Questions & Problem !

edited April 2010 in Game Support
I have few questions about the game :

Does the demo or the game start "sam & max locked in cage by the ape " ?

Does in the demo patch or update ?

Does the menu in the full game are contains : new game , help & settings , purchase ?

I'm asking these questions because I download the demo and I don't now if the demo unlock the full game ..

Note : I pre-order the game and some people say the demo will automaticly unlock the full game if I pre order the game .

The problem with the ps3 version ..


  • edited April 2010
    I pre order the game before the game release and after the demo release I didn't see the game in the store then I wrote my problem here, and there person says to me you have to download the demo to unlock the full game , I download the demo and I finished it but the full game are not unlocked yet ! , the end of the demo says I have to buy it and pre order the season but I'm already pre order the season !
  • ScottAlexanderScottAlexander Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Hey Dead Man,

    From what I understand, in the PSN Store, there should be two things to download:




    You should have access to the KEY provided you've purchased/pre-ordered the season.

    Please check the PSN Store and see if there's anything else you can download and install regarding Sam & Max.
  • edited April 2010
    Nothing,just the demo and the season three the one I pre order it , there people says they see the first episode but I think they see it because they didn't pre order the game .
  • edited April 2010
    you need to check your downloads list, not the main PSN store.

    log into PSN, then head to account management, then transaction management then download list.
    Scroll around and there should be an unlock key for you to download and install. It will only be a small file, and will either be at the top of the list or lower down labelled with the date you pre-ordered on.

    If you can't find it, head to the option above Download List, called Transaction List. Pick your email address from the drop down list, and then search for the S&M pre-order, which should be there. That'll give you the date you purchased.

    As for those that say they can see the first episode, the demo contains all the data from the whole first episode within the download. The license key then unlocks the rest of the game. So I hope you haven't deleted the demo you installed..

    Hope that helps.
  • edited April 2010
    Pick your email address from the drop down list, and then search for the S&M pre-order, which should be there. That'll give you the date you purchased.

    So what to do next ?
  • edited April 2010
    sorry, that was just so you could find the date you purchased it on...
    Head back to the download list and scroll down till you reach entries from that date. Your activation key should be there.

    If it's not there, you need to be getting in touch with Sony's support, because TTG don't have jurisdiction and can't really help beyond the help I've given you...
  • edited April 2010
    Thank you so much . my problem finally solved ..
  • edited April 2010
    Glad to be of help. Hope you enjoy the rest of the episode, it's completely awesome :D
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