Never put the Soda Poppers in any future episode of Sam and Max. Ever.

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
It's a simple request, really.

They're horribly annoying, whiny, bratty (not to mention creepy as all hell) man-children with high-pitched voices. Plus they aren't remotely funny, which is an even worse sin in a comedy game.

I was elated when I thought I'd killed them. Now we hear rumors that they might be coming back?


I understand Telltale has had a misguided idea of the fans' reaction to them:
The end of season 2 was really just a wacky misunderstanding.
We thought the Soda Poppers were widely loved characters, and we'd be making the game edgier by turning them evil. It was a big surprise that a lot of people didn't like them, since they were so popular on the forums.

Let me disabuse you of this notion.

The vast majority of the Sam and Max fandom hates these creatures (I hesitate to call them "characters") with an unthinking, blinding, vitriolic fury bordering on the obsessive. We are likely to go into conniptive fits when we hear the words "soda" and "pop" together in one sentence. The sheer brattiness of this trio, combined with their complete and utter lack of intrinsic humor, makes their apparently final deaths so much the more satisfying. It would be an emotionally wrenching cheat to take that away.

In short, when the Soda Poppers show up, we get angry.

Please, Telltale, don't make us angry again.

(DISCLAIMER: The above post is written in an entirely tongue-in-cheek manner and should not be taken at face value. Nonetheless, the point stands: the Soda Poppers are horribly annoying characters without any redeeming humor value whatsoever. Bringing them back for Season 3, or any other Sam and Max game ever, would be a majorly bad call on Telltale's part.)


  • edited April 2010
    ATMachine wrote: »
    Now we hear rumors that they might be coming back?

    I thought that was a joke. Pretty sure that it is. If not, then whateve.
  • edited April 2010
    So wait, do you realize or do you not realize that Chuck's post was a big joke?

    Either way, I actually liked the Soda Poppers. They've had their run, and I don't think we need to or should see them again, but I liked them.
  • edited April 2010
    I didn't care for them... I wouldn't say I hated them..
  • edited April 2010
    I hated em.

    But you're just quoting humourous posts. I don't think any of them are serious lol.
  • edited April 2010
    I actually liked them, ya know?
  • edited April 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    I actually liked them, ya know?

  • edited April 2010
    I hated them. When I first saw them in Season Two I nearly cried, but it was all worth it in the end :D
  • edited April 2010
    I liked them too. They were quite entertaining. But I can understand if you hated them.
  • edited April 2010
    I thought they were supposed to be annoying and unlikable though.
  • edited April 2010
    That was why I liked them as characters.
  • edited April 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I thought they were supposed to be annoying and unlikable though.

    Mission accomplished
    Shwoo wrote: »
    That was why I liked them as characters.

    They were just far far too annoying for me to appreciate how good they were at being annoying

  • edited April 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I didn't care for them... I wouldn't say I hated them..
    They've had their run, and I don't think we need to or should see them again.

    That pretty much sums it up for me.
  • edited April 2010
    I was never a fan of the poppers, far too annoying and uncharming for me.

    Hopefully, because they are dead, they won't be ruining my Season 3.
  • edited April 2010
    I don't hate them. I just think that there are more interesting characters Telltale can focus on.
  • edited April 2010
    I recon skunkapes minions are just as annoying, like the soda poppers and superball's standing infront of doors habits rolled into one.
  • edited April 2010
    If they are really this hated, then they obviously did there jobs. They are villains y'know....
  • edited April 2010
    I love them. They are so evil.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, I love Skunkape's minions. They remind me of the old Jonny Quest cartoons.
  • edited April 2010
    I strongly support the request!

    Actually i want a documentary film as a proof where all the data of the Poppers gets deleted and the designers, modelers and animators swear by the one and only true god that they'll never do it again, maybe after some mediocre torture of those who where in charge, executed by the spanish inquisition.
  • edited April 2010
    taumel wrote: »
    I strongly support the request!

