Resolution Problems - Serious...

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
okay so i bought the game off steam, got my tf2 items with it and was happily waiting for my download to finish.

after a few hours (my connection is kinda crappy) i launched the game and all was well.

whenever i start playing a new game, i'd head over to settings and look at the video/audio settings, or controls.

i saw that the default resolution was quite low so i set it to 1280x768, and all was fine. but i was a bit concerned as to why the game wasn't widescreen (is it meant to be non-widescreen??)

BUT ANYWAY now comes the crappy part - i decided to try 1280x720 (i think) instead, and usually games will revert the resolution after a few seconds if you don't click confirm.... but in this game there's no such thing.

So now whenever i start the game my monitor goes "Mode Not Supported" and i can't see anything so i can't change any settings anymore... i've tried reinstalling and so far, no luck..



  • edited April 2010
    Go to:
    My Documents/Telltale Games and delete the file called prefs.prop in the folder called "The Penal Zone"
  • edited April 2010
    Oh awesome, thanks alot bro i love you alot. haha.:)
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