Buying only The Penal Zone on Steam?

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
The Team Fortress 2 Blog says:
We're going to give them out to everyone who buys The Penal Zone in the next week.

At the moment its only possible to buy the whole Season. But the epiodes of season one and two can all be bought one by one without buying the whole season. When will this be possible for Season 3?

Why do I have the feeling that the marketing departement decided to make it impossible until the offer has ended?


  • edited April 2010
    Can't buy em individually this season.
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    noname wrote: »
    Why do I have the feeling that the marketing departement decided to make it impossible until the offer has ended?

    This was not driven by marketing. It was driven by people in the office who love playing TF2, and it came together at the last minute.
  • edited April 2010
    It was also in response to the people complaining that pre-ordering games on Steam didn't get them the collector's disk.

    Sometimes this stuff really does come out of fans of games trying to give something cool to other fans of games. It's too bad the internet has to try to turn everything into a vast marketing-driven internet conspiracy.
  • edited April 2010
    Can't buy em individually this season.

    Darn. Oh well.
  • edited April 2010
    uuugh :mad:

    i hope magically there will be a release for the one episode

    and you could have also offered a digital collectors edition @_@
  • edited April 2010
    Can't buy em individually this season.
    Not yet, anyway. Maybe in a few months.
  • edited April 2010
    Darnit, Telltale, why didn't you do this more? It would have been cool to see a Cursed Cutlass of Kaflu as an alternative Eyelander or something, even though the Eyelander didn't even exist at the time, or a TROGDOR THE BURNiNATOR headgear or even THE BURNiNATOR for Pyro, which is a TROGDOR shaped flamethrower.

    Screw that, even a severed Max head hat or even a replacement for, for example, the Spy's handgun or the Scout's handgun with, for example, Sam or Max' gun. Wait...
  • edited April 2010
    Chuck wrote: »
    It's too bad the internet has to try to turn everything into a vast marketing-driven internet conspiracy.

    I hope stuff like that doesn't discourage you guys. It's a sad fact that the negative stuff tends to be way way disproportionately higher on the 'Net - particularly on Rabid Fans With Too Much Free Time forums =)

    Reminds me of that based-on-real-life episode of the West Wing where the guy makes the mistake of reading his own fan forums and gets locked into a cycle of battle and dispair.

    However, that was about politics. This site is about cool fun video games. Game on, gamers. Lighten up =)
  • edited April 2010
    I bet you would earn more money with this if Episode One would be sold seperately.
    As I can't afford the whole Season now I guess I'll have to forget this offer. Only to be reminded that there are now even more Items that I'll never get everytime I play Team Fortress 2.
  • edited April 2010
    Dear Telltale, I am a huge fan of the Sam & Max series and am also a huge fan of TF2, I preordered Season 3 from here as soon as it was announced. Myself and others like me who didn't buy the game from Steam should still be able to receive these items.
  • edited April 2010
    Mentlegen wrote: »
    Dear Telltale, I am a huge fan of the Sam & Max series and am also a huge fan of TF2, I preordered Season 3 from here as soon as it was announced. Myself and others like me who didn't buy the game from Steam should still be able to receive these items.

    Same here. First I miss out on Bill's Hat by pre-ordering L4D2 on Xbox 360, and now this! Epic sadface. :(
  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Mentlegen wrote: »
    Dear Telltale, I am a huge fan of the Sam & Max series and am also a huge fan of TF2, I preordered Season 3 from here as soon as it was announced. Myself and others like me who didn't buy the game from Steam should still be able to receive these items.

    It's being taken care of. Patience. :)
  • edited April 2010
    I have to say, I was quite disappointed to find that you cannot buy individual episodes separately. I mean, I thought the whole point of doing an episodic game was so that people could buy individual episodes as they please. Charging for the entire season but releasing it in parts makes no sense to me - it just seems like I'm paying for a game which isn't ready yet.

    P.S. Being short on cash at this particular time, I wanted to buy the first episode (planning to update to the whole season when I had more money). But now I can't, and I'm more than a little bummed about it.
  • edited April 2010
    I have to say, I was quite disappointed to find that you cannot buy individual episodes separately. I mean, I thought the whole point of doing an episodic game was so that people could buy individual episodes as they please. Charging for the entire season but releasing it in parts makes no sense to me - it just seems like I'm paying for a game which isn't ready yet.

    P.S. Being short on cash at this particular time, I wanted to buy the first episode (planning to update to the whole season when I had more money). But now I can't, and I'm more than a little bummed about it.

    I don't get it either, it seems so backwards. I too was all set to spend the day playing one of my favorite series of games only to find out I couldn't just buy the first episode. I can't afford the whole season at once but I could scrape enough for one episode a month. Now I'm without a game and telltale is without my money. Win win :rolleyes:
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