awesomeness raises questions

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
I just finished Sam and Max the Penal Zone, and it was AWESOME!!!!!!!! the graphics were good (Except for a few minor glitches), the voices were clear, the music was stylish, and the story was AWESOME!!!!! but it also rages so many questions:

*Who is this narrator?

*Why are there skeletons of Sam and Max?

*Will we ever see:
*Jimmy Two-Teeth
*Bluster Blaster
*The inside of Sam and Max's office
*The rhino plasty powers


  • edited April 2010
    I wanna see the inside of SAM & MAX's building :D not just the office. just imagine how many wacky rooms and place it could have :)

    ONly one i really care for on that list is Bisco, really think he deserves a comeback again :) other than that im pretty happy with all the cool cast they already have, man i love Superball and its crazy glasses, its almost like he's a sort of Man in black type on thingy, future vision doesnt seem to work on him for some reason.

    Could be cool having SuperBall in Sam & max office :) door guard or building guard haha
  • edited April 2010
    But didn't
    General Skun-ka'pe destroy the office when he was being sucked into the new Penal Zone
  • mr_nutt wrote: »
    But didn't
    General Skun-ka'pe destroy the office when he was being sucked into the new Penal Zone

    Yeah, when that happened I was just like 'Shoot! The office was destroyed! How are we gonna see in it this season now?'

    I wanna know what Sybils reaction is when she finds out her Office has been crushed though :)
  • edited April 2010
    Skunkape also
    was holding on to the rhinoplasty and playing cards when he was sucked into the Penal Zone, so I'm concerned about whether or not those will return
  • Skunkape also
    was holding on to the rhinoplasty and playing cards when he was sucked into the Penal Zone, so I'm concerned about whether or not those will return

    I spy possible plot hole.
  • edited April 2010
    The Rhinoplasty appears in the opening credits, so I doubt it was just for the tutorial.

    And even if Sam and Max's office is a transdimensional prison now, that doesn't mean that it'll stay that way for the whole season.
  • edited April 2010
    They seem to foreshadow that General Skun'kape isn't quite done in the story yet... so we'll probably get the toys he's holding at some point during the season. Maybe you'll have to enter your demensional prison of an office at some point.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, that seems likely (and possibly awesome)
  • edited April 2010
    The most logical thing is:

    General Skunkape was in the Penal zone.
    He escaped.
    We put him in a nother such zone.

    Logically he knows some way of escaping them.
  • edited April 2010
    Penal Zones are easy to escape from if you have physic abilities anyway.
    But Skun-Ka'pe doesn't have those...
  • edited April 2010
    Trogdorman wrote: »
    *Who is this narrator?

    The narrator's the devil man. I'd bet my hosue on it... and because he pretty much says so in the trailer
  • edited April 2010
    Trogdorman wrote: »
    *Why are there skeletons of Sam and Max?

    *Will we ever see:
    *The rhino plasty powers

    I was wondering the same thing :confused: Maybe the skeletons mean a future event that they will have to stop or maybe the skeletons are ancestors, idk (My Speculation, don't take this seriously! :rolleyes:)

    And i would also like to use the Rhino Plasty in future episodes. Think of the awesome comedic possibillities of Max transforming into anything! :D
  • edited April 2010
    Telltale, BIG thank you for this great episode, cant wait for the next episode.

    And id love to see both Bosco and Bluster Blaster returning
  • edited April 2010
    Now I remember it, Skun-ka'pe didn't have the toys in his hand when he get sucked in the interdimentional office. So, those toys are in the ship, or now Girl Stinky had it.
  • edited April 2010
    Eh... yes, he has...
  • edited April 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    The narrator's the devil man. I'd bet my hosue on it... and because he pretty much says so in the trailer

    Might want to start packing boxes.

    I seem to recall the team stating in an earlier post that
    the narrator had no significance in the story and only served as a means to introduce the episodes/series to those coming in to the series with no prior knowledge of S&M and to reference some of their influences in the season like the Twilight Zone and Night Gallery.

