Intro music way too low

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
One of my biggest complaints about The Penal Zone is the music volume in the beginning. It's very strange that the end of the prolouge has an extremely high volume, and I thought that was a dramatic and awesome effect, but the intro seems a bit underwhelming because of the low volume. The difference between the volume of the prolouge and the volume on the intro is so big in fact, that I couldn't really enjoy it as much as I should. Especially because it's the best intro yet :(


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    This slipped through the cracks but will be addressed in future episodes!
  • edited April 2010
    Ah I'm glad it wasn't just me then! I turned the volume right up during the intro - big mistake!
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah i think the music level should override for the intro and cut scenes, like I had the music turned down and then that same music during a cut scene was way too quiet.
  • edited April 2010
    I didn't noticied it, I was too excited for the great Intro! :D
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