PS3 Engine problems

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
Let me say that I have thoroughly enjoyed all Telltale series and own most of them for the PC.

Now.. has anyone else noticed the stuttering, long loading times on the ps3 version? Is it just my copy? This is a big distraction for me, as the previous ran with no problems on the PC.

Overall experience is still very much worth it, yet maybe we will see a bit more polish and engine optimization for the next episodes. What do you think?


  • edited April 2010
    Happens in PC also. Stop complaining.
  • edited April 2010
    It's only meant as honest criticism. How can you improve on something if you don't know what is wrong with it? Also I always felt Telltale had a strong connection to and listened to their fans.
  • edited April 2010
    Overall I think it ran pretty well, I'm just regretting not buying the Pc version because it looked so much nicer on full graphics (and slightly quicker loading times based on the demo) Its a shame the ps3 version didn't look nearly as good but generally I really enjoyed playing it and like the gamepad controls. (the old skool 'use' icon also makes me want the pc version)
  • edited April 2010
    Put it this way, the loading times on the PS3 were nowhere near as bad as the loading times for Tales of Monkey Island on the Wii!
  • edited April 2010
    It's a port of a toolkit-based game so naturally there are a few tiny issues, but so far I haven't found any issues that were severe enough to really lessen the experience. The only thing that really annoyed me a bit is the Z fighting on the door to Stinkie's diner because I feel that it should have been very easy to fix, but loading times and load-pauses are things that can require everything up to a total engine re-write to make loading asynchronous.

    Sam and Max is still a bit of a niche game and even more so on consoles, so you better learn to live with its flaws. Telltale just can't pour the same amount of Money into engine development as Infinity Ward - Not yet anyway ;)
  • edited April 2010
    NeatNit wrote: »
    Happens in PC also. Stop complaining.

    Paying customers have a right to expect their games to run well. Stop being rude.

    At any rate, iirc developers here have said they tweak the engine between episodes, and this season looks like it involved a pretty significant codebase overhaul in terms of engine upgrades and cross platform development (this is the first telltale game on ps3, or am I wrong?) so don't be surprised if later episodes are a bit more refined in this regard.
  • edited April 2010
    I don't think Telltale has done engine overhauls so far during a season, so I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. But hey, you never know. Just don't be disappointed if they don't: Be happy that Season 3 on PS3 is the excellent game that it is and don't spend so much thought on what could have been. :)
  • edited April 2010
    I don't think Telltale has done engine overhauls so far during a season, so I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. But hey, you never know. Just don't be disappointed if they don't: Be happy that Season 3 on PS3 is the excellent game that it is and don't spend so much thought on what could have been. :)

    Right; all I meant was that this season is a huge upgrade engine wise over previous seasons (a lot of new/changed code) and that it might take some time for them to catch every little thing that needs to be polished. I haven't seen it on PS3 but it runs flawlessly on my PC minus some slightly increased load times from previous seasons that can be attributed to the increased texture/normal map assets. The fact that I'm reading stuff about the PS3 versions and the fact that it runs poorly on my (and other people's) OSX systems might indicate that their OpenGL code might need some tweaking (I"m assuming the windows version uses Direct3D). Overall, though, I'm impressed how far along their engine has come since Season 2, and even TOMI.
  • edited April 2010
    I am very disappointed in the performance of the PS3 version of Sam and Max.
    Just completed the demo and was really ready to buy the full game but decided to not.

    The game feels really sluggish on the PS3. Unfortunately it's a bad port.
    I hoped they would've done a better job on this because the game itself seems pretty cool!
  • edited April 2010
    tamer wrote: »
    I am very disappointed in the performance of the PS3 version of Sam and Max.
    Just completed the demo and was really ready to buy the full game but decided to not.

    The game feels really sluggish on the PS3. Unfortunately it's a bad port.
    I hoped they would've done a better job on this because the game itself seems pretty cool!

    Honestly, it ran almost perfectly on the PS3 on the first play through. In the second play through (no restart) it seemed as though there may be a memory leak somewhere (Momma Bosco's street in particularly seemed slow down prone/glitchy), but so far I've only seen one crash (so it beats a lot of PS3/360 games there). Its really nothing that seems to be overhaul worthy though, but something that's patch worthy.

    Edit: Also, is this something that belongs on the main Sam & Max board, or should this be in the support section?
  • edited April 2010
    Hope they manage to fix it soon. I really want to play that game.
  • edited April 2010
    tamer wrote: »
    Hope they manage to fix it soon. I really want to play that game.

