Season 3 episode 1 - your plans?

puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
Just curious as to what everyone plans to do for their first taste of Season 3.

Have the teasers thrown you into a rabid, foaming Sam & Max frenzy? Are you nuts enough about The Penal Zone to plan your time around the release, or will you just get to it when you have a spare moment?


  • edited April 2010
    I'm somewhere between options 2 and 3. I'm certainly not going to avoid classes or work for it. I might stay up, but I don't particularly plan to.
  • edited April 2010
    I can't choose 1 becouse I won't be taking off any time from work just to play this.
    I can't choose 2 becouse I ~WILL~ sacrifice my sleep time to play this.
    I can't choose 3 becouse I ~DO~ much care.
    I can't choose 4 becouse I don't have an iPad.
    I can't choose 5 becouse there ~IS~ no 5. I'm out of options, and thus can't lodge a vote.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    I'm somewhere between options 2 and 3. I'm certainly not going to avoid classes or work for it. I might stay up, but I don't particularly plan to.

    I'm much the same - I'll download it if it's available before I go to bed, and will probably only stay up late if I get suckered in.

    EDIT: Starcat5, next time I'll add an "Abstain" option for you! :)
  • edited April 2010
    I don't have work/school, but otherwise it would be option 1.
  • edited April 2010
    Tbh option 1 would be foolish, as you don't know exactly what time of the day it will be uploaded.
  • edited April 2010
    I'm not gonna miss college for this, but I will be spending the rest of the day holed up in my room staring at my computer screen until my eyes dribble out of my sockets.

    Oh, wait. I do that already.
  • edited April 2010
    With every Telltale release, I make arrangements so that I can spend at least an hour or so with the new game as soon after release as possible - it's the same with S3E1. That's nearly the same as #2.
  • edited April 2010
    With the time zones being what they are, it's usually in the middle of the night here when episodes are released. That means that it's way more likely that I stay up during the night to play it as soon as possible, compared to taking a day off from work, which would be several hours after release anyway.

    That said, if I haven't managed to play the game through during the night, I'll probably play it at work. It's a nice perk of working at a store during the off season. When there aren't any customers, you're free to do whatever.

    Anyway, that's often a problem with these kinds of polls. With conditions as specific as these, you're bound to get people who fall through the cracks, in this case probably a lot of non-US citizens who won't have to take time off from work, due to the time difference, but still care much for the game.
  • edited April 2010
    Starcat5 wrote: »
    I can't choose 1 becouse I won't be taking off any time from work just to play this.
    I can't choose 2 becouse I ~WILL~ sacrifice my sleep time to play this.
    I can't choose 3 becouse I ~DO~ much care.
    I can't choose 4 becouse I don't have an iPad.
    I can't choose 5 becouse there ~IS~ no 5. I'm out of options, and thus can't lodge a vote.

  • edited April 2010
    It's coming out during the holidays, I don't have a job, and the episodes are usually released while I'm asleep. I won't need to miss anything to play it.

    But if they were a factor, I guess I'd play it when I had some free time. It's very important that I get enough sleep, and I'm not paying thousands of dollars so I can stay home and play a computer game that I could play after class regardless. Even if it did throw me into a rabid, foaming Sam & Max frenzy.
  • edited April 2010
    My plans for episode one are:

    1) Whether I'm up when it's released or not, wait until my husband is home and awake at the same time that I am.

    2) Start up the game and see if it works on the computer.

    3) Cry if it doesn't and play if it does.

    I might reverse 1 and 2. Seems silly waiting for our schedules to match if we can't even play in the end.

    I'm not going to play it in one go (unless it's short and we solve all the puzzles right away or something), and I'm not going to give up sleep because I'm not playing it alone anyways. I want to make it last as long as I can and enjoy it.
  • edited April 2010
    I will play when I can.... I will not miss work for it though..
  • edited April 2010
    I just got my tax return back, so hopefully PayPal goes through in time so I can get the preorder benefits. Anyway, my plans for this are to play it right away, but not for too long. I like to savour the episode, because I'm going to have to wait regardless. That's the great thing about episodes; if you play too fast, you have nearly an entire month to wait, so you may as well enjoy every little bit of it. Whereas, full games, you don't need to wait, because you can finish it right away.
    Note: This rule does not take effect for the last episode of any series ;)

    Oh, and my vote is for #2
  • edited April 2010
    I anticipate no homework being done on that Thursday night, but I probably won't lose any sleep.
  • edited April 2010
    Figure PSN doesn't update til' 5:30 pst or thereabouts, so barring fixing my computer to play it there I probably wouldn't have to skip school or even work. Went with 2.
  • edited April 2010
    I can't play it unless it comes out for the Xbox 360 :(
  • edited April 2010
    My plans are to play the game at some point. It will probably take a certain amount of time to play, and I will spend that time over one or more days playing it.

    While playing, I will possibly have a snack, and blow my nose if I still have a cold. However, I may not have a snack - it depends on whether I am hungry. If I've had a beer or another type of beverage before or during gameplay, it's likely that I'll use the bathroom. There is a chance that if I get stuck, then I will go for a swim to clear my head, but I can't be certain. It's really too soon to tell. Probably I will scratch the itch on my upper left arm, but if I am at a particularly good point in the game I may be distracted from the itch, and instead click on something on the screen. I'm going to remain fairly flexible on that point.

    I will laugh out loud exactly four times. And chuckle six times. Also, Sam dies at the end of episode 3 and is replaced by Robo-Sam.

    I bet it will be fun!
    edited April 2010
    Im gonna come from school at 4:15 PM, then I'm gonna do my homework and get school things ready. Then I'm gonna turn on my PS3 and see if the game's already there, if it is I will play it until 6:00 PM 'cause I have basketball practice. If it isn't I will keep checking until it does.
  • edited April 2010
    I have to study, so, I'm planning to finish it ASAP. Thank god I don't have classes the fridays, which mean, as soon my classes of Thursday are done, I'll play the game until I finish it or I get stuck in some puzzle. Sleep or walk a bit and then repeat until the chapter is done.
  • edited April 2010
    It will be a weeknight, so I'll play for 3-4 hours before I have to hit the sack (I get up at 4 AM for work). I'll probably finish up The Penal Zone Friday evening since I get around 5-6 hours of gameplay for each episode these days.

    Option 2 for me. :)
  • edited April 2010
    I'll give it an instant try if it won't be released too late (local time) whilst playing the larger part of the game later on. It feels like a relief now that the Soda Poppers are gone (they are, right?!) but from what i've seen so far i'm honestly more looking forward to the second epsiode.
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