The Effigy Mound sketch book and Season 1 Case File for sale on Ebay


  • edited April 2010 please?
    edited April 2010
    Sorry about that, updated with links now.
  • edited April 2010
    Awesome, thanks.
  • edited April 2010
    hnngggg that's so tempting.
  • edited April 2010
    Season One Case File, huh? I have one, and I love it so.

    Effigy Mound....


    Let me get my wallet. And consult my bank account. And consult my sanity.
  • edited April 2010
    effigy mound is not that good. its basically 69 pages of drawings, half of which you can find by a good search. I'll trade you mine for your case file! :D because that auction only ships to america, not the Isle of Ewe OR Australia... so, in that case, let me be ACTUALLY honest instead of that *crap* i said before...

  • edited April 2010
    As much as I'd love to have Effigy Mound, I'm too big of an Infocom fan to ever let go of feelies. :)
    edited April 2010
    I will ship worldwide.
  • edited April 2010
    effigy mound is not that good. its basically 69 pages of drawings, half of which you can find by a good search.

    art books are pretty damn awesome. so basically it has at least 34.5 pages of drawings that i haven't seen.

    hnngggggggggg even more tempted.
  • edited April 2010
    Maybe it would be better if you sold the casefile and the games as seperate items.
  • edited April 2010
    Too late now, there's bids. Which sort of sucks. My dad's sort of an eBay nut, so I'm pretty well trained in auction sniping for when he's not around to bid on something. I don't think I've ever bid on anything six days before the end.
  • edited April 2010
    if you are going to ship worldwide, change the settings on ebay because otherwise it won't ship worldwide.
    edited April 2010
    I tried changing the settings earlier and it only allowed it on the sketch book. I guess because someone already put a bid on the season 1 stuff at the time.
  • edited April 2010
    oh... 'tis a shame. at lease i have no reason to waste my money now!... *sigh*
    edited April 2010
    I don't get how that's a problem? I'll still ship worldwide, I just have to let the winner know the shipping amount after they win.
  • edited April 2010
    i don't think ebay allows that.
    edited April 2010
    I've bought plenty of stuff from international sellers and didn't have worldwide shipping listed and I never ran into problems so I don't know. I figured the only reason it sucks for me is it won't show up in search results on ebay, etc. At least I managed to get the sketch book changed before someone bidded on it...
  • edited April 2010
    In that case... bid! bid! bid!
    edited April 2010
    Last day on these people!
  • edited April 2010
    wow nice earnings
  • edited April 2010
    Sold. At least I can take comfort in knowing that it went for much more than I'd be willing to pay.
  • edited April 2010
    Wow... that's... expensive.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah that's some crazy prices on them. The winner needs to keep them in good condition they may be worth a lot more in the years to come.
  • edited April 2010
    The book ended at about $30 more than I can afford to pay for it. :(
  • edited April 2010
    Well, I swept the case file. If you consider the value of the case file, the ebay price of hit the road, and season one on telltale; it is a good value. Very good considering it got to about half of my max bid.
  • edited April 2010
    Eh, I just found season 1 for 20 euro's and S&M: Hit the Road (the re-release of europe) for 15 euro in a local shop.

    Should I buy them as "investment"? :eek:
  • edited April 2010
    Dunno if the re release would be worth much. The Season 1 might be though, if it's the full season DVD.

    Wait till someone more knowledgeable answers though.
  • edited April 2010
    Well, I don't actually HAVE Hit the Road, so I am pretty much getting that anyway if they still got it when I return... :p
  • edited April 2010
    Ry99 wrote: »
    Well, I swept the case file. If you consider the value of the case file, the ebay price of hit the road, and season one on telltale; it is a good value. Very good considering it got to about half of my max bid.

    i envy you. how about US$40 or a bit more for that case file?
  • edited April 2010
    Ry99 wrote: »
    Well, I swept the case file. If you consider the value of the case file, the ebay price of hit the road, and season one on telltale; it is a good value. Very good considering it got to about half of my max bid.


    You win the auction, but you fail at eBay.
  • edited April 2010
    I paid $50 for a Season One Case File a while back.

    ...Yes, I'm an idiot. But a HAPPY idiot. =P
  • edited April 2010
    i hope to one day be as happy and idiotic as you, rather dashing. 'tis indeed my lifelong dream...
  • edited April 2010
    My approach to eBay is to not bid until at least the last day, if not the last minute. Otherwise you run the risk of ending up in a bidding war, and...yeah. Ry99 wouldn't have had to pay so much for the case file if he hadn't gone nuts with his bids over the course of the auction. Which is why bid-crazy eBay n00bs drive me crazy when I'm really trying to get something.

    On the other hand, he's entirely happy with what he paid and OWD made a nice profit, so it's not like anybody lost here.
  • edited April 2010
    My approach to eBay is to not bid until at least the last day, if not the last minute.

    I hate people like you. You think you'll get something, you're the highest (and sometimes only) bidder for days...
    And one minute before the end of the auction, when you've finally relaxed and stopped refreshing, someone just takes it away from you.
    Like taking a balloon from a baby. EVIL!
    They should forbid bids on the last day >.> Then of course it would only end up being the same thing a day early so that would be pointless... Maybe they should only forbid bids by people who haven't bid before...

    Anyway, now I only get the "buy it now" things. At least someone won't snatch it from you the moment the seller is handing it to you and say they won it fair and square, when they were just hiding there, waiting to take your item from you, who invested yourself emotionally and time-wise.

  • edited April 2010
    I'm a product of conditioning. My dad trained me to snipe for him, so I snipe. It's the best way to get things that aren't buy it now at a low price. For example, I needed a Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Disk for a costume, and those things run about $60 on eBay. By carefully choosing an auction and sniping it, I managed to get it for $30. I still probably paid too much, but that's something else entirely.

    Besides, it does have its drawbacks. If you're not certain what the high bidder's maximum bid is (though there's plenty of ways to tell), you run the risk of underbidding and not having time to get in another. Plus you run the risk of crossing paths with another sniper or getting into a last minute bidding war. This was my biggest problem a couple months ago when I was trying to get a rare item for a friend's birthday present. And of course, there's always the risk of forgetting about your auction or not being near a computer when the time comes. And internet outages. Trust me, I've had the same gut-wrenching feeling you get from being sniped whenever something goes horribly wrong with my own snipe, many times.
  • edited May 2010
    Call me a n00b if you will, but how is my strategy of having deep pockets more vile then taking a product at the last second when they would of bid more then the sniper? I am quite comfortable paying the price I did, at that price we both win. Not just me.
  • edited May 2010
    Ry99 wrote: »
    Call me a n00b if you will, but how is my strategy of having deep pockets more vile then taking a product at the last second when they would of bid more then the sniper? I am quite comfortable paying the price I did, at that price we both win. Not just me.
    On the other hand, he's entirely happy with what he paid and OWD made a nice profit, so it's not like anybody lost here.

    Way ahead of you. Anyway, I suppose with items like these up for sale, they were bound to go for a pretty steep price, so it's not like you did anything I wasn't at least somewhat expecting.
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