The "Max's head is a horrible, scary place" appreciation thread!

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max


But seriously, folks, what's your favorite part about finally getting to see what goes on in that fuzzy, messed-up little noggin? The slightly creepy flashes of images that we mere mortals are probably not meant to see? The floating objects that seem to exist both in and outside of time and space? The debilitating night terrors this will inevitably cause?

As for me, my favorite thing is how Sam's tie turns into a fish on the roof of Bosco Labs, and absolutely no where else that I found.


  • edited April 2010
    I found the fish in Stinky's Diner and in front of the entrance of Bosco Tech, actually. Most of those images seem to be popping up randomly each time we enter Max's brain.

    In the very first scenes of the game, when Skun-ka'pe is sucked into the Penal Zone, you can see that Skun-ka'pe is wearing an oversized viking hat (or a big pot with horns). That made me laugh, too.
  • edited April 2010
    The sound distortion in Max Mode was a great touch. Especially when you move his field of vision. It's even better when you're in Stinky's and have a song with lyrics playing on the jukebox.

    My favorite random object gags were, as noted, when they appeared to be worn by the other characters. The fish tie was one of my favorites, as well as the swim floatie Sam wears at one point (IIRC, it was in front of the Hard Luck Pawn Shop).

    Another thing I noticed -- and I'm pretty sure it's a coincidence, though a pretty disturbing serendipitous one at that -- is what you see in Max Mode at Straight and Narrow. There, he sees Sam standing in a frying pan. Which I figured was just as random as, say, the floating fortune cookies.

    ... Then Max mentions regretting that he and Sam didn't get buried in the rubble right after
    escaping underground to evade Skun-ka'pe's death ray
    . And the ... stuff he says immediately after that.

    Then it all made sense. Even the fish tie.

    Next thing you know, we'll find out Banang's actually made from ... lagamorphs. *shudder*
  • edited April 2010
    Oh god, I always take the whole "You look tasty" thing in a whole different meaning. I thought it made sense after I see Sam's thoughts of giving the wedding ring to Max and all...
  • edited April 2010
    I like it in the underground where it seemed there was a gondola floating down the river. I'm not sure if someone was inside it maybe the grimreeper or charon.
  • edited April 2010
    I like it in the underground where it seemed there was a gondola floating down the river. I'm not sure if someone was inside it maybe the grimreeper or charon.

    It was the boat from ToMI5... and inside it was bessie the cow! :P
  • edited April 2010
    Another thing I noticed -- and I'm pretty sure it's a coincidence, though a pretty disturbing serendipitous one at that -- is what you see in Max Mode at Straight and Narrow. There, he sees Sam standing in a frying pan. Which I figured was just as random as, say, the floating fortune cookies.

    ... Then Max mentions regretting that he and Sam didn't get buried in the rubble right after
    escaping underground to evade Skun-ka'pe's death ray
    . And the ... stuff he says immediately after that.

    Then it all made sense. Even the fish tie.
    Ooh, that's kind of creepy.
  • edited April 2010
    For most of the game I was under the impression the strange imagery and floating invisible objects were a result of activating Max's mysterious and strange psychic powers. It took me a while to realize that that was just how his brain worked normally. Deep...
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, Max's mind is awesome, I wonder where he got his cow obssession... maybe he fell in love with Bessie the Cow when he saw her in Midtown Cowboys?

    On my third playthrough I noticed a little bug: when I picked up the teleportation power, I didn't use it, and I entered the
    Mole Processing Room
    . When inside, I teleported to Stinky's cellphone and the Max skeleton scene didn't appear. I teleported to Sybil's, and I still didn't get to watch the scene. Then I went back into the ship and only then, when I teleported to Stinky's from the ship, the scene appeared...
  • edited April 2010
    Eeeeh... pretty sure you cannot enter Moleman Procession until you used teleportation.
    How did you do that (if indeed you did)?
  • edited April 2010
    I assumed the things floating around where just Max's overactive imagination... imagining random chaos that would amuse just about any hyperkinetic rabbity thing
  • edited April 2010
    I was quite surprised to discover that the inside of Max's brain looks just like mine... Should I go see a doctor?
  • edited April 2010
    Max should however get his eyes checked he seems to have some clouding going on... possibly glaucoma.
  • edited April 2010
    Eeeeh... pretty sure you cannot enter Moleman Procession until you used teleportation.
    How did you do that (if indeed you did)?

    Actually, I think you cannot enter the Moleman Processing Room before you pick up the Teleportation Power, but after you pick it up you can... either that or it was a bug.
  • edited April 2010
    Neelo wrote: »
    Actually, I think you cannot enter the Moleman Processing Room before you pick up the Teleportation Power, but after you pick it up you can... either that or it was a bug.

    I'm thinking it's a bug. Although that hunch is based on someone else saying he/she wasn't allowed to go in there because the Brain wanted Sam & Max to demonstrate teleportation to him -- apparently the same response as when you try to exit the ship without using the power. Can anyone confirm?
  • edited April 2010
    I got that message on my first playthrough, but it was before I picked up the teleportation power. On my third playthrough I picked up the teleportation power before trying to enter it and then was able to enter it... and on another topic someone said they hadn't triggered the cutscene yet because they had to teleport from the ship for it to trigger, so I guess they entered the Mole Processing Room before using the power too.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    The first time you teleport from the bridge you see what Sam sees.
  • edited April 2010
    i love it.
  • edited April 2010
    Neelo wrote: »
    I got that message on my first playthrough, but it was before I picked up the teleportation power. On my third playthrough I picked up the teleportation power before trying to enter it and then was able to enter it... and on another topic someone said they hadn't triggered the cutscene yet because they had to teleport from the ship for it to trigger, so I guess they entered the Mole Processing Room before using the power too.
    I think if you're allowed to enter Moleman Procession when picking up the teleportation but without teleporting first that's definitely a bug.
    Which can be problematic if I read some reports about "black screens" when teleporting to Stinky's phone on the bridge with Stinky's phone in your inventory (never tried, just heard about it...)
  • edited April 2010
    Neelo wrote: »
    Actually, I think you cannot enter the Moleman Processing Room before you pick up the Teleportation Power, but after you pick it up you can... either that or it was a bug.

