So what's recognized as canon in the Telltale games?
This is just something for you chronologically-obsessed Sam and Max fans. Obviously the comics are canon ("Remember that time in the Philippines?" from 202 is a direct reference to one of the first published comics), but are Hit the Road and the Animated Series canon, too? I can't find a single reference to either, or at least anything I can remember.
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I think "canon" and "Sam & Max" don't get along very well.
Also, Max being President. That's the only thing canon in Sam & Max and it annoys many people. I, for one, find it amusing, but a bit overdone. Like a well-done clown at a restaurant.
But for some reason it's the opposite hand, and in season two it seems to be missing a finger.
I think that Hit the Road and the comic are both canon to the Telltale games, but the cartoon is so different in tone that it isn't. There's a lot of things that I made up about Sam & Max that are true to me, and that's one of them.
The way I see it, they reference previous adventures, but not to really say "this concretely happened" or anything along those lines. They're not building any walls that say "Because episode 6 of the animated series says THIS, they COULDN'T HAVE done ____ in Sam and Max episode 304". Other adventures seem to more vaguely exist in the past, and they'll be referenced here or there, but I wouldn't say they're tied to them.
And not even always that
And episode 204 isn't even consistent with itself
The Comics
Hit the Road
The Animated Series
The Big Sleep (the comic on the Telltale site)
The Seasons and Machinimas
Just because something's canon doesn't mean Telltale will (or even can) feature it in a game. Unless Telltale makes some serious deals with the rights holders (which would probably involve something akin to selling one's soul to a man with goat legs), they can never refer to something from Hit the Road or the animated series unless it first appeared in one of Purcell's comics. Even then, Telltale's stated that they want to avoid making references just to make hardcore fans happy.
"Cannon" and "Sam & Max" though, I could see that working out great.
Past episodes are most important
Past Seasons are a little bit less
Other produced Telltale material is a little bit less
Surfing the Highway and The Big Sleep are just a little less
Hit the Road goes here
I usually try to trick myself into thinking that the cartoon never happened.
Also, another Hit the Road reference: ask about the pictures on the wall of the office in season one.
Well, you can attribute the Brady Culture thing to the fact that the newspapers are shown to be inconsistent. In fact, 202 points this out-The newspapers say that Santa was arrested, and you know what really happened, as Max points out. It doesn't seem like a stretch to assume that the exact same problems occurred with Brady Culture.
Even then, maybe muddling in time at places like Bosco's in 204 modified what happened in 101.
Explanation: by 102, Brady had been to prison, gotten out with what little celebrity charm he had, and been killed. The newspaper was still in the box because the box had gotten stuck (and was fixed by 103). There, continuity error solved. Where's my official Telltale No-Prize?
Isn't that a reference to the comics when the pirates stole Jesse James' mummified finger? I have yet to play Season 2 or Hit the Road though so I might be missing something.
So no, not the same...
That right there tells me either
A. I dont know much on greek gods
B. there is no canon from the animated series.
Wait a minute, mac salmon was killed in the animated series(I think) which means he is alive and can return.
I tend to figure that dead and non-religions are more likely to be targeted.
This was an honest question, could anyone let me know, please?
( kannun or kaynen? )
This is pretty similar to how I see it. Everything is canon, but how canon exists in relation to continuity is another thing entirely, if it even matters at all. I'm always up for an alternative timeline/universe explanation if it makes sense, and it certainly would with Sam & Max.
Still, I think there's fun to be had in linking events or details together between the various incarnations (or separating them, as may be the case) so long as you don't take it too seriously.
I just find it funny no references to the cartoon were made. Blocking it out, TTG?