S 'n M: season 1 uk in-sore dvd disappoints

edited May 2010 in Sam & Max
I bought this dvd only to find out that it contains no cutscene documentaries. Why is the in-sore dvd's a castrated version of the dvd's sold directly from telltale? Why was it not specifically mentioned that in-store dvd's are stripped-down versions?

Sorry but I am really disappointed by this.

Is there a way where I can re-purchase the proper dvd and get a discount for having already bought the in-store version?


  • edited May 2010
    Telltale has always stated that if you buy the game from them, you'll get a special dvd for just the cost of shipping.
    The bonus you get for buying a game at Telltale is the bonus content on the dvd, therefor this is not present on in-store dvd's.
    The in-store dvd's are handled by a different distributor, that distributor takes a part of the profit so Telltale actually gets less for each game you buy.
    That's why Telltale rewards it's costumers who are loyal enough to buy the game directly from them.

    Since the in-store dvd is handled by a different distributor, I think it's pretty hard to get a discount on the Telltale dvd, you could always ask at the customer support, though I think your chances are slim...
  • edited May 2010
    The DVD was released by JoeWood not TTG.

    The Commentary can also be downloaded as a podcast.
  • edited May 2010
    Joop wrote: »
    Telltale has always stated that if you buy the game from them, you'll get a special dvd for just the cost of shipping.
    The bonus you get for buying a game at Telltale is the bonus content on the dvd, therefor this is not present on in-store dvd's.
    The in-store dvd's are handled by a different distributor, that distributor takes a part of the profit so Telltale actually gets less for each game you buy.
    That's why Telltale rewards it's costumers who are loyal enough to buy the game directly from them.

    Since the in-store dvd is handled by a different distributor, I think it's pretty hard to get a discount on the Telltale dvd, you could always ask at the customer support, though I think your chances are slim...

    I really wish the contents of your post was prominently displayed somewhere on the telltale site. In my opinion, a lot of customers see the DVD-version as exactly that: the DVD-version. Your posts clarifies matters. Hope this will help others who also might be confused.
  • edited May 2010
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    The DVD was released by JoeWood not TTG.

    The Commentary can also be downloaded as a podcast.

    Awesome! Thanks for the link.
  • edited May 2010
    223thatsme wrote: »
    Awesome! Thanks for the link.

    Check out this site too:
  • edited May 2010
    I would have thought that the fact TTG refers to the DVD sold from here as a "collectors edition" would have adequately have implied that it would contain more than the standard retail version.
  • edited May 2010
    S@bre wrote: »
    I would have thought that the fact TTG refers to the DVD sold from here as a "collectors edition" would have adequately have implied that it would contain more than the standard retail version.

    Unless they're talking about Wallace and Gromit, which is of LESS quality than the retail release.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2010
    I really wish the contents of your post was prominently displayed somewhere on the telltale site.

    The differences between the two versions were displayed more prominently on the site back in 2007, when Season One first came out. Also you have to understand that it wouldn't be good for publishing relationships if Telltale made a big deal about one version being "better" than the other on their website. The content is different, and the intended audience is a little different, too. (We also tried to make it clear on the Season One retail packaging which bonuses were included in that release, to avoid confusion. It was the first time anyone had dealt with this type of situation -- an episodic series coming out on DVD and in multiple formats -- and we did the best we could to do a not-lame job of it!)

    All that being said, I'm sorry you didn't get what you thought you were getting. :( I hope you're able to hear the commentaries via the links that others have posted here.
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