Stinky in this season...

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
I was a bit confused about what happened to Stinky at the end of the first episode and whether she was allied with Skunka'pe - it seemed as though she only pretended to like him to leave the jail cell but then her thoughts suggested otherwise.
Then, I watched the trailer again and noticed that she is definitely in the scene with all the shady villians on the left and recalled that in Season 2 she made her new fortune in the future from the spray made out of mole people.
Anyone think she might be a new main evil villain in this game or that it is too obvious?


  • edited May 2010
    Stinky has been built up as a villian ever since she re-appeared.

    The secret passage ways, the hating flint sam and max, the mysteriously absent cook, her being secretive even to grandpa stinky etc etc.

    She is bound to be a villian at some point
  • edited May 2010
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    Stinky has been built up as a villian ever since she re-appeared.

    The secret passage ways, the hating flint sam and max, the mysteriously absent cook, her being secretive even to grandpa stinky etc etc.

    She is bound to be a villian at some point

    She was like that in Season 2 already. A total liar and acting in a very suspicious way most of the time.
  • edited May 2010
    Just noticed something even more interesting -

    Grandpa Stinky is in that shady run of villains as well!!!!!!!
  • edited May 2010
    I think that the "villian" thing is just Stinky being Stinky, but I do think she is hiding something. My thoery is she's seeing a boyfriend that Grandpa Stinky doesn't approve of.
  • edited May 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    Just noticed something even more interesting -

    Grandpa Stinky is in that shady run of villains as well!!!!!!!

    He was
    a member of the skunkape army remember
  • edited May 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    Grandpa Stinky is in that shady run of villains as well!!!!!!!
    So is Max... So is Sam (several times, actually).

    Are they our villains?
  • edited May 2010
    Well if Girl Stinky was voted Least Trustworthy Business Owner for five years running, and her actions and attitudes in Season 2, I'm speculating her to be a villian in a future episode of TDP

    But according to the Nutri-Specs She's made out of LOVE, hmmm *deep thought*
  • edited May 2010
    richforce wrote: »
    I think that the "villian" thing is just Stinky being Stinky, but I do think she is hiding something. My thoery is she's seeing a boyfriend that Grandpa Stinky doesn't approve of.

    She was very hesitant to talk when Sam asked about Sal, her frycook from last season. Maybe he's the boyfriend? Also Sal starts with an "S" so he could have written the mysterious note.
  • edited May 2010
    I like the Stinkys they have a lot of potential to contribute to the story.
  • edited May 2010
    I think you're onto something. Sal starts with an S and isn't human, and I can see how anyone would be ewwed when learning of their relationship. I mean, he's a giant cockroach.
    Grandpa Stinky made a comment about how Stinky's food was popular with the "bug and giant stone-head crowd" or something like that, maybe he's prejudiced against bugs?
    So Stinky doesn't want him to know she had one as a cook, even less that they're dating.

    When she hid the cook thing, at first I thought she was just trying to get all the credit so she didn't want Grandpa Stinky to know. But this make a lot of sense, too.
  • edited May 2010
    It seems very plausible that Sal is Stinky's boyfriend. I wonder if Grandpa Stinky is prejudiced against all nonhumans. He does try to get rid of Sam and Max in 204 by saying that animals aren't allowed in his diner. And it seems like Sam and Max were more annoyed at being called Fido and Harvey than a bad shot and short.
    I was a bit confused about what happened to Stinky at the end of the first episode and whether she was allied with Skunka'pe - it seemed as though she only pretended to like him to leave the jail cell but then her thoughts suggested otherwise.
    "Mustn't find out" was probably about her boyfriend.
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    I think you're onto something. Sal starts with an S and isn't human, and I can see how anyone would be ewwed when learning of their relationship. I mean, he's a giant cockroach.

    I keep seeing this mentioned... we never saw that Sal was a giant cockroach did we? Was it mentioned in dialog in S&MS2 or S3? If not, how did you reach this conclusion?
  • edited May 2010
    He's in this concept art. I'm not sure, but I think his nametag is visible in the trailer as well.
  • edited May 2010
    well if this Cockroach Sal is Stinky's boyfriend then she's had bad luck in romance with both Skun'ka-pe and Sal since he's shown in the villian's portrait.

