The Joystick icon has to go



  • edited April 2010
    I liked it, made it easier to steer Sam and better than that halo thingy in ToMI. It's nice and small and unobtrusive. Thinking back, I'm surprised at how often I switched between WSAD movement and click & drag movement, so seamless the transition.

    I felt the same way, although I mostly used the click and drag. I was really good in ToMI, but I feel like they really got it clinched in this game.
  • edited April 2010
    Please Telltale at least give us the option to turn the icon off. It should be no difference for people who use WASD or the click and drag.
  • edited April 2010
    i personally only use the arrow keys, but i cant figure out how to run with them.
  • edited April 2010
    i personally only use the arrow keys, but i cant figure out how to run with them.

    Hold shift while using the arrow keys.
    With the mouse, you hold the right mouse button to run. Oddly enough, the latter option requires one less hand.
  • edited April 2010
    you could still use only one hand for the arrows (there is a shift right above them, and a shift right next to wasd, conveniently)
  • edited April 2010
    Unfortunately that method involves too much finger movement. Moreover, Caps Lock is closer in proximity so you're more likely to hit that button instead.
  • edited April 2010
    I guess you aren't a FPS/RPG player then? I can keep my hand on WASD and Shift at the same time through the entire game...
  • edited April 2010
    I find it kind of annoying, cuz it's a gamecube joystick, and the game is played on pc, not gamecube!

    I vote for an option to turn it off.
  • edited April 2010
    It's funny that the icon doesn't show up with a gamepad!

    They should have used an old Atari Joystick icon
  • edited April 2010
    That joystick is win!
  • edited April 2010
    I say that if the joystick stays at least center it in the center of the screen then, and let them run when the mouse is outside a specific region

    I've many times dragged the mouse while at the leftside of the screen and wanted to go left as well, but that usually just ended up with me going right.

    Only times I used the mouse was when I had to click on something, for the rest I only used the arrow keys
  • edited April 2010
    I hardly care about such a trivial thing, but what the heck.... I'll comment too.

    Personally I liked the look of the TOMI 'ring' better, but it was a bit too large. The smaller joysticky thing is less intrusive, but to me it makes the game look like a cheap PC port of a console game. I know it isn't, but to me the little joystick thing gives that impression.

    But I'm a bit old school, and have always thought PCs to be superior to consoles (if you're willing to spend the money) and I admit that I'm a bit bitter toward the fact that more and more PC games are stripped down ports of console games with little or no PC-specific goodies. Call of Duty WaW comes to mind, with its lack of dedicated server support and some other features that have been a staple of PC FPS games since Quake.

    Again, I know that this is not the case with Sam & Max, and I'm also not trying to start a PC vs. Console argument, nor the tired argument about why PC FPS games do or don't need dedicated servers. It just seems like PC gamers are slowly getting the shaft lately.

    Sorry... I wandered off topic. I had a long and tiring day at work..... I'm just grumpy.

    Where's episode 2 dammit?! Bah! :)
  • edited April 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    Hold shift while using the arrow keys.
    With the mouse, you hold the right mouse button to run. Oddly enough, the latter option requires one less hand.

    what about right shift? I can reach it with one hand.
    It's my default jump-key in Shooters.
  • edited April 2010
    I personally don't mind the joystick icon at all.
    But since a lot of people seem to, maybe a replacement could be something like the red arrow around Guybrush in ToMI, but then flat against the screen.
    Something like this:
    A bit of a bad mockup, but you get the idea. And I only used an iPad screenshot because that was the best image I could find, not because the iPad version should be changed :)
  • edited April 2010
    But since a lot of people seem to, maybe a replacement
    Why a replacement? Why do we need a replacement? Just turn it off.
  • edited April 2010
    Without a visual representation of how you're dragging, it's gonna be hard to control Sam properly.
  • edited April 2010
    Without a visual representation of how you're dragging, it's gonna be hard to control Sam properly.
    No, That's a terrible excuse to have that. That means that each time you walk you look at the icon instead of the game? That takes you right out of the game. Each time I walk I look at Sam and I can perfectly control him. The Visual Representation is Sam.
  • edited April 2010
    How can looking at the game take you out of the game.
  • edited April 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    That means that each time you walk you look at the icon instead of the game? no.
  • edited April 2010
    Didero wrote: »
    I personally don't mind the joystick icon at all.
    But since a lot of people seem to, maybe a replacement could be something like the red arrow around Guybrush in ToMI, but then flat against the screen.
    Something like this:
    A bit of a bad mockup, but you get the idea. And I only used an iPad screenshot because that was the best image I could find, not because the iPad version should be changed :)

    That's actually what I had in mind.... maybe a bit smaller though. I don't think a change is necessary, but if they were to do anything at all with it, an option to turn it on & off would be fine although I don't know if I would turn it off myself.
  • edited April 2010
    We played a bit more today. First with the gamepad, but then frustration hit and we unplugged it (long story short, none of the keys do what the menu says they do. Actually, over half of them do nothing at all. And for some reason I kept running into things).

