Useful To Boot (soundtrack question)

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone with the soundtracks could tell me if they contain the non-vocalized version of Useful To Boot (the C.O.P.S. motivational song)? I'll probably end up buying them anyway what with the sale going on, but I really love that chiptune track in the season two settings/minigames involving the C.O.P.S.


  • edited April 2010
    No, they just have the version with the voices. It's a real shame. The no voice version can be found under the name mus_wizard.aud in the files of any Season 2 episode, though.
  • edited April 2010
    Oh cool, thanks! Er, are there any good .aud players you'd recommend? I just downloaded a plugin for winamp and it doesn't seem to work.
  • edited April 2010
    I use Audacity, but that's more of an editor. It does let you convert things to other formats, though. You could also use the Telltale Music Extractor, which will convert it for you.
  • edited April 2010
    ...I should have expected something that convenient to exist. Thanks again :)
  • edited April 2010
    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone with the soundtracks could tell me if they contain the non-vocalized version of Useful To Boot (the C.O.P.S. motivational song)? I'll probably end up buying them anyway what with the sale going on, but I really love that chiptune track in the season two settings/minigames involving the C.O.P.S.

    Buy the soundtracks anyways. They are great. And also get the case file for more versions of the best songs on the mini-CD.
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