Skunkape's voice too loud

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
Loving this game to death, so far, but I have one little quibble. I play the game late at night after I work with my wife sleeping a couple rooms over, so I don't want to wake her. The initial voice volume settings are perfect until Skunkape starts talking. Suddenly the whole room is shaking. I know he has a deep voice, but if I turn the voice levels down to where his voice sounds OK, I can barely make out what Sam is saying (And he has a pretty deep voice himself.) Could the audio tracks have been improperly mixed, or am I the only one noticing this?


  • edited April 2010
    In the first sequence Skunkape is shouting and be generally loud, he quiets down later on.

    But you are waayyyyyy over exaggerating it anyway, I played on a reasonable volume level, could here everyone eaisly. And even when Skunkape was being loud it didn't shake the room or wake anyone up.
  • edited April 2010
    Are you sure it's the volume, and not the bass?
  • edited April 2010
    I actually had the same problem.
  • edited April 2010
    Same problem here, and my speakers are 2.0, so there's no subwoofer to amplify bass sounds.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah his voice is louder than the rest, can get a bit annoying. sitting on 2.1 setup here
  • edited April 2010
    I get the feeling Telltale game's audio comes together quite quickly so sometimes the sound mix suffers. Much like how television sound mixing is not as polished as a film.

    Sometimes with the default sound mix some of the music will drown out the dialogue but at the same time is very very quiet during the opening credits. I'm hoping Telltale develops some kind of dynamic mixing system in the future so that music can dip down during dialogue so that the voices don't have to be so loud to compete.
  • edited April 2010
    Check your sound settings. Didn't have a problem. Subwoofers aren't the only source of bass btw.
  • edited April 2010
    This is where investing in a pair of headphones comes in handy. I play late at night sometimes and plug in. The rest of the time I play with 4.1 surround speakers.
  • edited April 2010
    I have the same problem. It sounds like Sam and Max are whispering compared to the volume of Skunkape. And this is occurring in all of the scenes I've played so far.
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