More unreceived orders :(


I ordered a crossbones T and the sketch book on the 19th November as a Christmas present for someone and it hasn't arrived yet :( Postage is to the UK.

Is there anyway of tracking my order or finding out where it is? I've noticed in other threads that it says postage can take along time to the UK, but this makes no sense as a parcel was posted Global Priority from New Jersey last week and I've already received this. :(

My boyfriend doesn't have any Christmas pressies now *wail*


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2006
    I'm sorry, but there is no way for us to track these packages. :(

    USPS is taking much longer than it should for a lot of our European customers. We're in the process of investigating this to find out why.

    EDIT: Although your order was placed on the 19th, it didn't ship until 12/4 due to one of the items being unavailable at the time you ordered it. So it's actually only been two weeks. Hopefully it'll still show up in time for Christmas!
  • edited December 2006
    OK thanks, i'll keep an eye out :)
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