Destablization During Cutscenes

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
I'm trying to play episode 301 (regrettably pre-ordered via Steam), but the whole game starts losing stability during cutscenes. It doesn't happen every time, but it only starts happening during them. This means anything as small as the teleportation animation and anything as big as the opening credits. My machine definitely has the power to run the game, it ran TMI fine.

But if it matters I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit) with 2.13 GHz Intel Processor and 4.0 gigs of ram.

Anyway, basically whenever it "destabalizes", the game starts running really slow and everything stops rendering properly. Often that means getting bombarded with crazy vectors and planes, but in my last try I got this:


I don't even know where this is, I teleported to Stinky's cellphone right after getting the power (so not during the intro) and the whole game started freaking out and finally landed me here. The game has crashed twice now because of this (BSOD, once), and it's making the game impossible to play.

Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a simple reason/solution for this?

I hope this is the right place for this, sorry if it isn't.

Edit: crap just noticed the support forum.


  • edited April 2010
    woah, that's messed up. bad idea to get it through steam. not that that is why this is messing up, maybe it is, but its a bad idea because you dont get the dvd. also, the proper forum would be the Game Support forum.
  • edited April 2010
    Ya, I massively regretted buying it on steam the minute I realized I would miss out on all the sweet bonuses, but oh well.

    Not sure what the etiquette would be in this situation/forum, should I wait for a mod to move this, or should I just repost over there?
  • edited April 2010
    Gankro wrote: »
    Ya, I massively regretted buying it on steam the minute I realized I would miss out on all the sweet bonuses, but oh well.

    Not sure what the etiquette would be in this situation/forum, should I wait for a mod to move this, or should I just repost over there?

    Probably they will move the topic. Just relax for a while. Also, I think is a good idea if you tell us which one is your Video Card
  • edited April 2010
    Alright, thanks!

    I appear to have an NVIDIA GeForce 310M GPU, but again, the game doesn't really lag, it will just suddenly start vomiting at me and stop working right altogether so I don't think that would be a graphics card thing.

    Then again I can't fathom what part of my computer would cause this.
  • edited April 2010
    I don't really have any idea of what's going on, we just say what's the normal problems we see in the support forum ourselfes.

    I know having a Lua thingie instaled causes problems, and some Video Cards had problems too. But, since you said ToMI run just fine, well, this is just plain weirder.

    The other thing I can tell you is having the drivers up date is a good idea.

    And the other thing is, unless Will or Jake appear out of nothing and know what's going on, you probably will have to wait until the Monday, when everyone in Telltale come back to work.

    I hope this have a simple solution. Good Luck!
  • edited April 2010
    Well, there was one time when Guybrush's eyes rolled into the back of his head for a cutscene, but that's crazy minor compared to this.

    That was really weird to watch though.

    Edit: OH WAIT. I forgot I played TOMI on my previous but nearly identical computer which the internet claims doesn't even exist specs-wise. It was another Sony Vaio Laptop, which honestly would be a bit slower if anything. They're so similar I sometimes forget I ever changed.
  • edited April 2010
    Can you try ToMI in the new computer? Maybe IS the Video Card!
  • edited April 2010
    Conveniently, yes! I've still got a couple installers from my old computer.

    The Trial of Guybrush seems to work fine, of course the glitch is inconsistent and very random, so I could never be 100% certain about this sort of thing, but I never got anything that would even imply destabilizing in the 20~ minutes I played which featured quite a few cutscenes.
  • edited April 2010
    Oh well. Then we have to just to wait to someone from Telltale to show up. Good luck, again!
  • edited April 2010
    Have you tried lowering the graphics settings?
  • edited April 2010
    It could be overheating.

    Weirdest overheating artifacts ever, but still...
  • edited April 2010
    This may be a long shot, but you could try turning off the Steam in-game overlay. Apparently the overlay sometimes bugs out the graphics, where the game looks zoomed in.
    It's worth a shot, I don't know if it helps though.
  • edited April 2010
    First thing I'd try would be a different driver series... NVidia supports different series like 16x 17x 18x and 19x ... try to find one where the second digit is different from your current one.
  • edited April 2010
    StonkBad wrote: »
    Have you tried lowering the graphics settings?

    Yep, no luck.
    It could be overheating.

    Weirdest overheating artifacts ever, but still...

    I'm very doubtful of this, my laptop doesn't get hot at all.
    Didero wrote: »
    This may be a long shot, but you could try turning off the Steam in-game overlay. Apparently the overlay sometimes bugs out the graphics, where the game looks zoomed in.
    It's worth a shot, I don't know if it helps though.

    I tried this, and still got the problem, but thanks anyway!
    First thing I'd try would be a different driver series... NVidia supports different series like 16x 17x 18x and 19x ... try to find one where the second digit is different from your current one.

    Do you mean just downloading a new driver from the website? Any sort of recommendation or logic as to what would be desirable?

    edit: I was able to power through and finish in about 5 reloads, but the bug happened right at the final cutscene so I have no idea what everyone was acting so surprised about at the end... maaaan...
  • edited April 2010
    [QUOTE=Gankro;292079edit: I was able to power through and finish in about 5 reloads, but the bug happened right at the final cutscene so I have no idea what everyone was acting so surprised about at the end... maaaan...[/QUOTE]

    Here it is:
    Sam & Max, after sucking Skunkape into the Penal Zone, find the molemen staring at something. the camera rotates to behind the frightened Sam & Max to find... their own skeletons, with Max asking "is that us?"

    Don't click that if you're going to power through to see it for real, it's better to experience it than to read it.
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