What should they do next?
What game would you like to see Telltale do next?
It could be based off of a TV show, an old adventure game, basically anything that has characters.
I'll go first. I think they should do a South Park game, I know that it will never happen! But think about what it would be like to play as Cartman, or any of the 4 boys and talk to your favorite characters! (The last episode would be that the Gingers have Mecha-Striesand and are going to unleash her on South Park.)
It could be based off of a TV show, an old adventure game, basically anything that has characters.
I'll go first. I think they should do a South Park game, I know that it will never happen! But think about what it would be like to play as Cartman, or any of the 4 boys and talk to your favorite characters! (The last episode would be that the Gingers have Mecha-Striesand and are going to unleash her on South Park.)
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This post has a poor grammatical structure, but I agree with its sentiment.
oh god no
Except for the word "Futurama", that was complete nonsense.
Other than that, Leasure Suit Larry, Zak MacKraken, Day of the Tentacle or a game set in some kind of creepy Tim Burton/Psychonauts/Grim Fandango world.
you forgot to add "with a cherry on top".
...but yeah, a Futurama episodic adventure game would be good news indeed, everyone.
I would never have thought of a Futurama adventure game if it hadn't been suggested, but I love the series and feel that Telltale could do amazing things with it.
Other than that...I dunno. Maybe I need to get out more.
Now, this isn't to say I'm not glad they got the license, far from it, but it's really nice to have the Freelance Police back after the extended wait.
So yeah, considering that I didn't turn an eye toward Sam and Max until after I'd finished Tales, I totally missed all that. I was just saying that people like to speculate around here. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
And that's not to forget the "Chuck is going to be busy with something that rhymes with Schmam and Schmax Schmeason Schmee" hint that came up in the Pre-Order forum for Tales.
So I was just saying, "Sam and Max: Season Three" was essentially confirmed. Not officially, but it had been in the planning stages once and work had been starting on it again. It simply was coming, there wasn't much room for speculation.
Still, I'm glad that some of Telltale's design "growing pains" were used on other franchises. And if there was ANYTHING that could have been worth replacing Sam and Max: Season Three, Monkey Island would have been it. As far as I was concerned, Monkey Island was long dead, and if it came back, LucasArts would screw it up. I had faith in Monkey Island BECAUSE Telltale was doing it. If it was just LucasArts, or almost any other company, I would have been really wary.
What's the general consensus on this?
I can't really say for sure without even playing the game, but I think it was probably worth it in itself.
Although I guess I would have taken Season 3 + 4 over Tales + Season 3, but then I probably wouldn't be here to begin with, so...
Finally, Back on topic!
10. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
9. Lost
8. Space Quest
7. Scoggins
6. SBCG4AP Season 2
5. Banjo-Kazooie (Although I'm not sure I want it out of Rare's hands)
4. Family Guy/ Futurama/ The Simpsons/ South Park/ American Dad
3. Non-Mainstream Pokemon Game of some sort
2. Dank
1. The Beatle's Fab Adventure
2. Originl IP.
3. The Longest Journey
4. Maniac Mansion (Telltale's formula would be a perfect fit for that seiries)
5. Tales of Monkey Island season 2 (though I could stand to wait a few years)
11. Indiana Jones
10. Firefly
9. The Mighty Boosh
8. Abbot and Costello
7. Monkey Island 6
6. Courage the Cowardly Dog
5. Space Quest
4. Maniac Mansion
3. Scoggin's Erasers
2. MacGyver
1. Futurama
Also Stargate SG1.
Ive love a new Grim Fandango but I dont really see that as an 'episodic' storyline, it already had a beginning middle and end. I'd like an Xbox Live version of it.
For something new it HAS to be something from LucasArts like Manic Mansion or Zak McKracken, MM already has very established characters. Whatever it is it has to be comidic.
The main thing I liked about Strong Bad, Sam and Max (and even wallace and gromit) is that the characters have a 'home base', like a starting point that their universe expands into.
This was one thing that Monkey Island lacks, Their adventure can start anywhere randomly, I would rather see an expansion of the existing world rather than adding random characters.
In my opinion, the characters and story of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy are pretty weak. The great thing about those books is the way Douglas Adams writes them (which obviously couldn't be translated very well into a game).
Futurama and The Simpsons would work. Family Guy and American Dad aren't story-focused enough to translate well into a game. South park episodes tend to have deep moral/philosophical subtexts and it would be way too tempting to just make a game with the characters, the fart jokes and the graphical style and, imho, south park isn't south park without the satirical type of storytelling it employs (if they could successfully put that into a game, then fair enough, but it wouldn't be an easy task).
I love the mighty boosh (especially the old radio series, which you have to listen to), but I don't think it would work well as a game. The strong point of the mighty boosh is the improvisational, surreal comedy. The weird characters and art style is fantastic too, but in my opinion, they're not strong enough to carry it. I know that a lot of other people would disagree with me though
That'd definitely work. Man, I've not watched stargate since I was a little girl...
That's actually something I dislike in most Telltale games. I don't know why. I think it's got something to do with the fact that it feels kind of reused and lazy to me (although I feel bad saying that since they're not trying to hide the fact that it's all semi-reused
My top ten
10. Futurama
9. Real life comics
8. Futurama
7. Real life Comics
you get the Idea
Phineas & Ferb!
Well, S&M3 was very similar to LOOM-Focusing on a set of powers rather than inventory... (In fact LOOM didn't have an inventory) and S&M3 was also VERY easy... much like LOOM.
I'm also really hoping there will be a season 2 of Monkey Island. In fact, I get the impression a lot of people would like that
And I think it'd be interesting if, someday, Telltale try creating their own completely original characters and setting for an episodic series. I love the characters they've introduced to the Sam and Max series, and the Monkey Island series, and think that they could come up with something new and really awesome.
A few ideas:
-Take a nap
-Dress-up as mariachis and go "singing" the Birthday song worldwide
-Sit and laugh maniacally eating Prune Nuts.
-Develop a new game
My choice: the last one
It would be totally awesome a graphic adventure with Mortadelo y Filemón made by TellTale.
Maybe they're not well known characters outside Europe (Spain and Germany mostly), but I think they are great characters for a TellTale game.
Old IPs: Monkey Island, Strong Bad.
If I had to pick one, it'd be Futurama, but any of them would do me nicely.