On my second playthrough, I've noticed something

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max

At the very beginning, General Skun-ka'pe says "Nice try, Sam and Max, but I am far too powerful to be captured again!" I first figured that was a reference to his previous incarceration in the Penal Zone, but after some wild speculation, it's all there.

I'm thinking that the absolute FINAL showdown of the entire season occurs at the beginning of the first episode. At least I would suspect some final showdown occurs, different from the one at the end of the first episode, that is entirely canon.

Now, this might be me wanting to see Max as a bazooka, but I have three other reasons for suspecting this.

Gordon the Brain, at the beginning, says something like, "If General Skun-ka'pe reaches the Bronx, the planet is doomed!" If I followed my first playthrough correctly, there is nothing said about the Bronx AT ALL.

My second reason is this: Sam already has all his belongings at the beginning. The brain began to die when he had to acquire Sam's belongings for him near the finale. Why wasn't the brain dead by the time he acquired the cards and the rhinoplasty?

If you talk to Max at the beginning, he says "It'll probably make more sense when we see it all in order." This may be a subtle hint.

Anyways, that's just wild speculation, but I can't expect anything less clever or awesome from Telltale.

Who agrees or would like to agree, but cannot?


  • edited April 2010
    I don't buy it. Given how these seasons go, it seems more likely to me that Skun-ka'pe has next to nothing to do with the actual overarching plot. To address your specific issues:
    Gordon the Brain, at the beginning, says something like, "If General Skun-ka'pe reaches the Bronx, the planet is doomed!" If I followed my first playthrough correctly, there is nothing said about the Bronx AT ALL.
    Tricky, but how about this: the future seen in the vision doesn't take into account Sam & Max having seen the vision. When it actually happens, Gordon knows they already know about the Bronx and he doesn't have to say it "again".
    My second reason is this: Sam already has all his belongings at the beginning. The brain began to die when he had to acquire Sam's belongings for him near the finale. Why wasn't the brain dead by the time he acquired the cards and the rhinoplasty?
    I think the strain from creating the distraction was what really did Gordon in. Besides, it can be explained by Skun-ka'pe only bothering to take Sam's stuff away because he saw what they were up to in his own vision.
    If you talk to Max at the beginning, he says "It'll probably make more sense when we see it all in order." This may be a subtle hint.
    That works just as well with the more obvious reading.
  • edited April 2010
    At the very beginning, General Skun-ka'pe says "Nice try, Sam and Max, but I am far too powerful to be captured again!" I first figured that was a reference to his previous incarceration in the Penal Zone, but after some wild speculation, it's all there.

    I'm thinking that the absolute FINAL showdown of the entire season occurs at the beginning of the first episode. At least I would suspect some final showdown occurs, different from the one at the end of the first episode, that is entirely canon.

    The penal zone is all blown up now. Now General Skun-ka'pe is trapped in the Apartment zone, or whatever the new zone is called. The beginning sequence specifically refers to the penal zone for the portable rift maker thing.
  • edited April 2010
    Harald B wrote: »
    I don't buy it. Given how these seasons go, it seems more likely to me that Skun-ka'pe has next to nothing to do with the actual overarching plot.

    Again, all I'm saying here is all just wild speculation, but "They Stole Max's Brain!" leads me to believe Skun-ka'pe or a villain with similar goals, is planning to do the same to Max as what Skun-ka'pe did to Gordon.
    Tricky, but how about this: the future seen in the vision doesn't take into account Sam & Max having seen the vision. When it actually happens, Gordon knows they already know about the Bronx and he doesn't have to say it "again".

    But it's still a loose end, even in that case. What's in the Bronx? I have a suspicion that, in that vision, they had lost the Eyes of Yog-Sogoth in the Bronx, as they were absent in that vision of the future. Skunkape came to Earth for the eyes, and as the two other items -- the cards and the rhinoplasty -- had been sucked into the Apartment Zone with him, he still had them by the time he was able to return to his spaceship.
    The penal zone is all blown up now. Now General Skun-ka'pe is trapped in the Apartment zone, or whatever the new zone is called. The beginning sequence specifically refers to the penal zone for the portable rift maker thing.