    Of course they very well could be lying, in which case, yeah ok...he's the devil.
  • edited April 2010
    Narrator's like a British Elvis impersonator, I don't get it.
  • edited April 2010
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    Logically he knows some way of escaping them.

    And yet he was surprised when Sam and Max somehow managed to escape. I thought that was a little odd.
    JJoyce wrote: »
    I seem to recall the team stating in an earlier post that
    the narrator had no significance in the story and only served as a means to introduce the episodes/series to those coming in to the series with no prior knowledge of S&M and to reference some of their influences in the season like the Twilight Zone and Night Gallery.

    So he's basically the Voodoo Lady's tarot cards incarnate.
  • edited April 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Now I remember it, Skun-ka'pe didn't have the toys in his hand when he get sucked in the interdimentional office. So, those toys are in the ship, or now Girl Stinky had it.
    While you can't see the cards, it's kind of hard to miss the Rhinoplasty stufff ;).
  • edited April 2010
    I think I saw Skun-ka'pe drop Rhinoplasty and the Cards while he was being sucked into the Penal Zone, but it might have been only my imagination.
  • edited April 2010
    Here's my prediction on what will happen in the next episode:
    Sam and Max will take the skeletons and put them in wherever their new headquarters are in the same way they took souvenirs from previous episodes. Papier Waite (fez dude), owner of "The Museum of Mostly Natural History" will steal the skeletons from S&M to be put on display at his museum. When the Freelance Police go to the museum and confront him, he'll explain the origins of the skeleton. Max will let slip something about the magic toys, making Papier Waite wish to collect them for display. Cue puzzle solving and stopping him.

    But that's just my probably-not-gonna-happen prediction.
  • edited April 2010
    Wasn't there are 'future vision' that showed Sam & Max at the window of their office? That didn't happen this episode...
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, but I am pretty sure that was just a gag instead of foreshadowing (don't buy that jacket, Max!)
  • edited April 2010
    One of the episodes is called "They Stole Max's Brain!" so I'm guessing just that is going to happen.
  • edited April 2010
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    One of the episodes is called "They Stole Max's Brain!" so I'm guessing just that is going to happen.

    I'm wondering how you can use psychic powers without a brain. Or maybe the infamous scene of avenge my partner is from that episode.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah they both got sucked in. Let's face it, they're not going to give us 4 more episodes without being able to read minds again. Plus it's almost a surety will end up in their office. Well I think so anyway :)

    Actually, it felt to me like they made a point of showing you the toys went in there - considering that you don't see any of Sam and Max's inventory go flying around unless it's important.
  • edited April 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I'm wondering how you can use psychic powers without a brain. Or maybe the infamous scene of avenge my partner is from that episode.

    Dude, Psychonauts, use psychic powers as a brain.
    Overture wrote: »
    Actually, it felt to me like they made a point of showing you the toys went in there - considering that you don't see any of Sam and Max's inventory go flying around unless it's important.

    They're almost certainly going to be taking a trip to this new Penal Zone.
  • edited April 2010
    That's a really bad example image. But, yes, he had the cards and rhinoplasty in his hand. why else was he not holding onto the pole with both hands?
  • edited April 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    Dude, Psychonauts, use psychic powers as a brain.

    Dude, I haven't playing that! And who knows if the rules of psychic powers in Sam and Max works also like in Psychonauts.
  • edited April 2010
    That's a really bad example image.
    Sorry, best I could do.
    Earlier and it would still be possible for a "drop" before being sucked in, which didn't happen.
    Later and he was already sucked in and gone, and the itemry doesn't show up when you see him floating in the new Penal Zone with the narrator later...
  • edited April 2010
    I don't think the narrator is the devil. I mean, hasn't Sam and Max met, fought, helped, and went to a wedding with the Devil? All in one episode?
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