Awesome mom, stuffed Max (lots of pictures)

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
My mother is awesome.

About two weeks ago, I showed my mother Avistew's stuffed Max. Knowing she crochets from time to time, I jokingly asked if she could make something like that, entirely expecting her to say she didn't have time for that or didn't want to, since she's only vaguely aware of Sam & Max. To my surprise, she said "I don't know, but I could try". I asked if she was serious, and she was. Woo!

So she bought thread, and I looked up and made screenshots of Max from all possible sides as reference pictures. She started working on the different body parts when she had time, expecting it to take at least a month.

But there we were this morning, not two weeks since she started, with all the parts done:
You can already see the basic shape here.
The pink circles are the ones Max has at the bottom of his feet.

Along with cotton, my mother had also bought a big bag of stuffing, so she got to work on filling out the different parts. When they were stuffed she added the pink in the ears and on the bottom of the feet:

Then, all that remained was sewing the different parts together
and adding a face.
The mouth was the hardest part to add. It's hard to show the edge of the mouth, since the most obvious choice, white, doesn't show at all. So she settled for pink.

Max was nice enough to pose:

Though it wasn't long until he started acting, well, Max-like:
But that does show he also has a tail.

You can imagine why I wanted to brag here about this :)
I know I could've posted this in the 'Fan Art' thread, but I thought it deserved its own topic.

Also, Max says 'hi':


  • edited April 2010
    That's just awesome. Wow! :)
  • edited April 2010
    Awesome! Now he just needs a sock crown!
  • edited April 2010
    How neat! And whaddaya know, there's even an indentation for his belly button! :)
  • edited April 2010
    Ahahaha, awesome! He looks great! Give your mom a big hug ;)

    She was super-fast, too! That's impressive. It looks pretty big, what size is it?
  • edited April 2010
    Totally awesome.

    But I guess I would have gone for black for the mouth instead of pink. Looks a bit weird now.
    Aside from that minor nitpick... Totally Awesome!
  • edited April 2010
    Totally awesome.

    But I guess I would have gone for black for the mouth instead of pink. Looks a bit weird now.
    Aside from that minor nitpick... Totally Awesome!

    I agree, and also I think the eyes are too close together. (If we're nitpicking).
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2010
    Totally awesome.

    But I guess I would have gone for black for the mouth instead of pink.
    It is very nice! I'd love to have one! :D

    I think a medium-dark grey would have worked nicely for the mouth. That's what I usually use in my drawings of Max. :)
  • edited April 2010
    That is absolutely fantastic. I guess I should get on with my cross stitch of Max so I can be in with the cool kids.
  • edited April 2010
    Do not try being like the cool kids..... its too hard. I like to sit in the corner and just pretend I'm one of the cool kids..
  • edited April 2010
    I used to do that, but my imagination grows stale with age.

    Maybe making Sam thread creations will become cool...
  • edited April 2010
    How neat! And whaddaya know, there's even an indentation for his belly button! :)
    Yeah, the belly button is great :D
    Avistew wrote: »
    Ahahaha, awesome! He looks great! Give your mom a big hug ;)

    She was super-fast, too! That's impressive. It looks pretty big, what size is it?
    She was as surprised as anybody that it got finished so quickly.

    Also, he's 63 cm high (24.8 inches) when he's standing, from his toes to the tip of his ears.
    Jennifer wrote: »
    It is very nice! I'd love to have one! :D
    No, mine!

    Totally awesome.

    But I guess I would have gone for black for the mouth instead of pink. Looks a bit weird now.
    Aside from that minor nitpick... Totally Awesome!
    Jennifer wrote: »
    I think a medium-dark grey would have worked nicely for the mouth. That's what I usually use in my drawings of Max. :)
    I think if you use too dark a colour, it puts too much emphasis on the mouth edges, and Max's lips aren't really that visible, at least in his Telltale model, which is what it was based on.
    Plus, I remember in one scene Max's lips do look pink-ish. I could be mistaking though.

