What if Brady Culture was the Main villain?

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
All he wanted was to be universally loved by everyone, and what better way than to take over the universe?
So far, every single Telltale Sam & Max has had a twist ending


Save the World had Hugh Bliss as the main villain.
Beyond Time and Space had The Soda Poppers as the main villains.
Both had surprising twist endings!
What would you think if Brady Culture was really the mastermind behind The Devil's Playhouse?


  • edited April 2010
    Three words, bro.

    The mastermind is none other than........
    Jane Fonda!!!!!!
    Did I just blow your mind?
  • edited April 2010
    comitob wrote: »
    What would you think if Brady Culture was really the mastermind behind The Devil's Playhouse?

    I'd curl into a ball and sob for Telltale's lost soul because that'd be a weak (main) villain. Yeah probably not, but Brady just doesn't have the making of a major bad guy, even with a "what a twist!!" ending. Maybe the main villain will be the
    demon possessed Desoto.

    Also, I think every episode end has been a cliffhanger, but no way even most of them were a "twist" ending.
  • edited April 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    The mastermind is none other than........
    Jane Fonda!!!!!!
    Did I just blow your mind?
    Sorry, but you have it wrong...

    Max did it. After all these years, he finally got it what it took (physic powers!) to hire thugs to kill Sam.
  • edited April 2010
    Sorry, but you have it wrong...

    Max did it. After all these years, he finally got it what it took (physic powers!) to hire thugs to kill Sam.

    LIES! That could never Happen!
  • edited April 2010
    And that's why it's such a good twist... no-one will see it coming.

    Except everyone who read my post of course... sorry to spoil Season 3 for you...
  • edited April 2010
    comitob wrote: »
    All he wanted was to be universally loved by everyone, and what better way than to take over the universe?
    So far, every single Telltale Sam & Max has had a twist ending


    Save the World had Hugh Bliss as the main villain.
    Beyond Time and Space had The Soda Poppers as the main villains.
    Both had surprising twist endings!
    What would you think if Brady Culture was really the mastermind behind The Devil's Playhouse?

    Two words. SPOILER TAGS
  • edited April 2010
    No-no, guess the mastermind is
    the narrator
    (as was previously suggested in another thread).
  • edited April 2010
    Two words. SPOILER TAGS

    That's true for you too (you should add spoiler tags to the quote or don't quote the spoilers. I mean, now even if the original post is changed you'll have the spoilers in YOUR post).
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    That's true for you too (you should add spoiler tags to the quote or don't quote the spoilers. I mean, now even if the original post is changed you'll have the spoilers in YOUR post).

    Did I say Brady Culture, I meant to say...


  • edited April 2010
    I noticed in ep.205 that
    when Sam was in the Hell version of his office
    Leonard wasn't in the closet. I was expecting
    a demon posing as Leonard
    . I don't know if that suggests he's no longer there
    in the real world
    but if he isn't then where has he gone and what's he up to?

    I think that the obvious suspect for the villain in The Devil's Playhouse is
    Satan. But the thing about him is that he's kind of the opposite of Hugh Bliss and the Soda **** Poppers. He started as a villain, but at the end of the episode he seemed like an okay guy. So I don't know.

    Abe and Sybil will have a baby (don't ask how that'll work...) and they will turn out to be a villain after getting used to the idea of them being all good-natured or weak or whatever. Yeah. Now I'm just guessing...
  • edited April 2010
    Scrawffler wrote: »
    I noticed in ep.205 that
    when Sam was in the Hell version of his office
    Leonard wasn't in the closet.
    Ehm, pretty sure he was... and he got 'released' at the end too (don't ask me how he died in the real world though).
  • edited April 2010
    Scrawffler wrote: »
    I noticed in ep.205 that
    when Sam was in the Hell version of his office
    Leonard wasn't in the closet. I was expecting
    a demon posing as Leonard
    . I don't know if that suggests he's no longer there
    in the real world
    but if he isn't then where has he gone and what's he up to?
    He definitely was. Sam even says
    "Bye, Leonard" when his soul leaves Sam's Hell
  • edited April 2010
    Ì think Agent superball is the main villain.
    Save the World had Hugh Bliss as the main villain, but had the soda poppers as returning characters in each episode. They ended up to be the main villains in Beyond Time and Space, where superball was the character that returned everywhere where you didn't want him to be. I think he would make a great main villain.
  • edited April 2010
    I find it hard to think of Superball as a main villain. He's suspicious enough, but he feels more like a pawn than a manipulator. Then again he seems to be a bit more competent and much less fixated on doors now, so maybe.
  • edited May 2010
    Just a funny thing to notice: in the Sam & Max Season 2 DVD, there are goodies, and one of these is the Heather Logas' Designer Notebook and in page 5, he wrote
    "Brady Culture is the king of Hell"
    . It's not a major spoiler (it's probably not even one) but I found interesting that it was an original possibility!
  • edited May 2010
    comitob wrote: »
    Did I say Brady Culture, I meant to say...



    cross-promotion they would NEVER do this. That would be like putting a teaser for another game at the end of ToMI. NEVER.

  • edited May 2010
    Brady Culture? Nah.

    Candlejack is obviou
  • edited May 2010

    ....it would give Brian Sommers more work, which is perfectly fine by me.
  • edited May 2010
    Mr. Spatula.
  • edited May 2010
    I don't like Brady Culture but then again he reminds me of someone I used to be friends with, so....
  • edited May 2010
    Brady Culture should sing Kirk Van Houten's Can I Borrow A Feeling
  • edited May 2010
    I say future sam is the master mind.
  • edited May 2010
    the rats. always the rats.
  • edited May 2010
    max is he is chaos in carnet ps I don't think satin was the theist to own hell hint hint
  • edited May 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    Brady Culture should sing Kirk Van Houten's Can I Borrow A Feeling

    Aww I wish this could become a reality. :D
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