Voice over quality question

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
Ok guys, I will admit I wasn't planning on buying this season of Sam and Max, at least not at full price. While the previous games have been enjoyable in almost every aspect, there is one area of the past two season that is horribly flawed to point of causing me to avoid the games. I'm referring to the sound quality of the voice overs caused by whatever compression is used, making the voices static-y and S sounds to sound terrible. I play with headphones on and I don't think it takes an audiophile to notice how crappy the games sound.

There is, however, a ray of hope that Telltale has started to take notice during the Tales of Monkey Island period. Episode two of the series was released and it was the absolute worst sounding game I have ever heard. The sounds that came from the Elaine character made my ears want to bleed it sounded so bad. Luckily there was a revolt from the fans and Telltale FINALLY did something to fix the problem and re-released the episode at a higher quality and each following episode from that point was perfectly acceptable to my critical ears.

With the revelation that Valve is releasing special S&M items in TF2 I am willing to change my mind and buy this season right now at full price on the condition that I will be receiving a quality product.

I am here to ask everyone who has played the first episode, and please be honest with me, how good is the sound quality of the first episode? Is there any noticeable sound issues comparable to the problems of previous episodes? Thanks in advance.


  • edited April 2010
    You can always download the demo and listen for yourself.
  • edited April 2010
    Sweet. Didn't know there was a demo. Thanks.

    Edit: Is there a link? I checked all over the Telltale site and Steam and couldn't find it.
  • edited April 2010
    The voiceovers are good, but the game froze heaps when i first installed it, it made a weird clicky noise when characters started talking.

    But after that, it's pretty awesome. The music is really good.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, the opening's making a weird clicking noise here too. I think it means my PC is about to explode.

    I mean, I know the little guy's ancient but sweet khazoos, it sounds like he's having a heart transplant.
  • edited April 2010
    Sweet. Didn't know there was a demo. Thanks.

    Edit: Is there a link? I checked all over the Telltale site and Steam and couldn't find it.
    Next to the neon sign.
  • edited April 2010
    The audio sounds awesome on a PS3. I'd get that version if you can. Music is brilliant!
  • edited April 2010
    Only think I found questionable was the sound levels (the vocals are at a much lower volume with everything maxed), but it defaults to a good mix (Music (4), Voice (MAX), Effects (3)). I just found it a bit odd. Other than that, the sound quality is nearly perfect.
  • edited April 2010
    That's odd, the standard mix wasn't optimal for me. The voice setting was problematic, since Skunkape's voice would cause my table to vibrate. The other voices were fine though. I had to take it down to around the same level as the other settings.
  • edited April 2010
    I tried the demo, fantastic in every way.

    Also, is there a way to get the music?
  • edited April 2010
    Best audio yet in a telltale game i would say, it sounds very good even when they say S
  • edited April 2010
    There are a few questionable SFX effects (airplane machinegun being the most obvious annoying one... and that's in the tutorial too), but aside from that, sound and music are very nice...
  • edited April 2010
    Awesome. Tried the demo and the voices sounded great. Guess I'll get the season immediately. Thanks Telltale and Valve.
  • edited April 2010
    TonViper wrote: »
    That's odd, the standard mix wasn't optimal for me. The voice setting was problematic, since Skunkape's voice would cause my table to vibrate. The other voices were fine though. I had to take it down to around the same level as the other settings.

    I think you might want to check your bass levels or check what your equalizer is set to.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, the voices in season 3 sound a million times clearer than season 1 and 2.
  • edited April 2010
    The sound quality in this episode was even better than the later Tales of Monkey Island episodes, at least to my ears.

    The worst problem from season 1 and 2 is finally fixed!
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