iPad questions

edited June 2010 in Sam & Max
Just a couple of questions on the iPad transfer that I'm probably just being lazy about looking up (or the answers are really obvious), but that I couldn't find.

1. Probably a stupid question, but I thought I would ask anyways: If I bought the game on Steam, would it be possible to transfer it to an iPad?

2. How is the iPad version compared to the PC one?


  • edited April 2010
    1. Given the fact that the only way I've seen to get an app like this to an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad is the Apps Store (unless you jailbreak them) I'd say no to transferring them from Steam. (Actually I've never heard of being able to transfer anything from Steam to anything else, you're pretty much locked in).

    2. I hear there at least WERE serious issues and it ran incredibly slow on iPad. Don't know if they've released a fix as I don't own one and haven't been following too closely. I probably would have heard that they did though.

    Hope this helps you some.
  • edited April 2010
    That helps. I'll be skipping the iPad version until I find out if it's worth buying again, then. Thanks!
  • edited April 2010
    Does someone have comparable screenshots?
    I'd like to see how different the graphics look.
  • edited April 2010
    jweir wrote: »
    2. I hear there at least WERE serious issues and it ran incredibly slow on iPad. Don't know if they've released a fix as I don't own one and haven't been following too closely. I probably would have heard that they did though.

    I have the iPad version, I can tell you it runs great.

    It will only run slow on occasion if you haven't restarted your iPad in a while.

    It is a good idea to turn it off then back on to clear out any "crap" left behind from other applications in the limited memory of the handheld.

    Fantastic game. Can't wait for ep2.
  • edited April 2010
    wildcardd wrote: »
    I have the iPad version, I can tell you it runs great.

    It will only run slow on occasion if you haven't restarted your iPad in a while.

    It is a good idea to turn it off then back on to clear out any "crap" left behind from other applications in the limited memory of the handheld.

    Fantastic game. Can't wait for ep2.
    It's good to hear this, perhaps there was a fix released? I wish I was making things up about the issues, but I remember reading about some. Curious if anyone can shed some light there.
  • edited April 2010
    How long can you play the game in terms of battery life until you run out of juice?

    On the iPodTouch i have made the experience that most 3D games leech too much whilst 2D games work out at least acceptable.
  • edited April 2010
    but the ipad has a much better battery. so probably around 3hrs?
  • edited April 2010
    taumel wrote: »
    How long can you play the game in terms of battery life until you run out of juice?

    On the iPodTouch i have made the experience that most 3D games leech too much whilst 2D games work out at least acceptable.

    I don't play for long periods of time usually, but I remember being on a flight, played S&M for 2 hours and it dented my battery by about 10%. The iPad rocks for battery life. You don't need to worry about it as you do with an iPhone.
  • edited April 2010
    jweir wrote: »
    It's good to hear this, perhaps there was a fix released? I wish I was making things up about the issues, but I remember reading about some. Curious if anyone can shed some light there.

    No fixes have been released. Some people FREAK out over the smallest of things sometimes. If you have been on this magical thing called the internets, you will see this often. The squeaky wheel thing.

    As long as you clear out the iPad every once in a while by turning it off and on...the performance is just fine.

    Just buy it already. You will enjoy it.
  • edited May 2010
    The ipad version sucks, avoid it. It has several game-breaking bugs that cause you to lose your savegame, it crashes, and its laggy/choppy. Load screens are quite long as well.

    rebooting your ipad immediately before playing helps with the lag/choppyness. but in general, i find it more frustrating than fun to play.

    If telltale is listening: the worst game-breaking bug is that the dynamic joystick for movement sometimes doesnt show. no matter how many times you reboot/reload that save game file is messed up forever because its impossible to move or pan the camera. This has happened to me 3 times now (having re-played it, im sure its a place where you are supposed to be able to walk/look around)
  • edited May 2010
    re: battery life, I would guess in the 4-5 hour range, which is "short" in ipad terms, but very reasonable. It does not get noticeably warm as the iphone does playing 3d apps.
  • edited May 2010
    wildcardd wrote: »
    As long as you clear out the iPad every once in a while by turning it off and on...the performance is just fine.

    Just buy it already. You will enjoy it.

    Sadly, this is completely untrue. The iPad version runs terribly (regardless of whether or not you've rebooted recently). I have dozens of games on the iPad, and this is by far the worst performing of all. (Actually, this is the ONLY game I've played with serious performance issues on the iPad.)