    Avistew wrote: »
    I agree, and also I think the eyes are too close together. (If we're nitpicking).
    Not really. We looked closely at the screenshots I took of in-game Max, and his eyes are above his second tooth from the left and right, and below the inner edge of his ears. My mom copied that as close as she could in cotton Max.
  • edited April 2010
    wow so cool!

    mh you know, all these Max plushies are making me want to see if i still know anything about crocheting that i was taught way back in primary school.
  • edited April 2010
    Crrash wrote: »
    wow so cool!

    mh you know, all these Max plushies are making me want to see if i still know anything about crocheting that i was taught way back in primary school.
    My mom wrote down how she made this plush, I could post that here if you want.
    I'll just have to look up the English equivalents to the Dutch crocheting terms :)
  • edited April 2010
    that'd be cool. i dunno if i could find the time though...
  • edited April 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    Do not try being like the cool kids..... its too hard. I like to sit in the corner and just pretend I'm one of the cool kids..
    Yeah, I'm not good at rapping either... :D

    np: Autechre - pt2ph8 (Oversteps)
  • edited May 2010
    Damn that is very impressive. She was able to craft that in 2 weeks? Unbelievable.
    By the way, maybe you can answer this then: Where does he keep his gun...and his sock?
  • edited May 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    Damn that is very impressive. She was able to craft that in 2 weeks? Unbelievable.
    Yeah, she didn't expect it to go this quickly either. I thought it would take less than the month she thought it would, but less than two weeks is faster than I thought too.
    caeska wrote: »
    By the way, maybe you can answer this then: Where does he keep his gun...and his sock?
    None of your damn business! She didn't want to make him a gun, I don't think she'd like her creation too violent.
  • edited May 2010
    You're mom's awesome!
    I want one!
  • edited May 2010
    Darn, that looks so huggable!

    Does your mom take commissions on these? :D Either way, that's really awesome!
  • edited May 2010
    Joop wrote: »
    You're mom's awesome!
    I want one!
    I agree!
    Except for the wanting part, of course, since I've already got one :p
    Trica wrote: »
    Darn, that looks so huggable!

    Does your mom take commissions on these? :D Either way, that's really awesome!
    He IS huggable, yeah. One of the few things he doesn't have in common with the 'real' Max :p

    Also, besides it probably being illegal, Steve having the copyright and all, my mom's pretty busy already. Sorry :)
  • edited May 2010
    Heh, no problem! I knew that would be the case. But I just had to ask :p

    I've been dreaming of making one for myself, but last time I made a plushie was in school about 10 years ago (a deformed purple giraffe creature), so.. I doubt it'd turn out to be good. But yes, enjoy your stuffed Max! :D
  • nikasaurnikasaur Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    Aaaaah I wanna hug the Max! Looks so huggable!

    Avistew wrote: »
    She was super-fast, too! That's impressive. It looks pretty big, what size is it?

    Avi, please, think of the children.
  • edited May 2010
    Oh! Seeing that guy makes me wanna sleep hugging it... Just like when I was a baby and slept with my teddy bear..... Oh wait... The teddy kept away the bad dreams, plush Max would propably be the one causing them... What the hell... It's still hugable! Your mom rocks!
  • edited May 2010
    nikasaur wrote: »
    Avi, please, think of the children.

    I prefer to think of the adults, if you don't mind. I find that works better for me.
  • edited May 2010
    nikasaur wrote: »
    Aaaaah I wanna hug the Max! Looks so huggable!
    He is huggable, yeah. Plus, he's almost 100% less likely to bite your head of than the 'real' Max!
    SubSidal wrote: »
    Oh! Seeing that guy makes me wanna sleep hugging it... Just like when I was a baby and slept with my teddy bear..... Oh wait... The teddy kept away the bad dreams, plush Max would propably be the one causing them... What the hell... It's still hugable!
    Sometimes, when I'm awake at night, I see him sitting there, staring...
    SubSidal wrote: »
    Your mom rocks!
    I wholeheartedly agree!
  • edited May 2010
    Didero wrote: »
    Not really. We looked closely at the screenshots I took of in-game Max, and his eyes are above his second tooth from the left and right, and below the inner edge of his ears. My mom copied that as close as she could in cotton Max.

    Well, maybe Max also has a bigger mouth and ears that are more apart :p
    I was just sharing my gut feeling, it might be wrong of course, my first thought was just that his eyes were closer together than I'd expect. When I look at the ad at the top of the screen, width-wise his nose seems to be in the middle of his head, and each eye in the middle between his nose and the edge of his head.
    Plush Max's eyes seem to be more a third away from the nose.

    But hey, that doesn't make it any less awesome! I'm starting to feel like a joykiller lol, but I'm just trying to defend my previous random comment :p

    It's more accurate than mine anyways, I didn't even give him the pink part in his ears :D
  • edited May 2010
    Didero wrote: »
    Sometimes, when I'm awake at night, I see him sitting there, staring...

    He's observing you... How cute... :p
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I prefer to think of the adults, if you don't mind. I find that works better for me.

    Works better in the eyes of the law too.

    Oh dear.
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