!!!!
  • edited March 2010
    Trogdorman wrote: »
    South Park: SUCK

    Sam and Max: EPIC WIN!!!!!

    What he said.
  • edited March 2010
    What trondor man said.
  • edited March 2010
    Too biased in my opinion. I mean, this is the Telltale Games forum. Of course people will say Sam and Max is better. In my opinion, I like these two just the same, for different reasons since one is an episode of an animated series while the other is an adventure game.

    I'm actually watching South Park online right now.
  • edited March 2010
    I like South Park, but I would take Sam and Max any day.
  • edited March 2010
    sohrab wrote: »
    I have way too much time on my hand. :)

    Only one? How do you type?
  • edited March 2010
    I don't think he's asking which is better. I think he's saying it looks like Telltale ripped off South Park, but this argument can be solved before it starts by (funny enough) an episode of South Park: 607 - The Simpsons Already Did It. Some where, some time; someone already did it.
  • edited March 2010
    Only one? How do you type?

    With Boxing Gloves.
  • edited March 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    Too biased in my opinion. I mean, this is the Telltale Games forum. Of course people will say Sam and Max is better. In my opinion, I like these two just the same, for different reasons since one is an episode of an animated series while the other is an adventure game.

    I'm actually watching South Park online right now.

    it's not just because of the game, South Park just plain sucks! It's not even funny its just...gross
  • edited March 2010
    Trogdorman wrote: »
    it's not just because of the game, South Park just plain sucks! It's not even funny its just...gross

    Well your allowed too have your own opinion, but I strongly disagree.
  • edited March 2010
    that's like asking "whats better Socks or mittens?" Sure they have things in common but they are completely different things.
  • edited March 2010
    Those similarities aren't too strange. Both were spoofing Scientology sort of vaguely, and happened to use a magician as the leader. Weird that the South Park one had a rampaging Lincoln Memorial in the same episode, though.
    The brain-washed short people
    That's a little bit of a stretch.

    If we're talking about surprising similarities, which I'm pretty sure was the intent of the topic, how about the translator scene in Abe Lincoln Must Die! compared to the translator scene in the second Oz book, The Marvellous Land of Oz?

    Jack Pumpkinhead travels from Gillikin Country to Emerald City and meets the Scarecrow, who is currently the King of Oz
    Sam & Max:
    Whizzer travels from West Dakota to Washington DC and meets the president of the US.

    Jack, a lifesized, animate wooden dummy, believes that they must be speaking different languages since they're from different parts of Oz, and convinces the Scarecrow of this, despite the evidence to the contrary.
    Sam & Max:
    The president, a lifesized, animate (wooden?) puppet, convinces himself that they're speaking different languages, despite the evidence to the contrary.

    They get a girl named Jellia Jamb, who was born in Gillikin Country, to interpret for them.
    Sam & Max:
    The president mistakes Sam and Max for interpreters.

    Jellia makes stuff up instead of "translating".
    Sam & Max
    Sam makes stuff up instead of "translating".

    Jellia translate some of Jack's statements as threats or insults; they both notice and ask if she really understands.
    Sam & Max:
    Sam can translate some of Whizzer's statements as threats or insults; he may notice and get annoyed.

    The biggest difference is in the way the situation is resolved. Jellia eventually laughs and points out that they're speaking the same language, which isn't quite what happens in Sam and Max. Then the Scarecrow tells Jack never to think again because he has no brains.
  • edited March 2010
    *holds an apple in his right hand, an orange in his left hand, and exchanges glances to both of them*


    EDIT: I wasn't trying to be condescending or mean with that post, mind you!
  • edited March 2010
    freakazoid wrote: »
    Some where, some time; someone already did it.

    Not necessarily. I've done loads of stuff that nobody's ever done before.

    Edit: Don't take that the same way that The Highway did.
  • edited March 2010
    Not necessarily. I've done loads of stuff that nobody's ever done before.

  • edited March 2010
    South Park is stupid.

    And saying that the white house in Sam and Max looks similar to the white house in South Park? You don't say...

  • edited March 2010

    ...I really didn't mean it like that.
  • edited March 2010
    Fury wrote: »
    South Park is stupid.

    I wouldn't say that South Park is stupid. I think it can sometimes be quite clever in the way that it targets many social issues. Yes, South Park does target some things that would be better left alone, and I know that it is often vulgar in places. However, it is not 'stupid' and to say so is incorrect.
  • edited March 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    that's like asking "whats better Socks or mittens?" Sure they have things in common but they are completely different things.

    Actually, it's more like asking "whats better Socks or mittens?" on
    I wouldn't say that South Park is stupid. I think it can sometimes be quite clever in the way that it targets many social issues. Yes, South Park does target some things that would be better left alone, and I know that it is often vulgar in places. However, it is not 'stupid' and to say so is incorrect.

    And the fact that each episode is made a week before it's aired just makes it more amazing.

    Also, I don't think this thread's about which one's better. Just pointing out two things that are similar.
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