I pre-ordered the new series, but I cannot access the other forum.

edited March 2010 in Sam & Max


  • edited March 2010
    Because the link for access the forum is in the Confirmation Email, with your coupon code and everything else.

    Just scroll down the email and you will find it.
  • edited March 2010
    I usually do not read this emails because they are usually annoyingly plenty of ads. This one for example have a indecent offer: a free coupon you can only use on order. Pity I already did my order: knowing that I had to make two orders! One with the S3 and one with coupon and the other stuff... Sigh.

    Anyhow, I guess this time I missed something. Thanks.
  • edited March 2010
    ezzetabi wrote: »
    I usually do not read this emails because they are usually annoyingly plenty of ads. This one for example have a indecent offer: a free coupon you can only use on order. Pity I already did my order: knowing that I had to make two orders! One with the S3 and one with coupon and the other stuff... Sigh.

    Anyhow, I guess this time I missed something. Thanks.
    Wait, what? The free episode coupon doesn't require any other purchase.

    At all.

    Add one episode of another series to your cart, and then apply the coupon code. You get a $0 order. No money exchange required.
  • edited March 2010
    Wait, what? The free episode coupon doesn't require any other purchase.

    At all.

    Add one episode of another series to your cart, and then apply the coupon code. You get a $0 order. No money exchange required.

    If fact, that coupon is part of the deal of the pre-order.

    Use it.
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