Any chance of this series ever coming to Steam?

edited December 2006 in Sam & Max
I would really like to see this series on Steam, because of the fact that you can have the game on multiple PC's without ever going through activation or anything again.

So, is it coming to Steam or not? You have at least one buyer :D


  • edited December 2006
    Well the one reason that may be doubtful is that Telltale is trying to be it's own digital distributer/publisher in a similar manner as Steam. It has already started selling games from other developers (Al Emmo, Ankh, Samorost, Law and Order), so jumping to Steam really wouldn't give potential partners a lot of confidence in Telltale's ability to be a digital publisher.

    But one thing that could give you hope for is that they've batted around the idea of developing a Steam-like system.
  • edited December 2006
    What's so hard about installing it on multiple computers? You just download the game again and click the activation button, right?
  • edited December 2006
    I think the problem is people are confusing what they want. They are complaining that they want Steam for two reasons: Unlimited computers to install it on, and less odd behavior.

    See, the thing is, that's a case of a false monochotomy (in other words, they're assuming it has to be with Steam for that to happen).

    Telltale can equally well change its system so as to meet these requests. No
    Steam required. And there's a big bonus in favor of them doing this rather than Steam:

    It actually has any chance of ever happening.

    See, their Sam & Max distribution contract gives distribution rights to them and GameTap. And since GameTap is effectively a competitor to Steam, it's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
  • edited December 2006
    Maratanos wrote: »
    I think the problem is people are confusing what they want. They are complaining that they want Steam for two reasons: Unlimited computers to install it on, and less odd behavior.

    See, the thing is, that's a case of a false monochotomy (in other words, they're assuming it has to be with Steam for that to happen).

    Telltale can equally well change its system so as to meet these requests. No
    Steam required. And there's a big bonus in favor of them doing this rather than Steam:

    It actually has any chance of ever happening.

    See, their Sam & Max distribution contract gives distribution rights to them and GameTap. And since GameTap is effectively a competitor to Steam, it's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

    Gametap is not available in my country (Netherlands), which is of course ridiculous..

    Anyway I'll be awaiting there own Steam-like system then..
  • edited December 2006
    I see many obstacles in using Steam. Consider these points if you would be a direct competitor with Valve(who owns Steam):

    1. Valve have the directaccess to the revenues that your game makes, thus seeing the financial side
    2. Valve doesn't do charity, you pay quite big revenues to Valve by distributing through Steam
    3. Steam isn't a company, it is a part of Valve, which is a gamecompany(and if they ever hit low times, you know what will be cut first(or atleast charge more)).

    Some of these points would not be there if Steam would a company of its own.
  • edited December 2006
    Agreed with peoples (that is fun to say), especially on the financial part.

    The difference between Steam and Gametap is how they would interact with Telltale. Steam would take a bite out of profits without putting anything in... it is just a distribution system. Gametap, on the other hand, appears to have helped cover development costs so that the game was even able to be produced in the first place. So, even though I currently cannot use Gametap (since when was Spain not part of the US or Canada?), I applaud Gametap for providing the support for this game so that I can enjoy it.
  • edited December 2006
    if steam goes down you have many troubles playin your games offline.
    as seen a few days ago when some storm hit the USA and ALL the valve
    authentication servers went down.
    they didn't even had a PROPER BACKUP structure.
    that's how greedy and misorganized valve/steam is.

    so i'm VERY glad that u can start S&M everytime you want no matter if
    you are online or telltale-servers are running or not.

    and downloading was much faster for me than with Valves products.

    I only have steam for Hl2 and its mods.
    all other games steam features can be bought MUCH, MUCH CHEAPER
    in a store. look at prey: you can get it for 15€ thru some online resellers,
    now look at the price on steam........pfffff, I don't understand who gives
    valve that much money only to be able to start a game thru some menue.
  • edited December 2006
    Games fall quite fast in prince on steam. Also almost every weekend you can play a game for free (full version) for the hole weekend and stuff like that. Also steam is one big online store. Steam also got cool preload feature, that would be nice to see here on telltale. Because downloads speed are very slow just when a new episode is released. Its also nice to have all you games in one place. And you can easly run games even if you are not connected to the internet. You just select offline mode.

