You... Jerks!

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
I just played through the whole second season of Sam & Max, on the Wii, and I am kinda shocked to find that the Ending for "What's New, Beelzebub?" was omitted, save for
The Soda Poppers being stranded in that pit, only to get hit by the lava from the end of "Moai Better Blues."
The Ending only showed still images of Sybil and Abe's wedding, and not a full video. What gives? Are the limitations for the Wii Version so much that you had to remove that ending cinematic?


    edited April 2010
    No, they're "more than jerks" :D

    What are you talking about?
  • edited April 2010
    Well, the ending kept going from a still shot of the White House, to a different still shot of the wedding, then White House, again. No voices, just the music. It's almost as disappointing as the Ending for Okami being cut out of the Wii Version, because Clover's not a part of Capcom! I mean, do I really have to clear ALL of those Driving Missions, just to get the Real Ending?

    I was referring to how the Wii Version of Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space had limited framerate, at times, and the lack of the REAL Ending, where
    Sybil and Abe take off with the DeSoto, and Max asks "Do you think we can trust them with the car?" And Sam says "It's possessed by Demons, Max. Do you think we can trust the car... with THEM?"
    We don't even see ANY of the Wedding in motion, No Max catching the bouquet, no nothing! Instead, it cuts to
    the demise of the Soda Poppers!
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    It was a technical limitation unfortunately. I don't remember the specific reasons behind it, since it was quite a while ago, but we certainly we did everything we could to try to get it to work. Ultimately, we had to compromise and go with just the pictures. Sorry!
  • edited April 2010
    Oh. Well, that's unfortunate. Still, at least I can still access the Regular Ending on Youtube.
    edited April 2010
    Ah, now I understand (I never played the Wii version). Thanks for your explanation, Will.

    So the Wii version has a "slideshow ending" because of technical limitations... That sucks, but better than not having a Wii version, I guess. I don't see what kind of limitation can it be, though, since Season 2 Wii is not a WiiWare title (with its dreaded 40 MB limit) but a full DVD retail title. Maybe those scenes were too graphic intensive for the Wii? In that case maybe you could have gone with a FMV video for the ending (there's plenty of space in the DVD for that).
  • edited April 2010
    Here's the FULL ending for those with the Wii Version. You won't miss out with this!
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