can someone in Europe help me out?

We want to see how VAT and other taxes display to European users when you check out in our store. Unfortunately we can't test this since our credit cards are not based in Europe. 
If you bought Sam & Max (or another product that resulted in VAT or other taxes), were the taxes presented to you before you hit the submit button on your purchase? If not, were they presented to you at any time during the checkout process?
If someone could send in a screenshot that'd be great, but if not, just telling us if you remember seeing the taxes during your checkout process will help. Thank you!

If you bought Sam & Max (or another product that resulted in VAT or other taxes), were the taxes presented to you before you hit the submit button on your purchase? If not, were they presented to you at any time during the checkout process?
If someone could send in a screenshot that'd be great, but if not, just telling us if you remember seeing the taxes during your checkout process will help. Thank you!
This discussion has been closed.
EDIT: I didn't get an Email Confirmation from Telltale or Digital River yet, but using the Order Number in the PayPal transaction (for which Paypal sent me a mail) and my password seems to work.
As long as you were able to activate the game and you have your order number, don't worry about the confirmation email. Sometimes the confirmations get stuck in people's spam filters.