What's new Beelzebub extra item?

edited April 2010 in Sam & Max

What was the grocery list for in the episode 205 ? I put it in Hugh Bliss office instead of the swear words... Why did it go there? It didn't do anything

Also what was the deal wht the pork chips? Just so Sam could eat them in the pit?


  • edited April 2010
    BFishY wrote: »
    What was the grocery list for in the episode 205 ? I put it in Hugh Bliss office instead of the swear words... Why did it go there? It didn't do anything

    Ah, but did it? If you play further and think about how doing that might affect things elsewhere, it'll all come together.
    BFishY wrote: »
    Also what was the deal wht the pork chips? Just so Sam could eat them in the pit?

    Assuming you haven't played that far into the episode (which is my guess based on your previous question, at least) ...
    yeah, pretty much. It's kinda like the ink ribbon -- a pointless yet fun continuity nod.
  • edited April 2010
    BFishY wrote: »

    What was the grocery list for in the episode 205 ? I put it in Hugh Bliss office instead of the swear words... Why did it go there? It didn't do anything

    Also what was the deal wht the pork chips? Just so Sam could eat them in the pit?

    The grocery list lets you talk to a certain turets infected rat.
    The pork chips are an echo to episode 201.
  • edited April 2010
    Strong Max wrote: »
    The grocery list lets you talk to a certain Tourette's infected rat.
    The pork chips are an echo to episode 201.


    Also, it causes the words "soda" and "vanilla" to be censored, which is just hilarious.
  • edited April 2010
    Try listening to More than Jerks in Stinky's with the word "soda" censored...
  • edited April 2010
    Oh I guess I used the list before I talked to Timmy...
    Yeah that song in Stinky's is the only change I've noticed :P

    Thnx for the help :P
  • edited April 2010
    Hah, and I kept wondering where that constant beeping sound came from in Stinky's diner. :D Hilarious.
  • edited April 2010
    I finished Episode 205 but I don't get/remember it. Was The grocery list necessary to finish the game or not?
  • edited April 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    I finished Episode 205 but I don't get/remember it. Was The grocery list necessary to finish the game or not?

    You need to replace Hugh Bliss' list of swears with it in order to hear the uncensored version of Peeper's real name from Timmy Two-Teeth.
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