    Actually i want a documentary film as a proof where all the data of the Poppers gets deleted and the designers, modelers and animators swear by the one and only true god that they'll never do it again, maybe after some mediocre torture of those who where in charge, executed by the spanish inquisition.

    overkill. but good point.
  • edited April 2010
    I hate them. That's why I like them. :o

    And they are in the game... or in the juke box, aren't they?
  • edited April 2010
    ATMachine wrote: »
    The vast majority of the Sam and Max fandom hates these creatures

    Do you have some evidence to support your claim? After reading this thread it seems that while there are some who hate them many seems to like them.

    I first hated them, but after a while I started to like them because they're just so annoying. :D
  • edited April 2010
    I hated them from the moment I saw them in Culture Shock. There is so much wrong with them. They're just plain annoying, their outfits look like rubbish, their voices are very painful to listen to, death metal is more pleasant to listen to that the screeching and whining that comes out of the Soda Poppers' mouths. They're uncool in every single way, making them unfit villains. Villains should be cool, they don't have to be likable but they shouldn't be annoying little twerps that are extremely annoying and completely nonthreatening. A good villain is someone who is tough, capable, threatening, dangerous and cool. For me, a good villain is someone who you dislike because of their actions and evil deeds, but someone who you like as a character. Some of you may not agree with me, but a character who I see as a near perfect villain is General Grievous from Star Wars.


    Just look at the guy, he's a well composed character and an excellent villain. We dislike Grievous for his actions (killing many Jedi, helping bring down the Republic, etc.), but we like him as a character because he looks cool, he's tough, he's cunning, he's skilled and he's a pleasure to see in action. He's also a great villain because he actually causes you to fear for the well-being of other characters.

    Can you say any of this for the Soda Poppers? Hell no. As villains they sucked (end of season 2), as supposed good guys they sucked (season 1 and most of season 2), and as general characters they sucked. Both seasons would've benefited immensely by being minus the Soda Poppers and 'What's New, Beelzebub?' would've been perfect with the Devil as the main villain. What I wouldn't give for alternate versions of the first two seasons that were Soda Popper free.

    Yes, I truly hate the Soda Poppers.
  • edited April 2010
    overkill. but good point.
    Ahh, maybe slightly. ;O)
  • edited April 2010
    I hated them too! And i hope they won't return in season 3! They're too damn annoying, but they died so... \o/
  • edited April 2010
    death metal is more pleasant to listen to that the screeching and whining that comes out of the Soda Poppers' mouths.

    Hey! I like Death Metal.
    Anyway, while I didn't hate the Soda Poppers, I think their arch is up, so they shouldn't appear anymore in this season or future ones...
  • edited April 2010
    Heavy Metal can always beat the snot out of Death Metal.
  • edited April 2010
    blah blah blah General Grievous is the man blah blah blah

    I like Grievous too.... but he sounds like cookie monster....
  • edited April 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    Heavy Metal can always beat the snot out of Death Metal.
    To be honest, I find it pretty hard to catogorize most metal in one particular
    sub-genre (think Children of Bodom or Cradle of Filth... where does it fit?).
    It's not make easier by some things I think is metal is called "Hardrock" and some pretty soft classical music stuff (like our national Within Temptation) can be called "Metal" for some reason...

    So I just call it "metal".
  • edited April 2010
    To be honest, I find it pretty hard to catogorize most metal in one particular
    sub-genre (think Children of Bodom or Cradle of Filth... where does it fit?).
    It's not make easier by some things I think is metal is called "Hardrock" and some pretty soft classical music stuff (like our national Within Temptation) can be called "Metal" for some reason...

    So I just call it "metal".

    Bodom, Filth are truly gothic/death metal I despise of. Within Temptation is also from the new era like Bodom, so I can't really say I'm astonished by their music.

    They're IN the genre of metal, but some people -like me- likes to point out the difference between the bands they like and the bands they hate in the same genre. That's why I like subgenres. I wouldn't really like Megadeth to be put in the same jar with Bodom.
  • edited April 2010
    The soda poppers are dead, they'll never return.
  • edited April 2010
    Well, vice-versa here.
    Megadeath is much too "soft" for me...
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah the Soda Poppers were just annoying and I hated 'em from the deepest bottom of my heart.

