I hate the narrator, who's with me?

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
I hate the narrator. I want to shoot him he is so annoying.


  • edited April 2010
    It's okay. You're just wrong.
  • edited April 2010
    Don't tell me why, but he reminds me alot of G-Man.
  • edited April 2010
    I just hope that for most of the season, he only shows up at the very beginning of the episodes. I didn't really like him showing up in between actual Sam&Max segments like he did in this episode. He can introduce the story, but once he's gone he should be gone, unless/until he actually becomes a character that Sam and Max interact with later on.
  • edited April 2010
    I could not disagree more, he is my favorite new character and I think without him the season looses its 60's B-Movie/Twilight Zone feel. I hope to never see him interacting with Sam and Max, or it has to be in a clever way. He is perfect just narrating the story.
  • edited April 2010
    i don't hate him, but i did hate that he kept interrupting the game, and that he kept insisting that its ME saving the world. But other than that he's a pretty cool character
  • edited April 2010
    I like Rod Serling-man. Which is what I'm calling him.

    Constantly saying that I'm involved with the story just reminds me of this. (Yeah, I know that's not really Rod Serling, but he's a convincing sound-a-like)
  • edited April 2010
    daro2096 wrote: »
    I hate the narrator. I want to shoot him he is so annoying.

    No no....head explody, while Max gets to watch. So at least something good comes out of the narrator.

    (Okay, I thought the narrator was good in the trailer, but in game he annoyed me so much)
  • edited April 2010
    I really like him myself, he adds a good amount of mystery to the game.
  • edited April 2010
    I liked him..... I also like really old campy scifi though.
  • edited April 2010
    I really don't get what's annoying you people. I thought his cut-offs were awesome, and they were only near the end and the beginning, if I remember correctly. Reminded me of G-man, when something happens and he just freezes time and talks to you.

    I also like old campy sci-fi.
  • edited April 2010
    Don't tell me why, but he reminds me alot of G-Man.

    While pasty-faced enough, he lacks the ominious eyes - or worse, the fear-inducing smirk - that give the G-Man his unique creepyness (Back to 2003 anyone?) Plus, the narrator's too sharply dressed.

    There's definitely a bit of G-Man influence, though the G-Man's mid-action freezes and soliloquies are naturally a lot more menacing.
  • edited April 2010
    Guys he is so obviously supposed to be like the narrator from Plan 9 from outerspace,... even the hair is similar....

    Obviously the Twilight zone narration is another inspiration

  • edited April 2010
    I think whether or not you like him depends on whether or not you're at all familiar with what he's parodying.
  • edited April 2010
    Wow, this forum... Whenever you guys encounter a charecter who doesn't exactly fit like the soda poppers, Superball, Hugh Bliss or Brady Culture (all of whom I really liked except for Culture) you are revolted instantly, geez. It's good to have a little disenance once in a while.
  • edited April 2010
    Strong Max wrote: »
    It's good to have a little disenance once in a while.

    Y'mean dissonance or dissent? I dunno, I usually assume that straight-up stating ones hatred for a character is usually more of conversational gun powder rather than seriousness.

    Anyways, I like the narrator when he's bookending the story, but he does seem a bit overbearing. "YOU are in control, only YOU can save the world, only YOU can prevent forest fires," gets to be a bit annoying.
  • edited April 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    "YOU are in control, only YOU can save the world, only YOU can prevent forest fires," gets to be a bit annoying.

    THIS. A thousand times THIS.
  • edited April 2010
    I personally think he's great. Just the partner for a power-mad space gorilla trying the to take over the world!
  • edited April 2010
    While he's a good char, I agree he could do with less referring to me.
  • edited April 2010
    I think he's okay, although i could imagine a way cooler narrator as well. I don't especially like him but i also don't hate him. He just seems a bit too artificial and i would appreciate if he only shows up in the beginning and after the game ended. Rod Serling incarnation in Sam&Max.
  • edited April 2010
    I'm interested to see how he works into the story in future episodes. Probably as some evil mastermind behind the whole game.
  • edited April 2010
    Don't tell me why, but he reminds me alot of G-Man.

  • edited April 2010
    Strong Max wrote: »
    Wow, this forum... Whenever you guys encounter a charecter who doesn't exactly fit like the soda poppers, Superball, Hugh Bliss or Brady Culture (all of whom I really liked except for Culture) you are revolted instantly, geez. It's good to have a little disenance once in a while.

