S&M S3E1 Could not initialize Direct3D
Hi there,
I just wanted to start playing my The Penal Zone...
But all i get is:
"Could not initialize Direct3D" and a white Screen
AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 940 Processor
8192MB RAM
GFX: XFX Radeon HD 5770 (1GB)
Windows 7 64bit
I have enclosed my DxDiag.txt
Please help me so that I can finally play S&M again
I just wanted to start playing my The Penal Zone...
But all i get is:
"Could not initialize Direct3D" and a white Screen
AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 940 Processor
8192MB RAM
GFX: XFX Radeon HD 5770 (1GB)
Windows 7 64bit
I have enclosed my DxDiag.txt
Please help me so that I can finally play S&M again


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I'm not sure what your dxdiag shows there. Is it two identical graphics cards or just one with two identical displays?
Either way, have you tried using just one?
There's a new Realtek HDA driver for you too.
And yes I did run the DirectX Updater
Is ATI's HydraVision feature known to cause problems with TTG's Engine? My previous nVidia graphics card ran all TTG games just fine, despite having two displays
It was just a guess on my part. At least now you have a workaround so you can play until there is a better solution.
But still - could we have some multi-monitor-configuration love please? Also, who can develop software without using more than one monitor?
Also, come to think of it - shouldn't the game have created an icon in Windows 7's Game Explorer? Because I can't find one...
Have you tried updating your graphics driver?
Can you post a dxdiag log?
Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "dxdiag" and hit enter
Windows Vista / 7: Press the windows key on your keyboard or click on the start menu. Type in "dxdiag" and hit enter.
Now click on the button that says "save all information".
It will prompt you to save a file. Save it where you can find it.
Then zip the file and attach it to a reply in this Thread.
Here's the file....
I should have bought the ipad version... :-( These multi configuration pc's are just getting downright silly! Heh.
You are running some really old graphics drivers. Try this one.
i just downloaded the new driver please help me
(here the dxdiag)
Try setting your display color depth to 32 bit.
You can also install the latest Realtek HDA Audio driver.
Updated and it does start but man is it lagtastic. Probably should have just bought the PS3 version. Thanks for the help.
That was to be expected, because you just have a slow integrated graphics chip.
You can try setting the graphics quality to 1 and if that's not enough reduce the resolution.
Also, according to the specs your System has a PCIe x16 slot. That means you can upgrade your graphics card and get the game running at good performance. Even really cheap recent graphics cards will do a lot better.
okay to set the display to 32 bit helped. I thought i did that before playing. (I can´t use 32bit regular, because my dispaly starts to flicker:mad:)
I found that if you disable monitors like others have done, the game works fine. If you are content with changing the game so that it plays in a window, then you can re-enable the other monitors and play the game normally.
While I am a little disappointed with this bug, the game now plays well for me (in a window), and so far, it is just as good as the other adventures.
(Specs include triple monitor setup with ati 5850, so it's either a multi-monitor or an ati issue)
Big Old Earl
If you don't want to upgrade your graphics card you can email support for a refund.
Sure. You can buy and install a PCIe x16 Graphics card.
I would recommend a ATI Radeon 4670/5570 or better.
If you just want to get it to run cheaper ones will do too. If you want the maximum graphics details I would buy something in that performance range or above though.
I meant I wanted to just swap out the pc version for the ps3 version.
I don't know, but i think it's unlikely that TTG has that kind of control over the PSN store. You'll know for sure if you e-mail support.