    Steam is a blessing for many small companies, to allow then to reach out to a big group of people. Without the need to use money on cd production.
  • edited December 2006
    Do I smell some sort of a promotion campaign?
  • edited December 2006
    RMJ1984 wrote: »
    Games fall quite fast in prince on steam. Also almost every weekend you can play a game for free (full version) for the hole weekend and stuff like that. Also steam is one big online store. Steam also got cool preload feature, that would be nice to see here on telltale. Because downloads speed are very slow just when a new episode is released. Its also nice to have all you games in one place. And you can easly run games even if you are not connected to the internet. You just select offline mode.

    Steam is a blessing for many small companies, to allow then to reach out to a big group of people. Without the need to use money on cd production.

    you not happen to work for valve ? cause u sound like an marketing guy
    of them.

    And could you tell me which game on steam is actually CHEAPER than in online
    stores/retailers ?????? none of them. and if buying in a store you get an hard-copy, artwork & cool booklet. no need to pre-load.

    offline mode:
    so, and then wait for the next steam-downtime, THEN startup steam and try switching to OFFLINE. will not work or take hours. i speak from experience.
    nobody said anything about steam not being able to do offline when everything is working......what steam does if sthgs down is another story:
    last week there was a storm in seattle and valve lost ALL, i repeat ALL of their authentication servers (no, they do not have any backups).
    cool ? i would say greedy.

    ah, and automatic updates is cool, too..........wait, but only if they do not use them to force advertising into already purchased games like they wanna do for CS 1.6.
    if u do not update, well no online playing for you.

    this is no steam-bashing. i use it only for playin HL2 + its mods (mainly Dystopia) but could do very well WITHOUT it. as long as the prices do not
    drop SIGNIFICANTLY i won't buy anything new on it. only HL2:EP2 is a
  • edited December 2006
    Well, you should look at the lot of other fun games on steam then. because there is alot. and the fall quite fast in price and again every weekend there are full free games trials almost.

    You get games faster and mostly early on steam than in the stores. You are allowed to burn an game from steam to a dvd..

    I find it quite nice just to be able to download a game. So i guess you dont download Sam & max, because you want a cd here too?..
  • edited December 2006
    For the record, I've never seen evidence that one couldn't burn Telltale games to DVD. I don't know so much about Sam & Max because I'm playing them through the peculiar yet agreeable GameTap service but if there are no difficulties burning them to disc (I know I had no problems burning the Bone games to disc), then the argument is weaselly at best.

    In fact, the repeated use or marketing ploys leaves one wondering if perhaps you aren't a marketing company plant, not by Valve but by one of the companies that specialises in wandering around forums and building up a postcount for the sole purpose of dropping adverts on unsuspecting people. Oh they exist, thanks to the sources I read I've been aware of them for a long time.

    If you aren't a plant by such a company then perhaps the best way to proceed in order to earn the trust of people here isn't to prattle on about "ZOMG Steam is so great, here's why!" but instead to make comparisons on what you believe Steam offers that the Telltale system does not, making exact comparisons and detailing what you're looking for.

    This would be constructive and it would help Telltale build a better download service by providing them that kind of information. Saying X is good and Y is not as good isn't constructive, informative or helpful in the least.

    Just my two pence.
  • edited December 2006
    Ferdius wrote: »
    Gametap is not available in my country (Netherlands), which is of course ridiculous..
    You don't need Gametap to play/buy Sam and Max. About 2 weeks after each ep is released to Gametap, it shows up on the TTG website where you can just purchase it without Gametap.
  • edited December 2006
    And let's not forget the nifty CD-Rom after all 6 episodes are out :)
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