Sam & Max and its trophies not showing up on Sony's "My Trophies" site

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max
My apologies if I am not posting this in the correct location. Admin, please feel free to move if needed:

Has anyone else noticed that Sony's "My Trophies" page doesn't seem to display the Sam & Max trophies (or the game for that matter) in your list of owned/recent titles?

Is there some action needed from Telltale staff to ensure their site registers the game?




  • edited April 2010
    This has nothing to do with TTG every games for PS3 is like that, usually takes a month or so for a game to register on the site, for example FF 13 is listed there, but it did not show up for at least a month after release.
  • edited April 2010
    Hm. Interesting. They need to work on that. Otherwise, the site is pretty feature-rich and I'm actually enjoying the comparisons with PSN friends.

    Thanks for that.
  • edited April 2010
    Your welcome, and yes it's true sony really needs to fix it on their site.
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