    Just curious, but which PS3 do you have?
  • edited April 2010
    Does anybody remember when these problems occur, because I can't shake the feeling that people who only played the demo are more concerned about this than people who played the whole game. I remember a bit of stuttering on Skunkape's ship during the intro sequence and some more on the street, but that's about it.

    I don't know which part of the game makes up the demo, but if it's from the first few minutes of the game then it might be that demo players are really shown the (stuttering-wise) worst parts of the game.

    P.S. I'm playing on a PS3 slim with a standard HDD. Sam and Max would probably be one of the few games that improve with the use of an SSD.
  • edited April 2010
    I think PS3 version loading times are, all-considering, acceptable. The only thing a bit annoying for me is the "save&load page" loading time, at the beginning of every game session (seems you manually load the slots selecting them.. however when slots are loaded all right). And I'd like to copy my saves, but this is another story. :D
  • edited April 2010
    I have recently finished Sam N Max Season 1 on the PC and was really excited to hear about Sam N Max on the PS3. I'm a big fan of classic adventure games. But I was also disappointed with the demo.

    It looked worse than the PC version of Season 1 and was stuttering all over the place.
    And the big killer for me is that, for some reason unknown to man, developers always feel the need to change the controls when a game port hits the console.
    Why is it so hard to implement a similar control system on the consoles.
    A mouse movement is only an analogue stick away and there are eight buttons to choose from to map the mouse buttons to.
    Why can't we have a point and click adventure on the console?

    I can live with the new controls if I have to. Grim Fandango and Monkey Island 4 also had a change of controls when they went 3D. But the poor visuals is shocking and no excuse. I don't expect pixel shader graphics, but at least smooth looking surfaces. It looks like something from the MS-DOS days. Yes, I know it's a new system, but that is no excuse for poor work.
    I cannot justify to fork out the money for the full game.
    You (Telltale) only have yourselves to blame if this doesn't sell well.
    Sadly I'll probably once again wait for it to reach the bargain bin before buying it.

    I can only hope that Moneky Island 2 Special Edition is going to deliver a much better experience on the PS3...
  • edited April 2010
    0rk0, I've played through this game multiple times on the PS3 and the stuttering isn't nearly as bad as you make it sound. There is some during highly dynamic parts (i.e. the spaceship while it's flying) and a bit on the street (the scene is apparently a bit too big), but that's really about it.
    And could you be more specific what looked so bad in your opinion? I mean, it's 720p without AA, which isn't perfect, but it's hardly unprecedented on the PS3 either.

    The controls are fine... to be honest, I prefer them to the mouse-for-action, keys-for-walking approach that we have on the PC. I would still prefer classic click-to-walk controls, but as this is not in the cards I think the PS3 approach is actually better.
  • edited April 2010
    0rk0, I've played through this game multiple times on the PS3 and the stuttering isn't nearly as bad as you make it sound. There is some during highly dynamic parts (i.e. the spaceship while it's flying) and a bit on the street (the scene is apparently a bit too big), but that's really about it.
    And could you be more specific what looked so bad in your opinion? I mean, it's 720p without AA, which isn't perfect, but it's hardly unprecedented on the PS3 either.

    The controls are fine... to be honest, I prefer them to the mouse-for-action, keys-for-walking approach that we have on the PC. I would still prefer classic click-to-walk controls, but as this is not in the cards I think the PS3 approach is actually better.

    Maybe the final game is more optimized than the demo, but I wasn't impressed. When they do the close-ups in the demo of Sam in particular, the texture of his blue clothes looks funny. Not sure what it is, but it doesn't look as good as my PC version of Season 1 on 1024x768. Maybe they use the same texture for both versions and in the case of the 720p resolution it gets stretched, I don't know, but it looks terrible.
    Also the ape villian looks chunky, but that's probably due to the lack of AA.
    The demo plays in the spaceship, so maybe it's one of those scenes you refered to. But it was quite bad and I almost decided to give up on the demo.
    I'm all for adventure games on the PS3, but I honestly wasn't impressed.
    Graphics isn't everything, but with the controls changed and the stuttering it left a bad taste in my mouth. That's my humble opinion and I'm sure I'm not alone on this one...
  • edited April 2010
    I noticed it struggled like hell during the intro, but it not much of a problem. I thought the loading times would be much improved since the PS3 is a powerful system. Everything else has been fine for me. 50% through episode one. I hope the graphics will be slightly better on the next episode.
  • edited April 2010
    Powerful, but different. If you program it like a typical PC, you get something like a 3ghz single core, 512MB of RAM and a GeForce 7900 GTX :)
  • edited April 2010
    I thought I'd just chime in with my 2 cents as it's on my mind.

