Two things: A bug I found and a question.

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
The bug I found was this: near the end of the game, after plugging in the dimension thing in the Moleman temple but before figuring out how to get the badge onto Skunkape, I went back to the Boscotech labs and when I left, it played the cutscene where you say you'll be careful with the device. Sure enough, there ended up being a second one in the inventory! It doesn't hurt anything but it's weird.

The second thing was a question: Is there any reason to keep the first episode on my hard disk after beating it, like anything that might carry over to the next episode from having the save file? Or can I uninstall it now to free up those precious 555 megabytes?


  • edited April 2010
    Only thing I can see being carried over right now is the bonus power, which is tagged somehow in the save file.
  • edited April 2010
    Bonus Power? I have yet to come across any such thing in forum or game.
  • edited April 2010
    Didn't hear about the "bonus power" but it's likely if you don't uninstall the next episode automatically has your options (keybinding, graphics, hints) applied.

    But that shouldn't be too big a deal to change if you want to save 555Mb.
  • edited April 2010
    What bonus power?
  • edited April 2010
    I think he means the
    Nutrition Specs
    that you get after you played through the game on the PS3 and that are supposed to be unlocked lateron in the PC version. When they are, the unlock process may involve checking your savegames from S03E01.
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