    True. Perhaps they just decided to call the Apartment Zone the Penal Zone, as the prior one was destroyed? Alternatively, assuming I'm correct in my wild speculation, it may simply be because Gordon was dead at the time the new zone was created, so he assumed the new zone was just the Penal Zone.

    Either way, that's something I didn't think about. D:
  • edited April 2010
    Again, all I'm saying here is all just wild speculation, but "They Stole Max's Brain!" leads me to believe Skun-ka'pe or a villain with similar goals, is planning to do the same to Max as what Skun-ka'pe did to Gordon.

    But it's still a loose end, even in that case. What's in the Bronx? I have a suspicion that, in that vision, they had lost the Eyes of Yog-Sogoth in the Bronx, as they were absent in that vision of the future.
    Maybe the Eyes were missing because you can't look into the Eyes of Yog-Sogoth while you're looking into the Eyes of Yog-Sogoth. You'd get infinite regression, and the game would never end...as pleasing a notion as that might be, :D
  • edited April 2010
    The penal zone is all blown up now. Now General Skun-ka'pe is trapped in the Apartment zone, or whatever the new zone is called.

    Speaking of which, do Sam and Max LIVE in the office? Or do they live somewhere else?
  • edited April 2010
    In the Telltale games, it seems like Sam and Max live in the office. In 105, I think, Max says that he doesn't sleep because he's scared of something in the closet, and Sam explicitly identifies it as the one they keep souvenirs from previous cases in.

    And Sam wants to get back in the office in 301 because he misses taking showers.
  • edited April 2010
    Hubert wrote: »
    Maybe the Eyes were missing because you can't look into the Eyes of Yog-Sogoth while you're looking into the Eyes of Yog-Sogoth. You'd get infinite regression, and the game would never end...as pleasing a notion as that might be, :D

    True, but most of the visions are short and manageable, anyway. It wouldn't be too redundant to use just one, and Telltale probably wouldn't mind brushing out something we've already seen from trailers. Maybe we had to wait for the Eyes to be introduced in the narrative? Iunno.

    Also, visions to future episodes are seen aboard Skunkape's spaceship. Mostly while you're aboard it while saving Gordon. I know I'm right about Skunkape's return as a villain, but after some thinking, not so sure about the theory of a separate showdown. You do save Flint Paper from one future, but Gordon the brain seems to die, anyway.
  • edited April 2010

    At the very beginning, General Skun-ka'pe says "Nice try, Sam and Max, but I am far too powerful to be captured again!" I first figured that was a reference to his previous incarceration in the Penal Zone, but after some wild speculation, it's all there.

    I'm thinking that the absolute FINAL showdown of the entire season occurs at the beginning of the first episode. At least I would suspect some final showdown occurs, different from the one at the end of the first episode, that is entirely canon.

    Now, this might be me wanting to see Max as a bazooka, but I have three other reasons for suspecting this.

    Gordon the Brain, at the beginning, says something like, "If General Skun-ka'pe reaches the Bronx, the planet is doomed!" If I followed my first playthrough correctly, there is nothing said about the Bronx AT ALL.

    My second reason is this: Sam already has all his belongings at the beginning. The brain began to die when he had to acquire Sam's belongings for him near the finale. Why wasn't the brain dead by the time he acquired the cards and the rhinoplasty?

    If you talk to Max at the beginning, he says "It'll probably make more sense when we see it all in order." This may be a subtle hint.

    Anyways, that's just wild speculation, but I can't expect anything less clever or awesome from Telltale.

    Who agrees or would like to agree, but cannot?

    OMG! I't could be at the end of the season because the narrator at the end asks: Is general Skunkape truly defeated? And General Skunkape says that he is too strong to be captured again (again?) The only thing that doesn't fit in is the penal zone being destroyed... :/
  • edited April 2010
    He was already trapped in the Penal Zone before the start of the game, and escaped somehow. That's where his prisoner's badge came from.
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