Are you logged in with a telltale account? Unfortunately there is a bug right now where if you are logged in but don't own the game, the demo button is missing. When in the wrapper, could you hit cmd-shift-plus, then click yes. Then hit cmd-shift-minus, and click yes again. Then close and reopen the wrapper. This time DON'T sign in. You should have the demo available.
I have an early 2008 Macbook Pro with Boot Camp, and there is a HUGE difference between how the demo runs on Windows 7 vs. Leopard. In Windows, my laptop handles the demo like a champ on the highest resolution and graphic settings. There could be some lag, but it's barely noticeable and easily removed by knocking the graphics down a notch or two. Leopard is a whole different story... The demo is practically UNPLAYABLE without hitting bottom resolution and graphics quality.
Is the full episode different than the demo? Will the Mac version be fixed later?
Oh, I see what you're saying. I got confused by the word "if." I was thinking, "IF I BUY the game, of course it's the full version, because that's what I paid for!" But what you meant is that the demo BECOMES the full unlocked version after you buy it. Gotcha.
Is the full episode different than the demo? Will the Mac version be fixed later?
The demo IS the full version if you bought the game.
me too. The Demo is the full Episode with limited content available. If you buy the game it will unlock the rest of it without any further download.
but in short: the full game will not perform any different then the demo did.