    If you want to play this at all, it looks like the only decent version of it is on the PC. I download the PS3 demo and witnessed many of the same problems. :(
  • edited May 2010
    Does anyone know if the iPad version has the Nutrition Specs?
  • edited May 2010
    I don't know, but I believe it is both low in calories, sodium, and saturated fats.
  • edited May 2010
    It didn't have the specs (which was sad), but I didn't have the issues other people were complaining about. I loved being able to take my game with me and play in bed:)
    I really hope we won't be left out on other bonuses, cause I could spend the money on the pc version instead and use my iPad to remotely control my pc :p I played MI that way, very cool.
  • edited May 2010
    I own it on the iPad as well, the iPad version hasn't had an update for it yet.

    The graphics are distinctively worse than the PC, but it is still impressive compared to other games I've seen so far on the iPad. I could try to get some screenshots up later maybe.

    The controls and hotspots were a tad different than the PC version and I did notice a couple differences in terms of dialog and item usage than the PC, but nothing game breaking.

    I think the game was a tad rushed, in terms of QA, for the first release. A lot of stuttering between screens on the audio and a few crashes and a few places where the hot spot helper doesn't direct you to some important hot spots. I am hoping they release a patch. I am also hoping since they did not release this episode early or at the same time on the iPad they are taking more time to work out the quirks unique to the iPad platform and we will see a great improvement.

    All in all it felt very beta, but it was playable, funny, and looked decent. I reserve any judgement about my expectations of the performance quality of future iPad versions of the series. However, I'll spend another seven bucks on the next one because Sam and Max is plain awesome and the iPad gives me the ability to be able to show them off to the uninformed masses.

    Oh..and I was able to play the whole game with one battery life time period with more than enough battery to spare, YMMV.
  • edited May 2010
    As promised:


    PC Graphics level 1

    PC Graphics level 9

    Direct Comparison (pc-1,pc-9,iPad)

    This is the closest to the same resolution I could get. The iPad screen capture utility seems to rescale and flip to portrait even in landscape mode... I had to flip it back again to landscape which seemed to make the resolution less than what it appears on the ipad screen.

    My PC's video card is an ATI Radeon HD 5770 and I'm not sure, but I think that may affect even the quality seen at level 1 on the pc...which in my opinion outshines the iPad screenshot hand's down still... just look at them bars.
  • edited May 2010
    Wow, it's kind of surprising how downgraded the graphics are on the iPad version. I don't think your video card's settings would affect the 1, though. It just looks that much better on the PC. (Though the graphics do seem to look virtually the same until the real-time shadows at 7 in my experience).
  • edited May 2010
    I'm somewhat amused by the fact that Max loses his belly button. I'll second the impression that the graphical decline is fairly subtle with the different settings on the PC.
  • edited May 2010
    Apparently Max's belly-button just takes up too many resources for the iPad to handle.
  • edited May 2010
    Though if it were Max, he would say, "No. My Belly Button takes up too many resources for anyone's Brrraaain to hannnndleeeeee!" (wiggles fingers)
    (momentary pause, then points finger upward) "Especially when held up close!"
  • edited May 2010
    Just thought I'd add my experience, just blasted through ep 1 on the iPad and it ran perfectly(ish) only problem was some weird noises on the loading screen but greatly looking forward to an episode 2 port
  • edited May 2010
    I bought it for iPad, even though i dont have one :D

    I played on one for the first time today at the shops, so awesome! Im saving to buy a 64gb wifi so i can play sam and max in a new way!
  • edited May 2010
    I'm thinking about buying an iPad (or perhaps an iPod touch), so I tried a quick research for graphic adventures on both platforms.

    With the keyword "adventure" Sam&Max can't be found in the AppStore Search Engine: http://www.uquery.com/search?category_id=58&page=1&q=adventure&target_device=2
    This is an outrage! Please do something about it! ;)
  • edited June 2010
    I had a *blast* playing it on my iPad - yeah, it was a bit jerky in places and sometimes the audio let loose some ear-splitting artifacts (ow), but, on the whole, it was fun and fantastic. Can't wait for the next episode (and other games as well!)

    Rebooting the iPad *did* help immensely, incidentally.
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