More nutritous breakfast-style trophies, please

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
Just dropping in for a short visit (I'm currently sick so I've got a little more time to spend in forums). I've just finished playing The Penal Zone on the PS3 (very robust port BTW: Of course there are small issues, but for a first port to a totally new platform it's surprisingly solid) for the third time (getting 95% of all trophies: apparently there's one place where I can get a vision of Sam only at a certain time and I just can't find it).

I really loved the "Nutritious Breakfast" trophy. It's not overly difficult, but it gives you something new to discover on your second playthrough. It's not that the other trophy challenges are particularly bad: they're not, but they're business as usual: The usual repetitive tasks like "do ... n-times" or "progress to ...". They don't add anything.

"Nutritious Breakfast" on the other hand is pretty much what you'd call a side-quest in other genres and I love it. It's something not commonly found in adventure games, but it fits surprisingly well.

And I just want to say: please, give us more! There are few outstanding trophy-challenges on PS3 (which is a shame), but "Nutritious Breakfast" is probably the best example how to get it right.


  • edited April 2010
    I agree, good trophies that let you enjoy the game even more.
  • edited April 2010
    BTW, it doesn't have to be only a trophy on the PS3... but on PC you need different rewards (an ingame trophy is no good and using Steam's award system would irritate people who bought from Telltale directly)... preferably stuff that wouldn't be any use to your typical PS3 users, because then they would complain. Stuff like custom mouse cursors or sound profiles maybe.
  • edited April 2010
    BTW, it doesn't have to be only a trophy on the PS3... but on PC you need different rewards (an ingame trophy is no good and using Steam's award system would irritate people who bought from Telltale directly)... preferably stuff that wouldn't be any use to your typical PS3 users, because then they would complain. Stuff like custom mouse cursors or sound profiles maybe.

    or like the link to the sam&max2010-Site at the end of ToMI including free episode. That was extremely cool.
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