Monkey Island DVD Never Arriving? [it's shipping now]
Hi this is Jake from Telltale, dropping a note into the top of this post.
I know we usually don't edit posts like this, but I wanted to let anyone reading this thread know that the discs and much of the merchandise is shipping out now! You can read about the details, and see pictures from the manufacturing press check, and more, in this Telltale blog post.
Now back to the original post by Squarehard...
It's been about two months since I put in my order for the standard DVD, and it has yet to arrive, or even ship.
And now when I go to check the status, the item is backordered.
I don't like to complain about stuff like this often, but this is starting to get ridiculous.
Why even offer to sell the DVDs if they're never going to ship out anyways, and paying for the shipping ahead of time just to have nothing to show for it months after.
I won't make too big of a deal about this unless it takes another two months, at which time, I'm sure there is going to be a much bigger deal made about it, not just from me.
Love the game, not so happy with the company right now.
I know we usually don't edit posts like this, but I wanted to let anyone reading this thread know that the discs and much of the merchandise is shipping out now! You can read about the details, and see pictures from the manufacturing press check, and more, in this Telltale blog post.
Now back to the original post by Squarehard...
It's been about two months since I put in my order for the standard DVD, and it has yet to arrive, or even ship.
And now when I go to check the status, the item is backordered.
I don't like to complain about stuff like this often, but this is starting to get ridiculous.
Why even offer to sell the DVDs if they're never going to ship out anyways, and paying for the shipping ahead of time just to have nothing to show for it months after.
I won't make too big of a deal about this unless it takes another two months, at which time, I'm sure there is going to be a much bigger deal made about it, not just from me.
Love the game, not so happy with the company right now.
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Also, they've confirmed the items will ship late May.
EDIT: Also, please use the forum search next time. There are plenty of topics about the same subject already.
v. t. 1. To order to arrange beforehand; to foreordain.
For someone who "doesn't want to complain" or "doesn't want to make a big deal" sure did resort to some theatrics by claiming "its NEVER ARRIVING"
I suggest from now on you actually READ when you are paying for something... Or at least READ your Emails the page you ordered from or the other threads about this topic...
Haha, yeah. These threads almost become like spam after a while.
Sorry, but now it's fixed.
I was hysterical when I posted it.
Great, now I have to extend my signature to include this.
you can get man periods now apparntly. Not in the litral sense XD.
It's just so annoying, basically being told "you're not upset because you have a good reason, but because of your hormones". So dismissive.
Anyway, that's the way expressions go I guess, even when it stops making sense, like saying a woman has balls or something.
1. A person suffering from hysteria.
2. hysterics (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
a. A fit of uncontrollable laughing or crying.
b. An attack of hysteria.
Doesn't nessicarilly have to do with women, but back in the day, doctors thought the cure for it was giving them a "water massage" until they achieved "hysterical paroxysm"?
I think "hysterical paroxism" might have been a way to say orgasm?
It's a carry over from the Greek, Latin and French, meaning womb. However, to English speakers, the connection is never really made, because it is a word the English language adopted from the French.
French hystér-, Latin hyster-, Greek, hystera
Anyway, I can see why some people are upset, and I can sort of understand it. We can't really say that the ship date of the disk hasn't slipped at least a month in terms of the dates we've been given. But I don't really see it as a problem, and I don't think too many reasonable people think of it as much of a problem either. It's coming, it's going to be excellent, and I really, really don't want this kind of feedback to lead to rushed products like Wallace and Gromit got. Sure there's a point to be upset that you paid money and you haven't gotten anything yet, but I don't think we've passed it.
that's hysterical
I don't care anymore about when the package arrives once I know it's shipped. Plus, living in Australia, I don't have to deal with this kind of behaviour:
But I do end up checking the mail, front door and asking my parents if anything came for me, even one day after it's shipped.
But then we wouldnt have a cool desscusion about periods sexism and train crash.
they don't know them selfs yet they said when they know we will know
I am definetly keeping it safe and clean, and will replay all SOMI:SE to TOMI! Which is cool!
No, you paid upfront for the DVD to be dispatched in SPRING, POSSIBLY APRIL. Spring doesn't end until June 22nd.
Nikasaur did mention April once, but she said that was the estimated date: