PS3 Control scheme unadulterated adulation thread

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
I have to say there's plenty of complaints on the PC WASD control scheme.. but Penal Zone plays fantastically on the PS3! I never though playing an adventure game on a console could be so.... easy! Moving Sam around is a breeze and the way the objects are highlighted and are used work really well. Even the dialogue options work fantastic. They've kept it all very simple and usable. I think Telltale have broken new ground for adventure game controls on a console on this one. It is all so easy to use I quickly settled back into a relaxing position and simply enjoyed the game. :D:D:D:D


  • [TTG] Yare[TTG] Yare Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    On behalf of all of us here at Telltale, I would like to say that you're making all of us blush with this praise.

    We're always looking to improve the controls and UI. Glad you're enjoying it so far!
  • edited April 2010
    I'd also like to give a major thumbs up to gamepad support. My 360 controller set-up feels extremely comfortable. The only issue I've noticed so far is that I can't seem to navigate the graphics options screen with my gamepad. Also, it seems like walking into a door should let me open the thing, because I find myself sifting through items to get ot the door that is right in front of me enough times for it to be a minor nuisance.

    Everything not mentioned works great, though, and overall it's a really good experience with me and my 360 gamepad.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Graphics settings are mouse only, sorry. That screen became terrible and was left to die in mouse land.

    I thought doors would select based on proximity, but I'm not sure on the details of how that works, to be honest.

    We tried to make sure that on PC, 360 controllers and Logitech style gamepads would work identically to the PS3 controller. Also, hopefully, you should be able to switch from keyboard to gamepad to mouse on a whim and the UI will behave properly. Hopefully. :) ... :( ... ... :)
  • edited April 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    Graphics settings are mouse only, sorry. That screen became terrible and was left to die in mouse land.
    It was actually the very first thing I noticed when booting up the game(well, that and it apparently crashes when your screen resolution changes drastically while you're booting it up). I had my laptop putting Audio/Video out to the television, and it was shut so I couldn't use the keyboard/trackpad. I had to go fetch an external mouse to mess with it. I suppose I should have had the TV as a secondary monitor and not as a mirror so that the resolution wouldn't change drastically every time the computer was opened or shut, but I just wanted to get to the game. :)
    I thought doors would select based on proximity, but I'm not sure on the details of how that works, to be honest.
    They do generally, but Sam sometimes decides that something else, usually a sign right next to or above the door, is more interesting to look at.
    We tried to make sure that on PC, 360 controllers and Logitech style gamepads would work identically to the PS3 controller. Also, hopefully, you should be able to switch from keyboard to gamepad to mouse on a whim and the UI will behave properly. Hopefully. :) ... :( ... ... :)
    That works beautifully. The hand cursor even obligingly goes away when I start using the gamepad again. The transition is amazingly simple and smooth, it's like it isn't even there.
  • edited April 2010
    Jake wrote: »
    Also, hopefully, you should be able to switch from keyboard to gamepad to mouse on a whim and the UI will behave properly. Hopefully. :) ... :( ... ... :)

    For the most part, this worked great, and I had fun playing around with the different control styles.

    However, there was one point when I was in Skunkape's ship again after the intro where the cursor would not come back. The keyboard controls worked fine, and I was able to use click-and-drag, but I couldn't click on anything. The problem went away when I used the gamepad to exit the ship, and I had a cursor again when I emerged on the street.
  • edited April 2010
    The joypad control scheme is GREAT, I agree. That's the reason why Telltale's programmers should go the extra (ok, extra-extra) length to add support for ANY gamepad on the PC/Mac, not just the Xbox and the Logitech. :rolleyes:
    So everyone will be able to ditch that WASD-drag thingamabob.

    P.S.: A hint for anyone like me who has bought the PC version for the dvd at the end of the season, but owns a PS3. I managed to play The Penal Zone with my PS3 controller, unofficial drivers and the "Xbox 360 controller emulation" activated. ;)
  • edited April 2010
    Can also confirm that Xbox 360 controller for Windows works great, as I mentioned in my review. The only problem with it was loading/saving... I could do it fine but couldn't scroll through previous saves, it would just jump to the first or last!
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, got to say the controls in the PS3 version were straight up perfect. I never, not once felt that i was having to fight them :-)
  • edited April 2010
    I'm sorry to say that I thought the gamepad controls on PC were buggy. It seems as if the mouse is interfearing with them. Highlighted items will time out and the mouse cursor will appear before you can chose an action. The inventory keeps spontaniously switching between the gamepad version and the "box-of-stuff" view. Also Sam's head will turn to look at an item snap back to its initial state and turn to look at the item again and again.

    It's a shame since I find the mouse controls awkward also. I keep expecting Sam to walk towards the mouse cursor. I wish the virtual joystick would simply center on Sam so that he would always move in the direction of the cursor. I know he goes offscreen sometimes but that is always a bit weird even when using a gamepad.
  • edited April 2010
    Mh, I can't get my cheap USB-gamepad to work with the game.
  • edited April 2010
    Gotta join in with the praise, the game controls perfectly, even the mouse only setup is pretty much flawless (I only found a weird spot when going to the counter of Stinky's). Great work :D
  • edited April 2010
    I really liked the PS3 controls too, only in Momma Bosco's lab it took a while to cycle to your wanted object.
  • edited April 2010
    One question I have, might of missed this, but how do you make Sam run on the PS3 version?
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Ciiircle... buutton? I'm not sure which button but its one of the face buttons. The full PS3 button mapping is listed under Help & Options on the main menu. (PC users can find all of the keyboard, mouse, and gamepad controls there too.)
  • edited April 2010
    Now that I've played most of it, I'd say it's definitely a game to play with a controller. I feared the highlighting of every interactive object would make the game too easy but it did not.

    Still not perfect though, when an object behind Max is highlighted, he starts to bob his head left and right. And the game seems to switch to keyboard randomly. Minor problems but that was distracting.

    First post by the way weeeheee
  • edited April 2010
    Oddly enough the controls remind me a little of Escape from monkey Island controls when using a controller.... I played this game on my PC with a controller and the PS3 demo version the controls are pretty much exactly the same..... in the PC version its even switches graphics for the inventory and other things when you use a controller it makes it look like the PS3 version only instead of shape buttons it tells you to use number buttons..

    Also its taking all my will to not photoshop the Max and Sam hand cursors into middle fingers and using them as my Avatar here.... but I suppose that may be a little against the rules
  • edited April 2010
    Gamepad controls work well, but I must reiterate that I was hoping for right analog stick to do mouse emulation. I'm not a fan of directly selecting every object.

    Also, does a game have to be a "Windows Live" game or whatever in order to recognize and display official Xbox 360 buttons on screen? I have Champions Online and Wolfenstein on PC, and when I turn on my 360 controller, they both automatically recognize that it is a 360 controller and display the appropriate colorful buttons A B X Y RB LB etc. just like if I were playing it on a 360. It's not a big deal, it's just a lot easier for me to remember where A, B, X, or Y are than remembering 1, 2, 3, or 4.

    I have been switching back and forth between gamepad and WASD while playing whenever I felt the need, and the transitions work perfectly.
  • edited April 2010
    Pale Man wrote: »
    Also, does a game have to be a "Windows Live" game or whatever in order to recognize and display official Xbox 360 buttons on screen? I have Champions Online and Wolfenstein on PC, and when I turn on my 360 controller, they both automatically recognize that it is a 360 controller and display the appropriate colorful buttons A B X Y RB LB etc. just like if I were playing it on a 360. It's not a big deal, it's just a lot easier for me to remember where A, B, X, or Y are than remembering 1, 2, 3, or 4.
    Wait, what? It recognizes my 360 controller and displays the buttons accordingly.
  • edited April 2010
    I like the way you select objects..having to use an analog stick as a pseudo mouse would have been real annoying
  • edited April 2010
    Wait, what? It recognizes my 360 controller and displays the buttons accordingly.

    Is yours a wired controller? I'm using the wireless via the Microsoft Wireless Receiver thing, and it doesn't recognize it properly.
  • edited April 2010
    I do not have an XBOX controller.... but maybe your drivers for it are out of date? or not I dunno.
  • edited April 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I do not have an XBOX controller.... but maybe your drivers for it are out of date? or not I dunno.

    Yeah, I think I might have a bit of a driver issue, the guide button is no longer bringing up the battery info like it used to, going to mess with that in a little bit and see if I can fix it.
  • edited April 2010
    Oh hey I just noticed you are a fellow Wisconsinite.... Northern WI here yea, eh. (I do not actually talk like that LOL) Cheese eater indeed... when ever I vacation its the thing I notice first how lame everyone elses cheese is... except maybe Germany
  • edited April 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Oh hey I just noticed you are a fellow Wisconsinite.... Northern WI here yea, eh. (I do not actually talk like that LOL) Cheese eater indeed... when ever I vacation its the thing I notice first how lame everyone elses cheese is... except maybe Germany

    Midwestern WI for me, or as I like to call it, "Wisconsin's armpit"
  • edited April 2010
    Like the Lacrosse area? I am from the Eau Claire area.
  • edited April 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Like the Lacrosse area? I am from the Eau Claire area.

