Sam & Max Creator Steve Purcell Interview - Alternative Magazine Online

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
Hey guys!

Some of you may remember me as the fellow who ran a series of interviews with Dominic Armato during the release of Tales Of Monkey Island last year on my site, AMO.

The site has grown quite a lot since then! I have just posted a great interview with Sam & Max creator Steve Purcell (in the nick of time before Season 3 of Sam & Max begins tomorrow no less!) so if any of you fancy a peek here it is:

I have also finished The Penal Zone and will be posting my review shortly! I may even manage to bring you all some monthly interviews for this series of Sam & Max like I did with TOMI so stay tuned. All feedback welcomed. Cheers!


  • edited April 2010
    I wonder what that new project at Pixar he's working on is that he can't talk about right now.

    [shifty looks back and forth]

    I wonder if it has anything to do with some familiar characters.

    [more shifty looks]
  • edited April 2010
    Ugh. I hope not.
  • edited April 2010
    I hope Purcell goes back to work on that cancelled Sam and Max game. I'd rather play a Sam and Max game with penguins, Burning Max, and a high school dance competition than the current game.
  • edited April 2010
    I have also just posted my review of The Penal Zone as promised:

    Alternative Magazine Online:
    "Overall, this is a strong start to the new series of Sam & Max. The beginning seems confusing at first but then pays off. The new controls agitate initially before soon becoming second nature. Finally, the vocals talents of David Nowlin and William Kasten never do any less than live up to the larger than life personalities of Sam & Max. I laughed out loud constantly whilst playing for the five hours or so that The Penal Zone lasted. The music is, as always with this series, a jazzy delight."
  • edited April 2010
    I wonder what that new project at Pixar he's working on is that he can't talk about right now.

    [shifty looks back and forth]

    I wonder if it has anything to do with some familiar characters.

    [more shifty looks]

    I doubt it, he mentioned in an interview that this wouldn't happen, I can't find the interview directly (it was in Retrogamer magazine) but Wikipedia has the quote summed up as:

    "Purcell is not considering the possibility of Pixar adapting Sam & Max into a film, as the characters' moral ambiguity is inconsistent with traditional Pixar stories."
  • edited April 2010
    martymcfly wrote: »
    I doubt it, he mentioned in an interview that this wouldn't happen, I can't find the interview directly (it was in Retrogamer magazine) but Wikipedia has the quote summed up as:

    "Purcell is not considering the possibility of Pixar adapting Sam & Max into a film, as the characters' moral ambiguity is inconsistent with traditional Pixar stories."

    Okay, well that makes sense.
  • edited April 2010
    I dunno, I'd say the toys are pretty morally ambiguous(sp?). Not as such like Sam and Max, but still...
  • edited April 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    I dunno, I'd say the toys are pretty morally ambiguous(sp?). Not as such like Sam and Max, but still...

    I guess he means that if they made a Sam & Max Pixar film, they would have to be toned down quite a bit. Also, all Pixar films have a 'moral' to the tale.

    Sam & Max is kind of refreshing because there is no moral; it is all just crazy!

    How cool would a Pixar Sam & Max look though?! :eek:
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