    These guys are all awesome. I want to see Hugh Bliss back! But those Soda Poppers... grrrrr
  • edited April 2010
    He's the best thing that could have happened to the game.
  • edited April 2010
    I think the narrator keeps the feel of the story, but he should be used less often. Or they could just replace him with Hugh Bliss :)
  • edited April 2010
    i just love him, he's great.

    and hey, he's the devil himself, i guess. show a little respect.

    edit: and no, hugh bliss's voice is horrible.

    btw., have you seen "reaper"? Ray Wise is the best devil EVER!!!!

  • edited April 2010
    Hugh Bliss is HORRIBLE, so please keep him away.

    On a sidenote, was that brain in a jar voices by same guy as Hugh Bliss? Maybe it IS Hugh Bliss? That's the first thing that struck me when I heard that brain speaking in-game.
  • edited April 2010
    Actually the voice for the brain is Andrew Chaikin (Max in 101, Narrator, Bugeye, Coronado de Cava).

    I liked the narrator, but he shouldn't be constantly reminding me that I'm playing a game and that it's an epic saga with 5 episodes.
  • edited April 2010
    I like the narrator, although I agree with whoever said that it might help if you're more familiar with what he's a parody of (in that case, you guys need to watch more Twilight Zone!). He's supposed to be a little campy and over-the-top!

    I'm also curious to see if he's going to play a role in the story aside from being the host of the show. If he is, maybe the fact that he's constantly addressing the player will be important somehow?
  • edited April 2010
    The brain isn't voiced by William Kasten, he's voiced by Andrew Chaikin, who voiced Max in Culture Shock. William Kasten also voiced the radio announcer and one of the cultists, I think.
  • edited April 2010
    Not really sure I like where this season is going, but I'm gonna stay open minded and give it 2-3 more episodes before I start to judge for real. Main concerns are that a, narrator robs the actuality that gameplay is b, Max special feat is really narrowing down the range of possibilities and thus it may get boring and c, that I'm going to get upset at continued sloppyness in the polygon area.
  • edited April 2010
    Adding to the voices of those that like the narrator. Come on, man, he's awesome.
  • edited April 2010
    The narrator is really awesome. I hope we will see more of him in the future episodes. Maybe, he's the devil?
  • edited April 2010
    The narrator is like a rainbow of shining hope on a platter of wonder engraved with words of wisdom carved with lightning struck from a sea of clouds of happiness and bliss woven from candy canes and chocolate shaped like a rainbow of shining hope on a platter of wonder engraved with words of wisdom carved with lightning struck from a sea of clouds of happiness and bliss woven from candy canes and chocolate shaped like a rainbow of shining hope on a platter of wonder engraved with words of wisdom carved with lightning struck from a sea of clouds of happiness and bliss woven from candy canes and chocolate shaped like goodness.
  • edited April 2010
    The narrator really adds ambience and flavor to the story, I have to agree that the episode really wouldn't have been the same without him.
    But, if anything, I'd have loved for him to be alot more sinister and evil-sounding.
  • edited April 2010
    c, that I'm going to get upset at continued sloppyness in the polygon area.
    Could you elaborate on that? Because I didn't notice any sloppiness.
  • edited April 2010
    I don't trust him, he's not even in color.
  • edited April 2010
    SuperBosco wrote: »
    I don't trust him, he's not even in color.
    that rose he wears looks pretty trustworthy though!
  • edited April 2010
    Crrash wrote: »
    that rose he wears looks pretty trustworthy though!

    It's a trick to fool you into trusting him, and then the next second, when you least except it, he's spraying your face with water with it.
  • edited April 2010
    Add another vote FOR The Narrator, he's superb!
    Giant Tope wrote: »
    Constantly saying that I'm involved with the story just reminds me of this. (Yeah, I know that's not really Rod Serling, but he's a convincing look-a-like)

    That actually *is* Rod Sterling, but it's not his voice. The video is actually from an old Twilight Zone episode.
  • edited April 2010
    I have already voiced my support for the narrator.. but let me elaborate... He adds to the b-movie scifi vibe of the series... he also helps pass along useful information and or back story.. without Sam or Max have to spell things out blatantly... this way they can remain in character the entire time and not break the forth wall too much.
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