    The brain will not let you get in unless you pick up the teleportation tool first. I'm not sure if you have to use it once before entering the moleman processing chamber too.
  • edited April 2010
    On my second playthrough I noticed when you mind read Sam, he's singing something along the lines of "riding on my magical balooooonm", I don't know if its a reference or something but I just couldn't stop laughing.
  • edited April 2010
    On my second playthrough I noticed when you mind read Sam, he's singing something along the lines of "riding on my magiacal balooooonm", I don't know if its a reference or something but I just couldn't stop laughing.

    The song is "Up up and Away". And the joke is that sometimes when you sing to a dog, it howls with you.
  • edited April 2010
    Randulf wrote: »
    The song is "Up up and Away". And the joke is that sometimes when you sing to a dog, it howls with you.

    and it sounds just like the song from embarrassing idol.
  • edited April 2010
    The swim tube Sam is wearing outside of the pawn shop got the biggest laugh out of me.
  • edited May 2010


    Note to self: When traveling through Max's mind, keep your eyes shut.
  • edited May 2010
    If anyone's wondering, I too entered the mole processing room before using teleportation. I teleported from the mole room to Sybil's phone because it was closest, then walked back in to check if there was a way out of the mole processing room that didn't require teleportation (it seemed to me the door activated before you picked up teleportation so I wasn't sure if you could get in then. Plus, I wanted to check if I could escape the same way Harry did). Once in the ship though I changed my mind and decided to teleport to Stinky's phone, and got the cutscene.

    Also, I don't remember the brain telling me to teleport even once. Apart from when it released the toy I guess.

    Since Jake says the cutscene appears when you teleport from the bridge, does that mean you can miss it entirely? That's a shame.
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    If anyone's wondering, I too entered the mole processing room before using teleportation. I teleported from the mole room to Sybil's phone because it was closest, then walked back in to check if there was a way out of the mole processing room that didn't require teleportation (it seemed to me the door activated before you picked up teleportation so I wasn't sure if you could get in then. Plus, I wanted to check if I could escape the same way Harry did). Once in the ship though I changed my mind and decided to teleport to Stinky's phone, and got the cutscene.

    Also, I don't remember the brain telling me to teleport even once. Apart from when it released the toy I guess.

    Since Jake says the cutscene appears when you teleport from the bridge, does that mean you can miss it entirely? That's a shame.

    You COULD miss it, but the Brain begs you to try it.
  • edited May 2010
    You COULD miss it, but the Brain begs you to try it.

    The brain didn't beg me. I went to get the phone, then straight to the mole chamber and teleported out. Had I not gone back for something I didn't even do in the end, I wouldn't have gone back into the ship until the Stinky incident. Does the brain still beg you at that time? Seems like I would have used the power so many times in between, it would be pretty weird.
  • edited May 2010
    It's begging you if you try to enter the moleman room before getting teleport, or when trying to leave the ship without teleporting.

    I am 98% sure being able to enter moleman processing without teleporting atleast once is a genuine bug in the game...
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    The brain didn't beg me. I went to get the phone, then straight to the mole chamber and teleported out. Had I not gone back for something I didn't even do in the end, I wouldn't have gone back into the ship until the Stinky incident. Does the brain still beg you at that time? Seems like I would have used the power so many times in between, it would be pretty weird.

    I went through the mole processing chamber and teleported out, but later when I went back in, the brain wouldn't let me leave unless I teleported. Then I got the cutscene.
  • edited May 2010
    I went through the mole processing chamber and teleported out, but later when I went back in, the brain wouldn't let me leave unless I teleported. Then I got the cutscene.

    Ah, yeah, but you didn't really have a reason to go back right? I did it totally by accident.
    Although I guess it would still have begged you if you hadn't teleported from there by the time you get there with Stinky. Still would have been weird since you'd have teleported several times since then, including twice from the mole processing room right next to it, but maybe you'd do it to shut it up or something.

    I don't know if it's a bug, but I don't really have a problem with the fact you can go into the mole chamber. I probably would have completely forgotten I could go in there if the brain had prevented me from investigating. Or I would have though it wasn't possible to go inside or something.
    It would be better (I feel) if you got the cutscene the first time you teleport in that act, no matter where you are or where you're going, but maybe it was harder to program that way?
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    It would be better (I feel) if you got the cutscene the first time you teleport in that act, no matter where you are or where you're going, but maybe it was harder to program that way?
    The "set" is most likely part of the spaceship, so no, that wouldn't be quite that easy.

    Same reason why the Max Engagement scene only runs at BoscoTech for example...
  • edited May 2010
    If it is harder to program it so you can see the cutscene inside the molemen processing chamber, they should at least make the brain beg you to try teleportation before you you enter the teleportation room.
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