    Just finished playing through the first episode and, firstly, I must say that Telltale are, for me, really hitting Sam and Max's characters on the head now -- and the story was great. I really enjoyed it!

    Now, I've played the first season on my crusty old Athon 64 4800+ PC and it ran fine, which is why I was surprised to see so much of a frame rate drop, stuttering and load times on the PS3.

    Let me clarify: Most of the time frame rates were acceptable, unless there was fast camera action or a lot of movement, where the whole thing stuttered around like crazy. The PS3 should be able to handle these low poly models just fine.

    Also, load times between scenes and areas was fine, but the main menu was incredibly sluggish for me. Still, at least they're doing a netter job than AAA titles like Bayonetta here!

    As for the new controls, I liked them! However I did find it hard to select the right spot with the analog stick sometimes -- especially with the teleportation phone. It would have been nice to use the D-pad or R/L buttons to switch between them too, maybe?

    Anyway, I must end saying again that I really enjoyed the game, but I can imagine someone playing the demo with the ship (where the framerates are the worst) and being put of paying for the whole thing.

  • edited April 2010
    Why is it that every time I read the title of this thread I imagine some mechanic popping open the PS3 like a George Foreman Grill and examining a diesel engine in the internals?
  • edited April 2010
    No idea. The PS3 is a powerful beast, but it's not friendly to developers. The GPU ist standard PC hardware (Nvidia 7900 GTX... maybe with different clock speeds, don't remember exactly) and can't really handle any fancy effects, so you have to use the CPU for that...

    The CPU itself has only one relatively slow logic unit, meaning that the whole processor's power is best utilized with identical tasks running in parallel, much like a GPU. Too much logic isn't what it's good at, just pure math.

    Bottom line: stuff like LUA scripting is absolutely the last thing you should do on a PS3, but hey: it was probably either this or nothing.
  • edited April 2010
    I have this game running on my MacBook Pro (Vista partition) and my PS3 and honestly, both have stuttering at times. For the most part, they both run fine.

    I do like the control scheme better for PS3. Not to mention playing on a nice HD TV, surround sound, and the trophy support make for a very good time.
  • edited April 2010
    Can I just ask for the people that are having problems, what are your Hard Drive speeds? Loading Times on mine are quite fast, just a little slower than PC and stuttering only happened in the first introduction scene and again later on in the ship again, the rest of the game was fine. My PS3 hard drive is a 320GB 7200rpm model.
  • TeaTea
    edited April 2010
    marian wrote: »
    It's only meant as honest criticism. How can you improve on something if you don't know what is wrong with it? Also I always felt Telltale had a strong connection to and listened to their fans.

    NeatNit's just being brutal. Telltale do care ;)
  • edited April 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    Can I just ask for the people that are having problems, what are your Hard Drive speeds? Loading Times on mine are quite fast, just a little slower than PC and stuttering only happened in the first introduction scene and again later on in the ship again, the rest of the game was fine. My PS3 hard drive is a 320GB 7200rpm model.

    Loading times are roughly 5 to 15 seconds long for me. I have the 250gb PS3 Slim model. Much like the PC versions, the locations seem to load faster the second time you're entering them (presumably since they have been cached in memory).
  • edited April 2010
    NeatNit wrote: »
    Happens in PC also. Stop complaining.

    Complaining is good, if nobody ever complained, we would still be in the stone age, hitting each other with clubs.

    I infact say complain more, when its done properly like this then its good :)

    On that note, the consoles which are old now, shouldn have any problems running Sam & max, i mean they are expected to run Crysis 2, not as good as PC but still.
  • KevinKevin Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    Complaining is good, if nobody ever complained, we would still be in the stone age, hitting each other with clubs.

    I infact say complain more, when its done properly like this then its good :)

    On that note, the consoles which are old now, shouldn have any problems running Sam & max, i mean they are expected to run Crysis 2, not as good as PC but still.

    if all anybody ever did was complain, we would still be in the stone age, hitting each other with clubs.

    There, fixed that for you.
  • edited April 2010
    sascha23 wrote: »
    Loading times are roughly 5 to 15 seconds long for me.

    Never had a 15 second loading screen, longest I've seen was around 10 seconds at most so hard Drive speed must come into it.
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