That double-rift flavour

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
Noticed a minor bug:
plugging in the rift generator but not turning it on
, I teleported out to talk to
Momma Bosco
, where I asked about the
rift generator
again. I teleported back, and saw a cutscene where Sam
grabbed the rift generator from off of the table again
. This means that it was in my inventory, but also
plugged into the wall.
So I was able to
use the rift generator with itself!


  • edited April 2010
    There are plenty of similar glitches reported already... I have experienced this glitch too.

    This should probably be posted in Game Support, although there are plenty of threads about similar issues...

    Oh... and a little tip, rather than putting spoiler tags around key information, use the spoiler icon on your thread...(which you have... so there isn't much need for spoiler tags)

    I hope I haven't sounded too negative... :p but welcome to the forums! :D
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