Symbiote Studios Sam & Max Symbiotes

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
Does anyone recall that Symbiote Studios was taking pre-orders for Sam & Max Symbiotes back during the time that the statue was first being offered? There was some kind of discount, actually, if you ordered them both ... which I did. Unfortunately, that was back in flim-flammin' NOVEMBER OF 2008. I haven't seen any reference to the symbiotes, and now I am getting no replies to my queries about where my 30 samoleons disappeared to. Anyone else have this problem?


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    I asked them about this at WonderCon just this weekend! They said they should have the Sam & Max Symbiotes finally out around ComicCon, this summer. They haven't forgotten, they just got majorly delayed.
  • edited April 2010
    That's good to hear. It doesn't explain why they have ceased responding to customer inquiries, but I'm glad that I'm not just losing my mind! Thanks.
  • edited April 2010
    On a related note, I emailed them asking if it'd be possible to get cheaper UK shipping on the Sam & Max figurine and never heard back. It's a bit weird you're not getting responses about an order you made in November 2008, and even weirder is the delay on the Symbiotes.
  • edited April 2010

    is this the one ?`looks pretty damn neat. imma gonna get such one :)

    I do wish, there would be something ANYTHING of Murray :( who doesnt want a cool looking Demonic skull on your real desktop.
  • edited April 2010
    Well, I bought one in about July or August and received it late September... in Australia! So, I dunno. They're shipping them, but not responding to customer queries?
  • edited April 2010
    No, that's the full Sam & Max statue, which I also own, and which is suh-WHEET! I'm talkin' about the two separate little symbiotes, which I got one reply about -- it was a "Thanks for waiting, they're still coming" sort of thing -- followed by a year of silence. Considering that I originally paid for this via PayPal and that they've actually had my $ for almost two years, you'd think that they'd at least reply to a message.

    Their customer service seems to be either highly jolly and optimistic or non-existent.
  • edited April 2010
    oh... I want one of those now!
  • edited April 2010
    Good luck! I can find absolutely no reference to them on their website, and as I said, my questions are not being replied to. :::SIGH:::
  • edited April 2010
    I found out my symbiote statue is slightly broken a few days ago :(
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