Got steam version for free?

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
I preordered the new season on the telltales site.I used the free code for the hats on my steam account.Now i have the option to download the first ep on steam.Its this new?Sorry if it has been answer already.


  • edited May 2010
    That's part of the whole hat deal. Theres no way to get the hats without also getting the game on steam so you pretty much got a steam backup.
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah. Part of the deal was that for buying the hat and 2 gun reskins, you get the entire third season of Sam and Max absolutely free.
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah. Part of the deal was that for buying the hat and 2 gun reskins, you get the entire third season of Sam and Max absolutely free.

    In fact, for buy the game in the Telltale Store, you can also have it in Steam, so you can get the hats.

    Keep that in mind.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    Yeah. Part of the deal was that for buying the hat and 2 gun reskins, you get the entire third season of Sam and Max absolutely free.

    Hahaha, hrmm. That's not quite how we see it, but whatever does it for you.
  • edited May 2010
    Haha :D.

    And then some people complain about $7,- horsearmor (like, well, me).
  • edited May 2010
    Wait a minute, I don't get this. If I buy the game here I get the Steam version for free too? :confused:
  • edited May 2010
    Zodler wrote: »
    Wait a minute, I don't get this. If I buy the game here I get the Steam version for free too? :confused:

    Not anymore. There was a steam offer that gave steam buyers some TF2 items. The only way to make that offer available to PC buyers too was to give them the steam version.
    But the offer for the limited items is over now.
  • edited May 2010
    That kinda sucks for those who bought the game on steam.
  • edited May 2010
    LeBart wrote: »
    That kinda sucks for those who bought the game on steam.

    I agree. Especially those who bought it on Steam after they heard the offer because they wanted to get the item and thought they couldn't if they bought the TTG version.
    I personally think the option to cancel your TTG order and buy it on Steam instead was enough. I can't really fault them for going out of their way to try and be fair and do a nice thing for their customers, though.
  • edited May 2010
    Didn't they get the items too?

    I am not sure what's there "kinda sucks about this... The steam people got their inferior version (more expensive, no DVD, later release dates, Steam DRM, I do agree it sucks you guys didn't get the promised pre-order forum), just like they wanted, and nothing was changed.
  • edited May 2010
    There are people who wanted to buy the DVD version. But they arrived at the time the Steam promo was announced. They cared about the items more than the DVDs, and it was before TTG changed the deal so that TTG buyers got the items, so they bought the Steam version instead. Only to find out later that if they had bought the TTG version, they would have had both the DVD and the items.

    I do feel it sucks for them. As you said, they have an inferior version, no DVD, etc. But they got a promo just for them. And then bam, it's given to us, who already have lots of benefits, because some people complained "waaa, I bought it from telltale and didn't get ALL the possible things someone can get, that's so unfair".

    I feel the option to exchange their version for the one that had the bonuses they wanted was plenty. I know TTG was trying to be nice, but it does feel mean to Steam buyers to take away from them the one thing they had that was special. (Take away the "special" part, that is. The items weren't taken from them obviously).
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    They cared about the items more than the DVDs, and it was before TTG changed the deal so that TTG buyers got the items, so they bought the Steam version instead. Only to find out later that if they had bought the TTG version, they would have had both the DVD and the items.
    Well, yeah, it sucks for them. But not for someone who was having the Steam Version anyway, since it was their conscious choice to get less just to have it there anyway...
    But, as said before, it does indeed suck for them to not get their pre-order bonus they are promised. And we still don't know wheter that was Valve or TTG.
    But they got a promo just for them. And then bam, it's given to us, who already have lots of benefits, because some people complained "waaa, I bought it from telltale and didn't get ALL the possible things someone can get, that's so unfair".
    Well, it does make (financial) sense to provide the best package here. After all, only people who buy it here give TTG the most money per sold unit.
    We still lack Nutricious specs, btw :p.
    I know TTG was trying to be nice, but it does feel mean to Steam buyers to take away from them the one thing they had that was special.
    I got the feeling it was obvious from the beginning Steam would be inferior to buying it here (as it was previously). So it was kind of surprising to see some kind of "pro" to getting it on Steam all of a sudden, out of the blue.
    If they were promised special treatment from the start, I would agree that it would be kind-of sucky, but as it was they were promised inferiority from the start, then I don't see why it's suddenly a shame if that's exactly what they get...
  • edited May 2010
    Well, it's kind of a "you'll get an inferior deal" then "surprise! you do get something special!" then "oops, sorry, actually you don't".

    But ultimately I guess they still got a better deal than what they signed for.
  • edited May 2010
    Minus the pre-order forum then...
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Well, it's kind of a "you'll get an inferior deal" then "surprise! you do get something special!" then "oops, sorry, actually you don't".
    That's never the way I've seen it. After all, would you feel any resentment if suddenly the Steam users were given the DVD? I mean, I wouldn't.

    And, I think every step of the way Telltale is trying to make sure that people who buy directly through them get the best stuff. They get the most money that way, and they're simply more ABLE to provide these things this way. I got the impression that the whole hats deal was kind of a spurious, unexpected deal, and that the details weren't really hammered out ahead of time, but overall it seemed to work out.

    Now, I wouldn't have been mad if it had stayed Steam Exclusive, that's fine and all, but I don't think they did anything wrong by essentially asking if they could give it to us as well and getting a "sure, we'll set that up".
  • edited May 2010
    I'm not saying they did something wrong. I'm just saying that I feel bad for the people who, due to lack of organization/change of mind/whatever, ended up buying the Steam version after the promotion was started, only to get the items, when they would have bought the telltale version before (not knowing about the items) or after (since they'd get the items even with the ttg version).

    I saw some on the forums so it's not like there are none. I feel especially bad for people who might (I'm not sure if anyone did) have canceled their telltale order and bought it on Steam instead, only to be told "if you hadn't canceled your order you'd have both by now, too bad!".
  • edited May 2010
    I only cared about having the game on my steam account. I like the convenience of having all my PC games in one place. Had I known that I could have got that plus the free DVD by buying the game from Telltale, I would have done so.
    I don't play TF2 all that much so I didn't even want the items.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    It's difficult to please all of the people all of the time.
  • edited May 2010
    LeBart wrote: »
    I only cared about having the game on my steam account. I like the convenience of having all my PC games in one place. Had I known that I could have got that plus the free DVD by buying the game from Telltale, I would have done so.

    I am still not sure if the next episodes will also show up on steam or if it only was the first one. If they do I will be happy & happy & very happy.
  • edited May 2010
    Minus the pre-order forum then...

    I've got the Pre-Order forum, and I pre-order through steam.
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