    Aye. 90% of my extended family is in Eau Claire, though.
  • edited April 2010
    Pale Man wrote: »
    Yeah, I think I might have a bit of a driver issue, the guide button is no longer bringing up the battery info like it used to, going to mess with that in a little bit and see if I can fix it.

    Tried reinstalling the drivers, still doesn't recognize my controller as an official 360 controller. The guide button does bring up the battery info now, though.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, my wireless 360 controller with adapter is recognized, but it's treated as a generic controller instead of as a 360 controller, which made the controls a little bit confusing. It'd be cool if that could be fixed for future episodes, but I'm not too worried since I just switched back to mouse control anyway.
  • edited April 2010
    I wonder if there is a difference between old and new 360 controllers.... I always hear how great they are supposed to be but I still like my Logitech rumblepad 2... and most games recognize them right away... but some games I hear only support the 360 controller.... like just cause 2 I find this trend extremely annoying... hasn't Microsoft learned anything from being sued for monopoly... guess not.
  • edited April 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I wonder if there is a difference between old and new 360 controllers....
    I think the problem is actually with the crappy dongle that Microsoft sells to allow people to use wireless Xbox 360 controllers on their PCs. I'm pretty sure any wired 360 controller or wireless Games For Windows controller would work fine.
  • edited April 2010
    I was able to used a third party PS3 wired control with the game, but can anyone tell me how to use the Xbox 360 control with my PC?
  • edited April 2010
    Giinjii wrote: »
    I was able to used a third party PS3 wired control with the game, but can anyone tell me how to use the Xbox 360 control with my PC?
    If it's wired, just plug it in. In Vista, my computer automatically detected the controller and installed the drivers immediately. If it's wireless, don't bother. They sell a pretty cheap USB adapter thing for the signal, but it has somewhat shoddy results(see Pale Man's posts).
  • edited April 2010
    I'd like to echo the praise for PC gamepad controls. I've been skeptical about direct control before but things have gotten a lot better since W&G and I now embrace it (so long as my gamepad stays supported). The current setup is really comfortable, and being able to lean back while playing is a big plus. It's just a few tweaks away from being perfect, truly.
  • edited April 2010
    I tried the ps3 demo, but I'm not really taking to the gamepad controls. Selecting between action points feels awkward to me (similar, as someone mentioned above, to Escape From Monkey Island) and I had problems when moving the right stick diagonally to select options on the scroll wheel for Max's powers and the teleportation dial, when letting go of the stick to hit X it would usually switch to an adjacent power/phone number, so I'd have to hold down the right stick with my left thumb and push X with my right, which was also awkward (I realize I can remap the controls on pc).

    That said, I think the click-and-drag works a lot better than it did in ToMI. Being able to see the cursor in relation to the drag circle makes a world of difference.
  • edited April 2010
    I have to admit : I was really impressed by the controls. I didn't how we could play Sam & Max on PS3 but the controls are really great. The way you move, how you select objects, how you chose what you say : it's very well done. Don't change anything.
  • edited April 2010
    How do I enable game pad controls? My game pad doesn't appear to do anything, despite correctly appearing in the Windows control panel. I can't find any configuration option in the game to enable it. Should it Just Work automatically, or is there something I need to do?
  • edited April 2010
    Generally, I loved the PS3 controls... primarily because Sam and Max does something that few console games do: It gives you a choice.

    For me, the right stick object selection wasn't perfect since it performed very digitally, i.e. you press the right stick up, then release or press right, then release and it will then make one "step" into that direction ... it's something that I'm not entirely comfortable with using an analog stick (for me the perfect solution would probably be that pressing the right stick in one direction would select the object closest to the center of the screen in the given direction, much like the teleport-dial).

    But luckily The Penal Zone also has Broken Sword 3-style object selection where you cycle left and right with the triggers. For me being able to chose between these two object selection systems was heaven.
  • edited April 2010
    How do I enable game pad controls? My game pad doesn't appear to do anything, despite correctly appearing in the Windows control panel. I can't find any configuration option in the game to enable it. Should it Just Work automatically, or is there something I need to do?
    I'm afraid it should Just Work.
  • edited April 2010
    The right analogue stick you just move left or right and it moves around the dialogue options. You don't need to move diagonal do you?
  • edited April 2010
    Hey, you're right! Sorry about that, but the control scheme is different in some special scenes, for example in the car (where it can really drive you crazy, since you for example have to press "up" to go from Bob to the map). I switched so early in the game that I never realized that this was for special scenes only.
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