    And I hereby swear: If they ever appear again, I won't buy another Sam & Max game (from TTG).

    *walks away to open the first "Anti Soda Poppers" club, or short ASPC, as I call it*
  • edited April 2010
    I assume you're into mashing the drums and stuff. Understandable.
  • edited April 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I like Grievous too.... but he sounds like cookie monster....

    Like some Death Metal vocalists :D.
  • edited April 2010
    Hey! I like Death Metal.

    I knew someone would make that comment. Okay then, I'd rather listen the sound of a thousand fingernails and teeth being scraped down a blackboard, leaving 5-millimetre deep grooves in the blackboard and bending many of the fingernails back off of the skin. That would be more tolerable than the sound of the Soda Poppers voices (especially Peepers).

    By the way, I don't really have anything against Death Metal, it just doesn't sound great to my ears. It's still 10 times better than techno music and 100 times better than rap. I myself prefer rock, southern rock, hard rock, classic metal, and heavy metal.
  • edited April 2010
    LOL and we have come full circle.
  • edited April 2010
    I'd rather listen the sound of a thousand fingernails and teeth being scraped down a blackboard, leaving 5-millimetre deep grooves in the blackboard and bending many of the fingernails back off of the skin. That would be more tolerable than the sound of the Soda Poppers voices (especially Peepers).
    Hey! I like listening to the sound of a thousand fingernails and teeth being scraped down a blackboard, leaving 5-millimetre deep grooves in the blackboard and bending many of the fingernails back off of the skin.
    No, I don't... just kidding.

    (PS. I like Techno too, but I gotta agree on Rap there)
  • edited April 2010
    Some of you may not agree with me, but a character who I see as a near perfect villain is General Grievous from Star Wars.
    A good villain is someone who is tough, capable, threatening, dangerous and cool.
    Like General Grievous, who spends the vast majority of the film wheezing through his inhaler and coughing as though he has some sort of illness. Or like General Grievous, who spends the vast majority of the film running away. He may be cool enough in the cartoon series, but the film?
    For me, a good villain is someone who you dislike because of their actions and evil deeds, but someone who you like as a character.
    Right. Because Grievous is likable as a character. For his...main character traits? Like, um...


    He has cowardice. He has...coughing.

    Maybe if you were talking about [url=]]THIS[/url] guy.

    But you're not talking about that guy. You're talking about the movie version. You're talking about the character who is meant to resemble not the intelligence and cunning of Darth Vader(Count Dooku), or the brutality of Darth Vader(Darth Maul). You are talking about the character that encompasses the ASTHMA aspect of Vader.

    Also, you're talking about the prequel trilogy, so you instantly lose 5 million points.
    Can you say any of this for the Soda Poppers? Hell no. As villains they sucked (end of season 2), as supposed good guys they sucked (season 1 and most of season 2), and as general characters they sucked. Both seasons would've benefited immensely by being minus the Soda Poppers and 'What's New, Beelzebub?' would've been perfect with the Devil as the main villain. What I wouldn't give for alternate versions of the first two seasons that were Soda Popper free.
    I think this is ridiculous. Antagonists don't need to be anything, other than ANTAGONISTIC. They need a motive to stop the heroes, check, and the means to do so, check. Your criteria allow villains to be evil just because they're evil, as long as they do bad things that's OK. Well, I don't know, I prefer my villains to have a point. The Soda Poppers worked well because in the end the revelation actually made sense and it was amusing. The Soda Poppers reveal worked BECAUSE they were such unconventional heroes, THAT WAS THE JOKE.

    The Soda Poppers worked just fine and I liked them. :)
  • edited April 2010
    That argument reminds me of a paragraph of an author.
    maddox wrote:
    ...Speaking of, that reminds me of the character "General Grievous" a bad guy so sinister, his very name stands for PAIN AND SUFFERING. Nice job assholes. Tired of thinking up awesome names like "Lord Dooku" and "Nute Gunray" for your bad guys? Why not just call all your characters "Evil" and "Bad" next time? All Grievous needed was a monocle, and a large black moustache that he could twirl as he cackled "I'll get you, if it's the last thing I do!" Ditch this bullshit.
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