Ipad... really?

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
Am I reading this wrong, or can people pay and play the first episode of Sam and Max Season 3 on the IPAD? How much did MAC pay telltale to make this game available on the ipad first? Whatever. There is no way in hades I would buy an ipad, and I especially wouldn't buy one just so I can play sam and max a few days early.


  • edited April 2010
    Another iPad thread...really?

    Edit: And just so this post is less pointless:
    Am I reading this wrong, or can people pay and play the first episode of Sam and Max Season 3 on the IPAD? How much did MAC pay telltale to make this game available on the ipad first? Whatever. There is no way in hades I would buy an ipad, and I especially wouldn't buy one just so I can play sam and max a few days early.

    Yes they can.
    Likely nothing, its just an opportunity for Telltale to get in on launch day.
    And good for you for the rest.
  • edited April 2010
    AFGNCAAP wrote: »
    Am I reading this wrong, or can people pay and play the first episode of Sam and Max Season 3 on the IPAD? How much did MAC pay telltale to make this game available on the ipad first? Whatever. There is no way in hades I would buy an ipad, and I especially wouldn't buy one just so I can play sam and max a few days early.

    MAC is not a company. Also, MAC is not an acronym. Mac is short for Macintosh.

    There was no intent to get you to buy an iPad; the reasoning for the early release was explained in other threads that you didn't bother to look for. Particularly posts like this one and this one. Short answer - they had the opportunity to be a launch title for a new hardware platform, and went for it. That's pretty common in the gaming world.
  • edited April 2010
    The whole point was to get people who otherwise wouldn't have bought Sam & Max to buy Sam & Max by making it one of the prominent applications at the iPad's launch. It definitely wasn't a plan to get Sam & Max fans to buy an iPad. That wouldn't even make sense since the iPad is all backordered now so you wouldn't even be able to acquire one before the game comes out on PC.
  • edited April 2010
    Your attitude is actively hostile even by my standards.
  • edited April 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    Another iPad thread...really?

    Edit: And just so this post is less pointless:

    Yes they can.
    Likely nothing, its just an opportunity for Telltale to get in on launch day.
    And good for you for the rest.
    Ripcord wrote: »
    MAC is not a company. Also, MAC is not an acronym. Mac is short for Macintosh.

    There was no intent to get you to buy an iPad; the reasoning for the early release was explained in other threads that you didn't bother to look for. Particularly posts like this one and this one. Short answer - they had the opportunity to be a launch title for a new hardware platform, and went for it. That's pretty common in the gaming world.

    Wholly smokes! no need to be a phallus about it. Why don't you chill out and not spend so much time on the forums? I am sure if I spent most of my day on the internet, I would have known about all the other fabulous posts.

    BTW, Thanks for the education on MAC. why on earth would you make a big deal about me using the word MAC? MAC, MAC, MAC. Yes, I know its not a company; apple is a company. I was alive when the were formed; where were you? People use so many acronyms on the internet, and you crawl up my rear-end because I use the term MAC? whatever.

    Talk about me being hostile?

  • edited April 2010
    You're being a lot more hostile and confrontational than Ripcord, yes.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Hey AFGNCAAP... there are already a handful of iPad threads, including threads almost entirely dedicated to stopping by the forums to express disbelief (positive or negative) that this port exists. You could have easily posted in one of those, but instead decided to drop a hot one right at the root of the forum, so it should be no surprise that it has attracted attention. If you'd like, I can merge this discussion in with the other iPad-negative-surprise conversations...
  • edited April 2010
    ...like my iPad hating rants? ;)
  • edited April 2010
    AFGNCAAP wrote: »
    Wholly smokes! no need to be a phallus about it. Why don't you chill out and not spend so much time on the forums?

    Hehe, "phallus."

    Twas meant as airy, sarcasmic knee-jerkery in any case. Not really meant in any hostile manner, Senor Bizarre-Acronysmo.

    Jake wrote: »
    If you'd like, I can merge this discussion in with the other iPad-negative-surprise conversations...

    If I may, if you're gonna go that route you may want to just start a Telltale Official Brand (by which I mean just with your groundrule/topic/etc/whatever/et al post at the top) thread and merge them into that. Dunno if its numerous enough for that yet.
  • edited April 2010
    I don't even know what Ipad is, although it's name sounds bit like iPod. But if I understand correctly iPod is some sort of expensive MP3 player and you can't play games with it, so it probably doesn't have anything to do with this Ipad. Similarity of the names is bit amusing though.

    But in any case, I don't care if Sam & Max is already available to some unknown platform. I only care about the PC release, because I believe that having separate machines for playing (console) and working (computer) is completely unnecessary and I use my PC for both.
  • edited April 2010
    But if I understand correctly iPod is some sort of expensive MP3 player and you can't play games with it

    You makes me LOL, sir. LOL like a criminally insane hyena.
  • edited April 2010
    Ripcord wrote: »
    You makes me LOL, sir. LOL like a criminally insane hyena.

    Well, I'm glad that my ignorance amuses you. I don't follow what happens in portable technology, because I find it complete waste of time. I have a mobile phone, but it doesn't have unnecessary things like camera or MP3 player, because I need it only to make calls. I don't want to listen music or play games in public transportation etc. and I rather read newspaper or book when I'm commuting. Listening music or playing games at home is enough for me.
  • edited April 2010
    Not really meant in any hostile manner, Senor Bizarre-Acronysmo.

    His acronymous handle is actually a reference to
    Zork: Grand Inquisitor
    , and it means
    Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally-Ambiguous Adventure Person
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