    Plus with a Cockroach short order chef that would be another health code violation to add to the list.
  • edited May 2010
    richforce wrote: »
    Plus with a Cockroach short order chef that would be another health code violation to add to the list.
    They're so close to the full set of 140!
  • edited May 2010
    A giant cockroach seems like the ideal cook for Stinky's diner.
  • edited May 2010
    I wasn't denying it wasn't a great idea, just wondering where this factoid had come from... and it seems to be purely based on concept art for a character that hasn't appeared in the games yet...
  • edited May 2010
    Molokov wrote: »
    I wasn't denying it wasn't a great idea, just wondering where this factoid had come from... and it seems to be purely based on concept art for a character that hasn't appeared in the games yet...

    Well, there is a giant roach with a name tag that reads "Sal". The cook in Season 2 was called Sal. A giant cockroach seems perfect as a cook in Stinky's diner.
    I guess it could be two different characters, but I think it fits nicely.
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    She was like that in Season 2 already. A total liar and acting in a very suspicious way most of the time.

    Very suspicious, yes. A total liar, no. We have no proof that she didn't really know Barack Obama or George Clooney.
  • edited May 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    Very suspicious, yes. A total liar, no. We have no proof that she didn't really know Barack Obama or George Clooney.

    The fact that she's a liar is actually a plot point and part of a puzzle in 201.
  • edited May 2010
    I never liked her very much, not as awful as the Poppers (curse you!) but more in the Sybil yawning, meh, i just don't care, range.
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    The fact that she's a liar is actually a plot point and part of a puzzle in 201.

    But didn't you listen to her later? The **** Poppers gave her these questions and the answers.

    I really love girl-Stinky and suspecting that she killed someone throughout the games.
  • edited May 2010
    Was it ever really clear whether the letter was referring to Skunka'pe?
    Anyway, it seems as though she's not going to appear in the next episode from the blog entry.
  • edited May 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    But didn't you listen to her later? The **** Poppers gave her these questions and the answers.

    I really love girl-Stinky and suspecting that she killed someone throughout the games.

    I was talking about the sock thing, actually.
  • edited May 2010
    Some of the things she says are clearly lies. The photos on the wall, for example. And I don't believe her about Specs giving her the trivia questions. That makes the trivia question puzzle nonsensical. It came off to me like she was blaming him because it was convenient. Why would Specs do that anyway?
    tabstis wrote: »
    Was it ever really clear whether the letter was referring to Skunka'pe?
    Sam just assumed that it was him because it was signed with an S.
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    The fact that she's a liar is actually a plot point and part of a puzzle in 201.

    Maybe she's just dumb.
  • edited May 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    Very suspicious, yes. A total liar, no. We have no proof that she didn't really know Barack Obama or George Clooney.

    If Max is president, what role does Obama have in this universe?
  • edited May 2010
    Strong Max wrote: »
    If Max is president, what role does Obama have in this universe?

    He actually existed before he was president, you know.
  • edited May 2010
    Didero wrote: »
    They're so close to the full set of 140!

    You crack me up little buddy.
  • edited May 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    He actually existed before he was president, you know.

    Really? You could have fooled me....
  • edited May 2010
    Ok, here's my thorey so far based on game events and your input.

    When Stinky first took over the resturant she hired Sal the giant cockroach to do the actual cooking because she hates working, but in time she actually fell for the bug. In 205 when Grandpa Stinky came back from Hell she knew he wouldn't approve because he wasn't a big misanthrope so she fired Sal so they continue the relationship. However Grandpa still suspects something so he hired Flint Paper to find out what's happening with Stinky, she finds out about but thinks Grandpa hired Sam and Max.
  • Molokov wrote: »
    I wasn't denying it wasn't a great idea, just wondering where this factoid had come from... and it seems to be purely based on concept art for a character that hasn't appeared in the games yet...

    Keep in mind, the same cockroach from the concept art appeared in the trailer for The Devil's Playhouse. He was in the sewer in some sort of psychic fight with Sam and Max. His icon is also used with the ad for "They Stole Max's Brain," which suggests he plays a role in the story, if not the role of the villain.
  • edited May 2010
    What exactly did Flint Paper say about what he was hired to do?
  • edited May 2010
    In episode 1?

    He was hired to find Momma Bosco's power core. He suspected Stinky and her lover, he assumed S was Sam
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