Things we want in the TTG Store
here is where we can make a wish list of things we would love to have available to buy in the TTG store.... This can be useful for TTG so they can see what people like and what people do not like.... you never know what they may do people really wanted those voodoo cards and they ended up in the store.
1. Monkey Island action figures
2. Sam and Max action figures
3. The DeSoto as a toy car.
4. S&M badge
5. The S&M webcomic in print form
6. screaming narwhal model
7. S&M and MI paperback novels (I can dream)
8. a Treasure Crab mini game
ok go.
1. Monkey Island action figures
2. Sam and Max action figures
3. The DeSoto as a toy car.
4. S&M badge
5. The S&M webcomic in print form
6. screaming narwhal model
7. S&M and MI paperback novels (I can dream)
8. a Treasure Crab mini game
ok go.
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And I'd love a shirt of the Century-y-y-y-y. I even made an ad for it! (Previously posted in the fanart thread).
(Click on image for bigger version)
Not that I wouldn't buy some of the other stuff.
Heck, all of the lost episode of doctor who
Also, if they could do another run of the Season Two posters, I would buy it an instant it went up. I understand that the idea is highly unlikely if not impossible.
I didnt wana be to greedy
From the product website:
Attachment not found.
Here ya go how about a Flint Novel?
If you don't, I will.
Yes!! I'd read that, even if i'd never heard of Flint paper before
I'd also love Sam and Max plushies, and Monkey Island figurines would be great too. I don't know how likely it is they'd be able to have stuff like that made, but I guess you never know!
.-toy bear pencil topper O_O ^^
.-TOMI mugs
Now I want to see the Prismatology mood-unicorn in the Telltale store.
This. God, please this.
Keep the ideas rollin'.
Mind you, not all of them are possible for us to do from a business standpoint, and some have even been discussed before. We like opinions even if all of them can't be used.
This is why we love you guys. Especially you. Mr. Argyle not quite so much...
Well it's an expression. Not that I would mind. Hint hint. They're both good-looking inside and out.
I'd split a cookie and give each of them half of it, because I'm just that nice.
Plus I'd have a whole pack left.