    I have to say I like this click-and-drag much better than ToMI's. First, Sam doesn't keep turning around or running the wrong way or anything of the like. Second, it just... works. I don't know, I try to make it move and it does.
    And I like the joystick icon. It's nice. It looks nice, and it's small and not obnoxious. It takes you out of the game less, I find.

    I certainly don't think it should be removed. As far as Click-and-drag goes, it's an improvement.
    When my husband was in control though, he had trouble with it. I assume it's because he's waiting for the DVD to play ToMI, but he kept trying to click where he wanted to go, and often that ended up the hotspot for something that wasn't even there (such as the door he had just gone through, making him leave the room again). And he seemed to want to use it backwards for some reason (drag to the left to go right, for instance).

    But I think he should get used to it after a while.
  • TorTor
    edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    When my husband was in control though, he had trouble with it.
    Maybe he'll find it easier using the arrow keys or the W-A-S-D keys? I did.
  • edited April 2010
    Tor wrote: »
    Maybe he'll find it easier using the arrow keys or the W-A-S-D keys? I did.

    Maybe. He's the one who said he'd rather use a mouse but I guess I might suggest he tries that and sees how he likes it.
  • edited April 2010
    What if one of Max's items were his gun! Im talking first person!
  • edited April 2010
    What if one of Max's items were his gun! Im talking first person!

    Ummmm... what? Context, please?
  • edited April 2010
    I think he wants to shoot up stuff, FPS style.
  • Is this thread about getting rid of the joystick icon or getting rid of the new click and drag format?

    I actually like the new click and drag system. I used to prefer point and click , but this improvement to click and drag has really changed my mind. It's a lot better. If this is about the icon being a joystick though, then who really cares? I think the joystick icon is necessary to communicate function and show feedback to the player so they know which direction they're telling the character to go.
  • edited April 2010
    Is this thread about getting rid of the joystick icon or getting rid of the new click and drag format?
    It's clear. It's about getting rid of the icon. For any other discussions or merits of click and drag please use another thread.
  • edited April 2010
    Just gonna throw in my 2 cents and say I actually liked the thumbstick Icon. It made it a LOT easier for me to figure out what direction Sam was walking, and was much more intuitive than the wheel in ToMI for example.

    Also I thought it was supposed to be an analog stick from a ps3 controller but that's just me.
  • Zodler wrote: »
    It's clear. It's about getting rid of the icon. For any other discussions or merits of click and drag please use another thread.

    Really? This is a discussion about the joystick icon? Seems pretty insignificant to me, but to each his own I guess...
  • edited April 2010
    I think he wants to shoot up stuff, FPS style.

    They did do it for Strong a certain extent.
  • I think the thumbstick has a very obvious purpose. Admittedly I'm not a massive fan of click and drag but it's definitely an improvement over the implementation in ToMI.
  • edited May 2010
    For me, it looked like if a had a sticker on my screen. It was kind of distracting.
    But anyway i use wasd, so i dont mind.

    For wasd, im still waiting for character-perspective controls.
  • edited May 2010
    I started Episode 302 and I was disappointed to see that the joystick icon is still there with no possibility to remove it (let alone for a brightness control, f that!)

    Telltale do you listen? Please explain to me why people who use WASD don't see it and people that use click and drag, have to see it?

    You invented and FORCED us to use click and drag and now that we use it, you give inconvenience if we use it?

    Telltale please explain to me why you don't give us the option to remove it, which is a very simple and logical task. :mad:
  • edited May 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    Telltale please explain to me why you don't give us the option to remove it, which is a very simple and logical task. :mad:
    I doubt you DESERVE an explanation... chill!
  • edited May 2010
    i WASD myself everywhere if im in bed, but at my desk i use the joystick and it annoys me.

    Sounds like a personal problem, Sam!

    Seriously, this is the kind offhanded remark I would like to see in one of the next episodes!
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