I think the theme that will tie season3 together is...

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
Aliens, or intelligent beings from other planets/galaxies/dimensions...

Don't ask me why, all I can say is... What if the origins of the toybox are unearthly? [or even from another distant galaxy/dimension.] And what if beings from all over the universe are, or have been, searching for said toybox to unleash it's powers...

And Max's new powers? Perhaps a genetic mutation set forth by a hyper intelligent otherworldy being? Perhaps to aid in the battle against evil beings from other planets/galaxies/dimensions?

What do you guys think? I hope I'm not repeating stuff from other threads but I don't think I am...

And before you start sayin 'Ya but we all know ep2 has to do with Egyptians [or most likely]' let me remind you that Egyptians and Aliens go hand in hand. They knew a lot about the stars, those ancient fellows even figured out where the birthplace of many stars takes place. Don't ask me how. Not to mention all the strange stuff about the pyramids like how many shafts in the great pyramid point directly at certain stars... ect ect I don't want to start rambling on about ancient alien theories I think you get what I'm saying...

"They stole Max's Brain!" Who stole it? Aliens, perhaps? :D



  • edited May 2010
    And feel free to disagree, I promise I won't get all upset and defensive. I wanna know what people think about my crackpot theory.
  • edited May 2010
    Also, Max's head could possibly be one of the 13 crystal skulls, or in this case, the 13 flaming skulls!

    Maybe not tho, that could be a bit of a stretch....
  • edited May 2010
    And remember, there weren't technically any actual aliens in Season1&2, so it would be new territory story wise... [unless I'm forgetting something.]
  • edited May 2010
    Am I just stating the obvious? Or am I maybe onto something no one else here has thought of?

    I won't say anything else until I get a few replies, if I do... Don't want it to look like I'm spamming up my own thread...

    Has anyone else said this? If they did I missed it.

    Also I didn't post this in the ep2 Speculation thread because it has to do with the entire season, not just ep2, so don't be mad at me for not posting it there...
  • edited May 2010
    Not to be rude,but dont keep double posting, feel free to just edit your post.
  • edited May 2010
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Not to be rude,but dont keep double posting, feel free to just edit your post.

    ok I understand, sorry.
  • edited May 2010
    The overarching theme is the Toys of Power. I thought it was obvious at this point.
  • edited May 2010
    Catfish33 wrote: »
    ok I understand, sorry.

    Don't be. I don't know why that annoys some people so much. It does make you look a little obsessive or needy, but doesn't annoy me, personally.

    I just think it's funny that you had a whole thing there all by yourself =)
  • edited May 2010
    I'm pretty sure that the arc thing will be a whole interconnected one like with Tales. that might have been said at somepoint
  • edited May 2010
    The overarching theme is the Toys of Power. I thought it was obvious at this point.

    Actually the theme is possibly demonic galactic domination. Also has something to do with Lovecrafts' stories.
  • edited May 2010
    Ripcord wrote: »
    Don't be. I don't know why that annoys some people so much. It does make you look a little obsessive or needy, but doesn't annoy me, personally.

    I just think it's funny that you had a whole thing there all by yourself =)

    It's just because no one replied for about 2 hours, lol... I had things to add, first post was already long... 'nuff said. :)

    Also, I thought about this while I was gone:

    Sam: "Keep your eye on sky little buddy."

    Max: "I'll shoot if they do anything funny!"


    However, if 302 goes by with no mention of aliens at all, that puts my theory to rest... just have to wait an' see.

    And yes the toys of power will certainly be re-appearing, thus tieing the season together, no reason to rule out other themes too though. Where did Skun'Kape come from? And the Alien brain? Who's to say other aliens won't show up? I'll just have to wait an see...
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